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Here are some quotes from Hoffa's speech who may have missed it


"President Obama, this is your army, we are ready to march," let's take these son-of-a-bitches out and give America back to an America where we belong."


Seriously how do these thugs get away with this crap? why is the media not all over him


I swear if I hear one more idiot liberal call the tea party "extremists" or "radical" again they will have instantly demonstrated how stupid and clueless they really are.

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Here are some quotes from Hoffa's speech who may have missed it


"President Obama, this is your army, we are ready to march," let's take these son-of-a-bitches out and give America back to an America where we belong."


Seriously how do these thugs get away with this crap? why is the media not all over him


I swear if I hear one more idiot liberal call the tea party "extremists" or "radical" again they will have instantly demonstrated how stupid and clueless they really are.



The liberals attempt to demonize the Tea Party because they are afraid of it. They continually try to put labels on the people associated with the Tea Party. Liberals are always stretching the truth or outright lying about conservatives. Check this link out.




I saw this on the nightly news. The head was totally cropped out and they went on to discuss white supremacy groups. Damn if I can find a clip of it anywhere now.


Regardless, the true Tea Party people want fiscal conservatism, a strong military and less government intrusion. Therefore, in a liberals eyes they are racists, terrorists, barbarians, extremists, holy rollers and sons a bitches.

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Would love to see the mainstream media reaction to a "liberals and Obama must die shooting game"

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Here are some quotes from Hoffa's speech who may have missed it


"President Obama, this is your army, we are ready to march," let's take these son-of-a-bitches out and give America back to an America where we belong."


Seriously how do these thugs get away with this crap? why is the media not all over him


I swear if I hear one more idiot liberal call the tea party "extremists" or "radical" again they will have instantly demonstrated how stupid and clueless they really are.


Hmm. I can see what you are saying, and it makes Obama look silly, again...


But, honestly, all goofing aside? I am not too worried about an army of fat, lazy, ignorant people, and I doubt the TEA party is either.. The only thing they really can do is vote. But we already knew that. I don't expect massive funds/ground game to come out of these people. Even if they produce some...the TEA party will produce much more.

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Are there any crosshairs on a map?


Because that encourages people to go out and shoot public figures

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This does remind me of a strategy I am beginning to see take place. Has anyone noticed that the CBC is now absolutely unequivocally beginning a vile class warfare campaign. Without a doubt it is a coordinated effort in attempt to mobilize the African American base. Obviously they have seen the presidents approval rating fall from a 91-92% clip down ten points to the low 80's. So you have Maxine, and two others come out with the most divisive comments yet.


A terrible brand of politics, and everyone including liberals should be against this sort rhetoric.

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