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OT It's cold here

Mile High

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It's -17 here in Lake Placid today.  What's the weather like where you are?



Here in Albany it's 0 but -12 with windchill. I see you guys have -31 with w/c. It's one of the things I don't miss from when I lived in Saranac Lake.



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It snowed last night here in Richmond, VA...very unusual for December. Only about an inch but preceded by ice and the original forecast was for a "chance of flurries". As of this post it's sunny and 17 degrees...projected high was only 30.

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Here in Albany it's 0 but -12 with windchill.  I see you guys have -31 with w/c.  It's one of the things I don't miss from when I lived in Saranac Lake. 




Yeah it's a benefit of living here.... :D The thermometer says it's negative whatever but it's always about 20 degrees colder when the wind blows up here.

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Crazy I'm sitting here looking out the window and with the windchill facter it's like -35 and there are actually people walking down the side walk without gloves and hats on.  Smart real fuggin smart.




These Adirondackers are made of tough stuff. Crazy... but tough. :D

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Crazy I'm sitting here looking out the window and with the windchill facter it's like -35 and there are actually people walking down the side walk without gloves and hats on.  Smart real fuggin smart.


That's nothing. I've been in Fairbanks when it's -50 and there are people walking around in T-shirts and jeans. Friggin' whack jobs.

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