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question - are they going to extend Fitzpatrick?

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At the end of the season he'll be a free agent. The Bills won't franchise him, and if he has a pretty good season this year, there will be about ten times with QB problems who will be lining up to sign him. That wasn't the case with Jauron.

I strongly believe that the Bills should wait until after the season to make a decision on Fitz. The Bills right now are in a perfect situation with regards to Fitz.


He is entering his first year ever as a full-time starter in a contract year, making him highly motivated to succeed. There's little benefit to extending him now. As a previous poster said, no need to act prematurely, as the team did with Jauron.

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Fitz totally strikes me as a guy who could groom a young QB....as long as he has the security of a new deal and knows he is the guy


I dont see a lot of ego in Ryan...he is a lunchpail team first type guy and has always been.....I know that there was some talk in this draft when Fitz might have been worried that we might draft a 1st round QB...but I dont think that is the case if he gets a new deal.

Exactly, John - Fitz will be 29 in Nov., he'll turn 30 next season. A guy like USC's Matt Barkley will be 21 at camp next season - no threat to Fitz at all, really. Extending Fitz 2-3 years and having a kid like Barkley as his 'understudy' is a perfect Bills QB scenario.

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Fitz totally strikes me as a guy who could groom a young QB....as long as he has the security of a new deal and knows he is the guy


I dont see a lot of ego in Ryan...he is a lunchpail team first type guy and has always been.....I know that there was some talk in this draft when Fitz might have been worried that we might draft a 1st round QB...but I dont think that is the case if he gets a new deal.


And Thigpen might have had some bad throws but man those recievers were dropping a lot of balls to.....

I don't see any 29 year old who is solidifying his role as a team's starter spending a lot of time grooming his replacement. There isn't much precedent for it.

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I strongly believe that the Bills should wait until after the season to make a decision on Fitz. The Bills right now are in a perfect situation with regards to Fitz.


He is entering his first year ever as a full-time starter in a contract year, making him highly motivated to succeed. There's little benefit to extending him now. As a previous poster said, no need to act prematurely, as the team did with Jauron.



SO you dont think that if Fitz has a great year there wont be teams lining up to throw ridiculous money at him that need a QB? We gotta avoid that if we can.


I don't see any 29 year old who is solidifying his role as a team's starter spending a lot of time grooming his replacement. There isn't much precedent for it.



I guess it depends on what your definition of "groom" means....when I think of a starter/rookie relationship the rook is holding the clip board but is around the the starter quite a bit and they form a bit of a relationship....the starer (Fitz) understands that injuries happen and wants to make sure his understudy is prepared


As opposed to a situation where the starter is intimidated by the rookie and afraid of losing his job....if Fitz is secure in a new contract I think it will be the former.


It is not Fitz job to "train" a rookie QB that is why you have coaches.....but just the ability for a young QB to watch a good pro and pick his brain in certain situations.....see how he handles success and failures.....how he interacts with his OL....his recievers.....be in the film room soaking up info when the team breaks down game tape etc etc etc....


That is my definition of "grooming" a QB

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I strongly believe that the Bills should wait until after the season to make a decision on Fitz. The Bills right now are in a perfect situation with regards to Fitz.


He is entering his first year ever as a full-time starter in a contract year, making him highly motivated to succeed. There's little benefit to extending him now. As a previous poster said, no need to act prematurely, as the team did with Jauron.

If he plays well, there's a strong chance he'll be gone. The Bills won't franchise him given the average salary of the top five QBs. No way that happens. Why not spend the money and take a chance?

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I wonder. I hope they do. My unsubstantiated worry is that they'll draft a qb #1 next year and use Thigpen as the bridge. I would love being wrong about this. Fitz is a good player and I'd like him to stay. I haven't heard anything about an extension, and I doubt anything happens after the season starts -- which is two weeks from today. It might (see Lee Evans), but many players put off contract talks until after the season.


They will extend him regardless and if he plays great then it will be a big contract if not an average one. No way they let Thiggy bridge the gap to our franchise QB of the future. I hope Fitz does awesome so we can upgrade the O-line which looked good last night but we need a great line to have a great offense.


No matter if we draft a QB in rounds one or two (think USC's Matt Barkley)- Fitz will still be the starter for at least the next 2 seasons so, yeah, they're gonna extend his contract.


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