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Netflix Takes Another Hit


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I was an early adopter of Netflix and loved their business model of mail-in movie rentals for a flat fee. I also liked their quick turnaround time. Then they started streaming and I embraced it enthusiastically. But then they started chipping away at the fun:

- Deleted the community feature which allowed us to look at friends ratings and reviews

- Delayed new releases by 30 days: part of the 'deal' with the studios was to have more streaming content. Well, streaming content did not change by much and is fairly limited in 'good' movie content

- Increased prices (even before this latest round, prices went up by ~ $2 fairly recently)

- This latest outrageous price increase

- Lost Starz


I have downgraded to streaming only. Using Redbox+ local Family Video for DVD/BD movie watching


Yep, those are some of the same points I made to them when I called up to file a complaint. If they are going to take away new releases for 30 days, then for fux sake give us something back of equal or greater value in return. I see some nice titles on the instant list from time to time, but for someone like me who is a new release whore, this whole deal really screwed up my movie watching.


I give them credit for getting me hooked on the awesomeness of streaming, but it had the side effect of pushing me into Amazon's and Vudu's loving arms lol

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Yep, those are some of the same points I made to them when I called up to file a complaint. If they are going to take away new releases for 30 days, then for fux sake give us something back of equal or greater value in return. I see some nice titles on the instant list from time to time, but for someone like me who is a new release whore, this whole deal really screwed up my movie watching.


I give them credit for getting me hooked on the awesomeness of streaming, but it had the side effect of pushing me into Amazon's and Vudu's loving arms lol



In all fairness, the only thing on that list that can be determined as solely a "Netflix" decision is the removal of the community feature. Everything else comes with doing business. My monthly cost is still well under $20, and I get my $20 worth, so I cant complain about pricing yet.


We'll see how it goes from here...

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In all fairness, the only thing on that list that can be determined as solely a "Netflix" decision is the removal of the community feature. Everything else comes with doing business. My monthly cost is still well under $20, and I get my $20 worth, so I cant complain about pricing yet.


We'll see how it goes from here...


I honestly don't care much about pricing either, to be honest. They woudl have to charge me a LOT more than they do in order for it to not be a good value. I just don't like having to go to multiple places to meet my viewing needs. I'm glad I HAVE those places to go to, but I literally didn't set foot in a video store or utilize any other movie viewing service aside from Netflix for over 9 years. If they were restricted from doing so d/t business agreements, then I guess it's out of their hands, but I would have much rather they incorporated an on-demand service for new releases instead of just taking that option away. Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of other films in my queue to rent and watch, but I do enjoy getting a new release or two each week since I don't get to the theater as much anymore.

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In all fairness, the only thing on that list that can be determined as solely a "Netflix" decision is the removal of the community feature. Everything else comes with doing business. My monthly cost is still well under $20, and I get my $20 worth, so I cant complain about pricing yet.


We'll see how it goes from here...

I don't buy that 'victim' card that Netflix plays. It is the big bad studios ! Fair enough that some of the studios pressured Netflix but there are a few things:

- Netflix had built up a lot of power so they could have called the studios' bluff and negotiated harder. It is about the content and delivery. The studios could not have delivered the content any more efficiently than what Netflix was doing. JOintly, they could have changed the game by giving users a decidedly different way of consuming movies - offer $1 for early watching, stream faster in full HD video and sound etc. But instead they took away the convenience without adding any features. Consumers are most slighted when they are forced to give up something without getting anything in return (same thought as ajzepp's)

- Netflix has done nothing new lately to attract new customers or retain their existing base. They could have said new customers would pay 60% more but we need to raise existing customers' price by say 20% but we will bring more acclaimed classics and newer movies online faster. I would have been okay with that price increase.

- Heck, here is another idea. We watch Indian movies and original ones are very difficult to come by. Netflix started stocking many of them and some even on instant streaming. But there was a lot of activity last year and suddently the progress slowed significantly. I wouldn't mind if they (like the cable networks), added a 'Bollywood Tier' and charged me $5 per month while adding new movies faster

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  • 2 weeks later...

