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I am so impressed with this win.

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That was one amazing performance. First kudos to Chain Gailey and Co. You totally out coached that clown Haley.


I was totally impressed with our offensive line...wow. Fred Jackson you played your ass off. What a game! Our WR corps look better WITHOUT EVANS. Fitzy throwing bullets throw tight windows...timing routes...wow..impressed. Something Evans NEVER did.


HOW ABOUT OUR TACKLING! Scott at safety, Barnett at LB, Byrd made some nice tackles...holy crap our defensive tackling was awesome. Dareus, Williams you guys are the bomb! Our run defense looks improved. Special teams was solid like last year.


Keep this up guys!


We beat you up when you play bad but when you play good all the credit to you! Congratulations on this most epic win! Actually I find this win more dominate than most 90's bills games. Hey they couldn't beat the Chiefs when not the home team!


Again congrats! Keep this up!

Edited by BuffaloBillsForever
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