stuckincincy Posted December 20, 2004 Posted December 20, 2004 SDS said: is it too gangster looking??? I think I really like it.... 169119[/snapback] I like it. I like the construction and the style - I am sick of seeing the current, ubiquitous jelly-bean styling that is common these days. I worked in automotive for many years, so I am critical of construction, technology, market and so forth. One, I like RWD. With today's traction control, anti-lock brakes, and tire technology, snow travel is much better. And when push comes to shove in a slippery situation, much more controllable unless you are a road rally pro who applies more power to have a FWD "pull" you through. That's a rare skill. BECAUSE many cars are equipped with over-wide tires (FWD, RWD, 4WD alike) and in some cases, tire rubber compounding that defy wet and cold/snow weather traction (fat tires look cool, and sell cars), a 4 wheel set of rims and good snows can be useful if you like in especially inclement climes - rear or front wheel drive, btw. And front-wheel drive is NOT a bad-weather example, Toyota has a reputation of using tires with a rubber compounding that enhances tire wear and gasoline mileage, at the price of stevestojan snow and wet traction. It is spacious, and well-priced. I do note the low roofline (in automotive parlance, the glass and roof are collectively called the "greenhouse" - a styling term - and there are many of them; tumblehome and modesty are a few more), so be sure that outside visibility is suitable. With today's swoopy stiles for drag reduction reduction, many if not most vehicles have some deficiency here. That's what a test drive is for... Here's a good consumer site, that I have trusted for several years - I buy their printed info, too... Negotiate around the site - buying tips, alternative vehicles, etc.
CoachChuckDickerson Posted December 20, 2004 Posted December 20, 2004 LancasterSteve said: So true stay away from Chrysler. My wife got the PT Dream Cruiser and the extended warranty. They gave me such a hard time repairing a faulty ball joint at about 20 thou. Plus this POS gets damm awful gas mileage. Lease is up in March and we are dumping it. IM not going to go thru the hassle of fighting with these jokers everytime something under warrenty needs to be fixed. That wasn't the only problem we had, just the worst. This was our first and will be our last time dealing with Chrysler. 169198[/snapback] SDS, Get a Chrysler. My whole family buys Chrysler. Good vechiles. The 300 is a sharp car. I have a Durango, my wife has a PT Cruiser. Never a problem. The Cruiser gets great mileage. Like anything though, people will have good and bad things to say. I personally think Ford blows and would never drive one. Other folks may love them. The 300 has all wheel drive, a hemi, and has the ability to go from V-8 to V-4 for cruising on the highway for better mileage. Plus it just looks sweet. Chrysler is the only car company out there coming out with innovative designs. A 300 stands out in a crowd. Go buy a Taurus and see how many looks you get. ZERO.
DeeRay Posted December 20, 2004 Posted December 20, 2004 sure... go get it if you want piss away alot of $$$... chryslers are disposable somewhere between 15,000 and 35,000 miles...
Toledo Bill Posted December 20, 2004 Posted December 20, 2004 Thailog80 said: You asked. Seriously I am no fan of Chrysler at all. Ive had some friends who own Dodge/Chrysler (Not the 300) and have had nothing but problems and have had to fight Chrysler tooth and nail on the warranties. 169144[/snapback] I like the looks of it but concur with Thailog. I had a Chrysler Concorde LXI for the past four years and it was a definate POS. I made every maintenance schedule and still had numerous breakdowns, engine lights coming on all the time, needed all new injectors and sparkplugs, new air conditioning coil, noise in the front end which could never be fixed, etc... It was also a loud car as far as "road noise" I got a new car in October and will never go near a Chrysler again!
Surfmeister Posted December 20, 2004 Posted December 20, 2004 I almost got an M300 but I got the Maxima instead. Check the specs, the Maxima is smaller on the outside but offers more head/leg room on the inside. They both offer nice V6 engines standard. Since I'm so tall I went with the head room.