Update: Netflix continues to slide


You can only screw around with customers for so long before you start spiraling downwards


"Netflix added that it realizes the move “has upset many of our subscribers,” but that “this split will help us make our services better for subscribers and shareholders for years to come.”


NFLX this morning is down $29.05, or 13.9%, to $179.66."

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Update: Netflix continues to slide


You can only screw around with customers for so long before you start spiraling downwards


"Netflix added that it realizes the move “has upset many of our subscribers,” but that “this split will help us make our services better for subscribers and shareholders for years to come.”


NFLX this morning is down $29.05, or 13.9%, to $179.66."





"I am really sorry I was a greedy a-hole, please come back, I like being rich"...

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More like:


"I'm sorry you think I'm a greedy *. I'm not changing a damn thing of what made you leave, but please come back, I like being rich."

Received an email from Netflix CEO today saying basically:

"I am sorry, I screwed up and am trying to make things better. So, we are renaming our mail service qwikster. Hope you will enjoy the two names and two different websites which shows I am responding in ways that don't make a damn difference to our customers."

Edited by Fan in Chicago
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Received an email from Netflix CEO today saying basically:

"I am sorry, I screwed up and am trying to make things better. So, we are renaming our mail service qwikster. Hope you will enjoy the two names and two different websites which shows I am responding in ways that don't make a damn difference to our customers."


I have never seen anyone blow it this badly. When they made the switch and raised rates people were extra pissed off that it was poorly communicated and spun as a good thing when it clearly wasn't. So a million people left, the stock fell 16% in a day and I get the e-mail this morning. It starts off with the CEO admitting he screwed up, but then proceeds to tell me the solution is to split things up and change the name. It'll also mean that I have to go to 2 different sites that will not be connected to each other for managing queues, ratings, etc. - a real pain, but the CEO again tells me this is all a good thing. Really? A friggin name change and 2 sites for me to manage is your apology and solution? Glad you didn't go into medicine with solutions like that ("he was having a heart attack so we felt it was appropriate to apply leaches to his forehead - it will do amazing things for his complexion").


Tip for the Netflix/Quickster senior management - the next time you get the urge to communicate a bad idea to your entire customer base via e-mail and spin it as a good thing, DON'T - shut your damn pie hole before you lose another million subscribers. You seriously have to wonder about any company that got burned sending and spinning an e-mail to their customers "apologizing" to those customers by sending and spinning another e-mail - insanity..

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I have never seen anyone blow it this badly. When they made the switch and raised rates people were extra pissed off that it was poorly communicated and spun as a good thing when it clearly wasn't. So a million people left, the stock fell 16% in a day and I get the e-mail this morning. It starts off with the CEO admitting he screwed up, but then proceeds to tell me the solution is to split things up and change the name. It'll also mean that I have to go to 2 different sites that will not be connected to each other for managing queues, ratings, etc. - a real pain, but the CEO again tells me this is all a good thing. Really? A friggin name change and 2 sites for me to manage is your apology and solution? Glad you didn't go into medicine with solutions like that ("he was having a heart attack so we felt it was appropriate to apply leaches to his forehead - it will do amazing things for his complexion").


Tip for the Netflix/Quickster senior management - the next time you get the urge to communicate a bad idea to your entire customer base via e-mail and spin it as a good thing, DON'T - shut your damn pie hole before you lose another million subscribers. You seriously have to wonder about any company that got burned sending and spinning an e-mail to their customers "apologizing" to those customers by sending and spinning another e-mail - insanity..


I heard that this morning and laughed. "Hey, we screwed up, so we're going to split the company but not change anything except make things shittier for our customers." What the hell kind of brand management is this? Did Netflix undergo a management change recently, because no one this incompetent could have built such a successful brand to begin with.

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I heard that this morning and laughed. "Hey, we screwed up, so we're going to split the company but not change anything except make things shittier for our customers." What the hell kind of brand management is this? Did Netflix undergo a management change recently, because no one this incompetent could have built such a successful brand to begin with.



