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What happened to Obama's call for civil discourse?

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Diversity and civility only apply when it fits the liberal agenda. When Conservatism is an alternate viewpoint it is no loger considered acceptable and total douchebagery towards said viewpoint is allowable without condemnation. But don't try that in reverse to insult liberals or your a racist terrorist religious zealot mis-informed extremist, but I digress.



oh and for the record I have not watched your video, just a rambling tirade on a double standard

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Tea Partier Herman Cain, especially, wants blacks to "hang from trees." <_<


These congresscritters can make statements like these with ease because they know for sure they'll get re-elected no matter what they say or do. How do they know this? William Jefferson, Charlie Rangel, Maxine Waters.... As long as they're black and keep the federal dole rolling in, they can say and do no wrong.

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