Alaska Darin Posted December 20, 2004 Posted December 20, 2004 Surfmeister said: I almost got an M300 but I got the Maxima instead. Check the specs, the Maxima is smaller on the outside but offers more head/leg room on the inside. They both offer nice V6 engines standard. Since I'm so tall I went with the head room. 169293[/snapback] Nice car.
MarkyMannn Posted December 20, 2004 Posted December 20, 2004 Stussy109 said: I'm and Acura/Honda fan.... American cars depreciate way too fast, and are notorious for problems 169197[/snapback] Do you have one of those Honda SUV's that start on fire when you change the oil? I love car threads, almost better than football ones. In my opinion the high cost of owning a car is not the repairs, but the depreciation. That's the killer. I don't believe there is enough difference in the repair costs to let that influence your decision. Especially if you keep it like 5 years, 50,000 miles. SDS, watch out for that "discount". My son works at a dealership, not in sales though. This past month I have my eye on a car there. He talks to the Sales Mgr who says "come on down, we have been working on a special price for you, as a family member". So I go there, he writes down this special price for me that no one else can get. I'm all excited!!! I go out to see the car and there is a sale price tag on it $400 lower than what they quoted me!!! WTF!!!!!!!! :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
erynthered Posted December 20, 2004 Posted December 20, 2004 Surfmeister said: Since I'm so tall I went with the head room. 169293[/snapback] Thats an important feature.
Garranimal Posted December 20, 2004 Posted December 20, 2004 SDS, buy it. I have a Dodge Dakota Quad Cab, a Chrysler Prowler, and a 300C with the Hemi and all have been excellent. In all honesty, the Dakota has been the best vehicle i have ever owned, hands down and that includes cars like a 94 porsche 3.6 turbo, Pontiac Firehawk, and Mustang Cobra. I actually think american automobiles are pretty decent in fit and finish. The 300 is powerful, rides nice and is very well put together. The prowler has been fairly problematic, but what do you expect from a hand built car that i never really about turning heads though.
HurlyBurly51 Posted December 20, 2004 Posted December 20, 2004 DeeRay said: sure... go get it if you want piss away alot of $$$... chryslers are disposable somewhere between 15,000 and 35,000 miles... 169233[/snapback] My Chrysler is at 115,00 and counting......
bocatony Posted December 21, 2004 Posted December 21, 2004 My wife has a 2000 and it runs great. Looks sharp and can move. Its roomy and she loves it. No problems at all
sweet baboo Posted December 21, 2004 Posted December 21, 2004 according to the Chrysler CEO "it's the shizzle" i believe that's enough reason to avoid the car Guest said: The New 300 is entiriely Mercedes Designed and engineered. The engine will run forever and it looks tight. The Chrysler of 2 years ago is not the "DAIMLER(MERCEDES) CHRYSLER" of today. They are the top domestic cars made today from a quality and luxury standpoint. GO FOR IT 169208[/snapback] as for mercedes engineering, well mercedes and VW put out the most lemon on the road these days...they're living off of the previous luxury reputation...the big 3 were thrilled last year when they found that their cars finally overtook the germans in reliability...still light years behind the japanese though see consumer reports regarding mercedes and chrysler reliability...extremely poor
Alaska Darin Posted December 21, 2004 Posted December 21, 2004 bocatony said: My wife has a 2000 and it runs great. Looks sharp and can move. Its roomy and she loves it. No problems at all 170098[/snapback] Not a 300M. Totally different car.
