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Black Panthers teaching little kids how to kill with a machete


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Dave, you need to rename that "White Panthers" then you need to post about other things for a good long time. Your individual posts are effective but the volume of your posts make you a one trick stallion. Think about making yourself a respected poster that actually has something to say rather that a target for the direct and alternate current posters from the only place on this continenet that isn't a state.

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Good. Kids have it too easy nowadays. Better than teaching them how to use guns. About time someone in this country started teaching our children the value of hard work and getting your hands dirty.



Tom, is this really you? Was bagging groceries so bad that you had to to carve your intials in to the ceilimg beam? I'm with you though, let's teach these kids something. I think gardening will get their hands the dirtiest before anything else.

Edited by 3rdnlng
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Tom, is this really you? Was bagging groceries so bad that you had to to carve your intials in to the ceilimg beam? I'm with you though, let's teach these kids something. I think gardening will get their hands the dirtiest before anything else.


:lol: Nice Shawshank reference.


You're still an idiot, though. See if you can figure out why.

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Good. Kids have it too easy nowadays. Better than teaching them how to use guns. About time someone in this country started teaching our children the value of hard work and getting your hands dirty.

If Klingons can take over Kirk's ship with medieval weaponry, there's no reason the Black Panthers can't do the same to America

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Is shawshank another name for machete? Like a shiv but only bigger?



The redemption part makes it pure though.


Looks like one of your alternate login persona's is getting uppity.


Better nip this one in the bud before he ends up like me


You have been sucked in by Dave in Norfolk's alternative login. After he let his identical twin Conner get banned he had to invent Dave so he could win an argument.

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