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Kirk Morrison on Brian Kenny Show

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Just wanted to share that I heard Kirk Morrison on the Brian Kenny Show last night on ESPN Radio. They didn't talk about a lot. He was asked to reflect on the Tony Gonzalez tweet and the Lance Briggs contract situation. As far as pertaining to the Bills he said he had other options and decided to come to Buffalo because he loved the small market feel and that "lights out" recruiting from Merriman really influenced his decision. Also, he stated that what he loves most about the team is that he can walk into the locker room and no one has an ego. Everyone has a role and knows their part and that they all get along like a family. Also, after listening to him talk he can actually form sentences and sounds intelligent. Maybe that doesn't matter much, but I always hate interviews when the person can't even pronounce words and string thoughts together. Anyway, he sounds like a standup guy, and I'll be looking forward to watching him this year.

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One of the things I really like about Gailey and Nix is pretty much everyone they brought in is a certain kind of player, and that includes very smart, and very tough, and usually a leader. It eliminates a lot of players that fans may scream for us to bring in and sign or at least look at, but this is what they mean by building a team that can last. By next year, almost everyone on the team will be like this, and it could have a real positive effect on the team in the short, mid and long term. I really like that about them. It also explains why it may take a little longer, because they are not interested in quick fixes, for the most part.

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Just wanted to share that I heard Kirk Morrison on the Brian Kenny Show last night on ESPN Radio. They didn't talk about a lot. He was asked to reflect on the Tony Gonzalez tweet and the Lance Briggs contract situation. As far as pertaining to the Bills he said he had other options and decided to come to Buffalo because he loved the small market feel and that "lights out" recruiting from Merriman really influenced his decision. Also, he stated that what he loves most about the team is that he can walk into the locker room and no one has an ego. Everyone has a role and knows their part and that they all get along like a family. Also, after listening to him talk he can actually form sentences and sounds intelligent. Maybe that doesn't matter much, but I always hate interviews when the person can't even pronounce words and string thoughts together. Anyway, he sounds like a standup guy, and I'll be looking forward to watching him this year.

Wow an NFL Player that actually went to class, other than our QB that is.

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From Ruthless People... "This could very well be the stupidest person on the face of the earth".


Yet, he is getting paid millions while you are on a message board criticizing his intelligence. But obviously, everyone who posts on a message board looks like Brad Pitt and speaks like Abraham Lincoln. Stay classy.

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Yet, he is getting paid millions while you are on a message board criticizing his intelligence. But obviously, everyone who posts on a message board looks like Brad Pitt and speaks like Abraham Lincoln. Stay classy.


The reason McKelvin's intelligence is always brought up is that he plays like he speaks. If he produced on the field and couldn't put 3 words together it would be fine to most fans. However the fact that he gets burned, looks lost at times, and just plays like a bonehead on most snaps (and kick returns) and THEN you see him in an interview, you get the reaction most of us have.

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