SDS Posted December 21, 2004 Author Posted December 21, 2004 collegeguy said: according to the Chrysler CEO "it's the shizzle" i believe that's enough reason to avoid the car as for mercedes engineering, well mercedes and VW put out the most lemon on the road these days...they're living off of the previous luxury reputation...the big 3 were thrilled last year when they found that their cars finally overtook the germans in reliability...still light years behind the japanese though see consumer reports regarding mercedes and chrysler reliability...extremely poor 170141[/snapback] I just got off the phone with my contact, whom I believe is an honest guy. He claims that the 300 is the finest car they have ever built in terms of quality. He readily admits to the problems of the past, but he claims they have come a long way the last 4 years at DC. He also said Mercedes is NOT putting out top of the line stuff, but that they used tried and true Mercedes components, such as E class rear suspension, in the 300. He's driving one himself and it just received Motor Trend's Car of the Year. My deal would be 4-5K off the sticker, which he says is 5% below cost. I assume he means dealer cost. He is hooking me up with a test vehicle from their MD HQ's for a few days... Anyhow, I hope American cars can reclaim the reliability ground and style from oversees competitors.
BillnutinHouston Posted December 21, 2004 Posted December 21, 2004 SDS said: I'm not an MAerican car person myslef169191[/snapback] I can't believe anyone would admit that, let alone freely type it! The guy must be the webmaster or something. So far, I've bought 5 cars in my life, all American cars/trucks, and I've never had a serious problem. I see no reason to buy foreign if I don't have to. But then again, I'm probably talking to a lot of Democrats who have no idea what I'm talking about. USA! USA!! USA!!!
jayg Posted December 21, 2004 Posted December 21, 2004 SDS said: I just got off the phone with my contact, whom I believe is an honest guy. He claims that the 300 is the finest car they have ever built in terms of quality. He readily admits to the problems of the past, but he claims they have come a long way the last 4 years at DC. He also said Mercedes is NOT putting out top of the line stuff, but that they used tried and true Mercedes components, such as E class rear suspension, in the 300. He's driving one himself and it just received Motor Trend's Car of the Year. My deal would be 4-5K off the sticker, which he says is 5% below cost. I assume he means dealer cost. He is hooking me up with a test vehicle from their MD HQ's for a few days... Anyhow, I hope American cars can reclaim the reliability ground and style from oversees competitors. 170165[/snapback] 6.1 Litre, 425 HP sounds delicious. The 2005 Vette has a 6 litre and 400HP but supposedly the new Z06 Vette will have a 454 and over 500 HP. Don't go with a V6!
Losman-McGahee-Evans Posted December 21, 2004 Posted December 21, 2004 SDS said: is it too gangster looking??? I think I really like it.... 169119[/snapback] I recently purchased a Dodge Magnum off ebay and I love it.
Guest Mario Andretti's Mom Posted December 21, 2004 Posted December 21, 2004 BuffaloDenny said: My Chrysler is at 115,00 and counting...... 169364[/snapback] My Chrysler is at 75,000. I put that many miles on in 4 years. Been all over the country. Beat the crap out of it. Runs great. My room mate's father has a 300, loves it.
KnightRider Posted December 21, 2004 Posted December 21, 2004 Thailog80 said: You asked. Seriously I am no fan of Chrysler at all. Ive had some friends who own Dodge/Chrysler (Not the 300) and have had nothing but problems and have had to fight Chrysler tooth and nail on the warranties. 169144[/snapback] Add me to the list of those who have had trouble with Chryslers. I will never buy one again... I never thought I would have a smile on my face after being in a head-on collision, but that was the only way I was able to get rid of my Dakota... I would recommend an Audi A6 if you are looking for a nice sedan. Bought a 2001 with the 2.7T engine in it in September. Really nice...
Guest Mario Andretti's Mom Posted December 21, 2004 Posted December 21, 2004 KnightRider said: Add me to the list of those who have had trouble with Chryslers. I will never buy one again... I never thought I would have a smile on my face after being in a head-on collision, but that was the only way I was able to get rid of my Dakota... I would recommend an Audi A6 if you are looking for a nice sedan. Bought a 2001 with the 2.7T engine in it in September. Really nice... 170210[/snapback] the fact that he had a head on collision and was still able to have a smile on his face tells enough about the Chrysler's safety standards....
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