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and now for something completely different


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It is a neutered society. They put their trust in government and CCTV and have become the very thing Orwell tried to warn his countrymen about.


Same as Greece invited all sorts of immigrants in because the Greeks don't want to lift a finger, these places eventually rot at their core because of laziness and mortgaging every asset they have to continue a way of life that is unsustainable. Because not only do the citizens not want to be productive (and have no incentive to be productive because of the taxes), the immigrant workers also don't want to work and discovered how to become parasites on the extensive social welfare system. Then, when Cameron threatened to take their ice cream away with austerity measures because they're going broke, these people started looting and burning ****. And a lot of citizens there still don't see the problem because they're so close to it, nor still do they want to/have an incentive to lift a finger.

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It is a neutered society. They put their trust in government and CCTV and have become the very thing Orwell tried to warn his countrymen about.


Same as Greece invited all sorts of immigrants in because the Greeks don't want to lift a finger, these places eventually rot at their core because of laziness and mortgaging every asset they have to continue a way of life that is unsustainable. Because not only do the citizens not want to be productive (and have no incentive to be productive because of the taxes), the immigrant workers also don't want to work and discovered how to become parasites on the extensive social welfare system. Then, when Cameron threatened to take their ice cream away with austerity measures because they're going broke, these people started looting and burning ****. And a lot of citizens there still don't see the problem because they're so close to it, nor still do they want to/have an incentive to lift a finger.



I have an english friend who's been milking thesystem for FOUR YEARS. He was on unemployment for two, then when the government tried to take that away, he got a disability for depression. I told him if he was American h'ed have starved to death by now. He told me that was barbaric. :lol:


Buncha pantywaists on the other side of the Atlantic.

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Dave_In_Norfolk basing a post on proper understanding of economics?


Bishop Hedd thinking instead of wishing his way through a thread about the TEA party?


pBills not being in denial in every thread about unions?



Any of these would be completely different.

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