To top it all off I just read that they failed to secure the Twitter handle "@Qwikster" - the guy that owns that evidently like to send tweets with select 4-letter words and his avatar is Elmo smoking a joint - man, the marketing department at Netflix/Qwikster sure is on top of things, huh? Thank God Osama Bin Laden is dead or they'd probably be signing him up as a spokesperson - "hey, he's got name recognition through the roof!".

Edited by The Avenger
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I heard that this morning and laughed. "Hey, we screwed up, so we're going to split the company but not change anything except make things shittier for our customers." What the hell kind of brand management is this? Did Netflix undergo a management change recently, because no one this incompetent could have built such a successful brand to begin with.


This actually is very ironic for me. I remember a LONG time ago...at least five years probably...20/20 or some similar show had a segment on Netflix and they were interviewing Reed Hastings, CEO. Toward the end of it, he got really uneasy and said something like, "I've been in this position before where we built a successful business, but then we just made the wrong decisions and it all came crashing down...I just hope I'm smart enough to not let that happen again". SOMETHING along those lines...and it's been in the back of my mind ever since I saw it.


Thanks for screwing up the best value (by far) for our entertainment dollar in the HISTORY of entertainment...moron!


EDIT: Here is the link. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2006/12/01/60minutes/main2222059.shtml It's not QUITE as I remember it, but here is the line that stuck with me:


"I definitely struggled as CEO," he acknowledges. "Now, we became one of the 50 largest software companies on the planet, but I definitely struggled."

Edited by Just Jack
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To top it all off I just read that they failed to secure the Twitter handle "@Qwikster" - the guy that owns that evidently like to send tweets with select 4-letter words and his avatar is Elmo smoking a joint - man, the marketing department at Netflix/Qwikster sure is on top of things, huh? Thank God Osama Bin Laden is dead or they'd probably be signing him up as a spokesperson - "hey, he's got name recognition through the roof!".




I used to work for a start-up where marketing spent $100k (a significant chunk of the angel funding) coming up with a new logo. They ended up with - a friggin' stick figure, blue with an orange head. For $100k. :wallbash:


Must be the same marketing people.

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To top it all off I just read that they failed to secure the Twitter handle "@Qwikster" - the guy that owns that evidently like to send tweets with select 4-letter words and his avatar is Elmo smoking a joint - man, the marketing department at Netflix/Qwikster sure is on top of things, huh? Thank God Osama Bin Laden is dead or they'd probably be signing him up as a spokesperson - "hey, he's got name recognition through the roof!".


The @Qwikster handle now has close to 5k followers. I was talking this over with a woman in our Marketing department that runs our Twitter feed. She was dying laughing as I told her what a cluster they made of this whole thing. That is Marketing 101 and a simple Google search would have prevented this as there are tons of ways to misspell quick. Incidentally, evidently they did not get the domain names for any of the ways to misspell it for redirects. Yet more incompetence. SMH

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This is amazing, here is a company actually trying to stay competitive in the business and trying to get out infront of everything and they get massaquered for being visionairy. If anything Netflix did this for good PR, this is some great free advertising!


@Qwikster, is that you? :unsure:

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@Qwikster has 9,782 followers now.


And with such awesome tweets as this, "About to go eat cuz I haven't ate all day wonder wat iLl make lls ima make tacos lls#thumbsup" is it any wonder?


He changed his avatar though. :thumbdown:

This development is bloody hilarious and I am enjoying every minute of Netflix's squirming. Apparently (I am not a twitter user), selling a twitter handle is violation of the terms of service. So Netflix has to backpedal or change the name. What a faux pas. IMHO, Reed Hastings will be kicked out the door qwikly

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This development is bloody hilarious and I am enjoying every minute of Netflix's squirming. Apparently (I am not a twitter user), selling a twitter handle is violation of the terms of service. So Netflix has to backpedal or change the name. What a faux pas. IMHO, Reed Hastings will be kicked out the door qwikly


There's tons of companies that use something like "QwiksterTwitter" as their Twitter name, so I don't think that's really a big deal.


Plus, do you really think Twitter's going to care if Netflix buys Qwikster from the person who registered it?

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