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10 year old transgender


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well the story is from the huffington post so i'm sure it's trash. But on that topic I never bought into the kids transgendered issue until I watched a documentary on a couple kids in the 8-12 range that were so distraught with themselves over their gender they had severe social issues even to the point of attempted suicide.


Taken for what it's worth assuming there was no sick demented parents influencing the situation but only had the kids best interests in mind then it is a real issue and not fabricated because what 8-10 year old would know any better unless it was either real or created by the parent.


Either way it's a very difficult topic I'm not sure how I would feel or handle it if that was my kids.

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Wow - I figured this was a super isolated case. No idea there would be enough of these to make a doc out of it. I was thinking the same thing - what 10 year old would know any better?


The kind whose idiot parents make a big production out of kids' natural curiosity. Absolutely ridiculous.


Little kids go through an 'I want to be a girl/boy' stage all the time. Fortunately for most of them no one 'validates their feelings' by taking them to a sex change doc.

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There is a couple in the Toronto area that have decided to keep their children "gender neutral" and gave them non-gender specific names and let them dress themselves however they want so they will not be subject to being influenced by their sex and what society says they should be/do. They are the only ones that know the true sex of their children.


We are a society that has to make everything into either a sickness/disease, or claim it is something we are born with. Your 3 year old can't/won't sit still? The have ADD. Your feeling blue today? you suffer from depression. Not saying there aren't people that really have these issues, but diagnosis are thrown around way too much giving people theses ilnesses. Your little boy likes playing dress up and wear pink, he must be a girl trapped in a boys body!

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