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I seriously don't understand you guys who are bashing the unis...aside from when they wore the throwbacks the last few years, this is by far the best they've looked in a very long time. Just seeing them come out and line up for the kickoff in those unis today was a thing of beauty...they got the unis right on, IMO.

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...God, but they remind me of the '70's teams that were sooo bad for sooo long. :thumbdown: :thumbdown: :thumbdown:


At least the red helmies represent our Super Bowl years and have a little glory behind them. Seen the roadies and now the "homeies". Negatory for me.



The whole new look is superior than anything in years. If only they could have some grass stains and mud the look would be complete. Maybe in Miami*. They look like they came to play football, as opposed to the footie superman pajamas they've been donning at home the last 10 years. My god, they were awful and the teams who played in 'em have been terrible. Good riddance to indigo blues.


*Random thought while watching 'fins last week: Is that the only stadium (Miami) that still has a baseball infield track in place until November?


...God, but they remind me of the '70's teams that were sooo bad for sooo long. :thumbdown: :thumbdown: :thumbdown:


At least the red helmies represent our Super Bowl years and have a little glory behind them. Seen the roadies and now the "homeies". Negatory for me.

i absolutely love these new old helmets...i think the unis r so classy looking.......it puts us up there with the colts/bears as having the coolest unis:-)

Posted (edited)

...God, but they remind me of the '70's teams that were sooo bad for sooo long. :thumbdown: :thumbdown: :thumbdown:


At least the red helmies represent our Super Bowl years and have a little glory behind them. Seen the roadies and now the "homeies". Negatory for me.


Funny, they remind me of the Chuck Knox era team that ended the 0-for the1970s streak against the dolphins and won division titles. Fergy, Cribbs, Butler, Frank Lewis, Dobler, Haslett, Sherman White, Ben Williams, Smerlas ... Damn, that was a fun team to watch!

Edited by indiragandhi'sthong

Funny, they remind me of the Chuck Knox era team that ended the 0-for the1970s streak against the dolphins and won division titles. Fergy, Cribbs, Butler, Frank Lewis, Dobler, Haslett, Sherman White, Ben Williams, Smerlas ... Damn, that was a fun team to watch!



Could be wrong, but I think most older fans (35+) love the "new" uniforms, and the younger fans are not as enthusiastic? I was born in 1965, and my earliest Bills memories revolve around the 1972 season (I was 7) when Dennis Shaw was our QB. I remember it, cuz my name is Dennis, and, somehow, being a dumb kid, I was convinced that I was named after Shaw, as the name Dennis had no family significance, and the 6 siblings born before me, all had names that began with "K". Even wrote the name "Dennis Shaw" on the back of my Buffalo Bills pajama top.


That said, I remember being a little bummed when they swithced from the standing Buffalo, to the charging Buffalo...but it was the Knox years that, for me, being too young to remember the great 60's AFL teams, really captured my imagination. We got season tickets in 1979, and in 1980 and 1981, I experienced the joy, for the first time, of feeling like the Bills had a legitimate chance to win a Super Bowl...so, I am partial to these helmets, and to the Knox era teams...those were really fun years. I got over the standing Buffalo vs charging Buffalo thing...but I never liked the red helmets better than the white...the helmet/logo combo they have now, is the best, to me. The Buffalo just stands out so much more than it did on the red helmet (I used to cut meat for a living, and I swore, sometimes, the logo on the red helmet looked like a T-bone steak!), and I like the blue streak better than the standing Buffalo...but I am good with either...


Hate the White helmets, always thought the red were distinctive and sharp.



Agreed! though I do like the throwbacks white with the red standing buffalo.


White is just, so, plain, blah. I like having color. I liked the red helmets but not the unis


The charging buffalo on white just doesn't do it for me, although I like the unis.

Posted (edited)

...God, but they remind me of the '70's teams that were sooo bad for sooo long. :thumbdown: :thumbdown: :thumbdown:


At least the red helmies represent our Super Bowl years and have a little glory behind them. Seen the roadies and now the "homeies". Negatory for me.

They remind me of the 74-75 teams and the 80-81 teams. Love the white helmets. Never should have gone red.

Edited by nucci

*Random thought while watching 'fins last week: Is that the only stadium (Miami) that still has a baseball infield track in place until November?


I'm pretty sure Oakland still does too. It's gotta hurt to get tackled on infield dirt.


New helmet (and uniforms) are a HUGE upgrade. I still like the standing Buffalo better but I think they found a classic look that they can keep for at least a few decades.


I'm pretty sure Oakland still does too. It's gotta hurt to get tackled on infield dirt.



The Giants and 49ers still play at Candlestick, no?


...God, but they remind me of the '70's teams that were sooo bad for sooo long. :thumbdown: :thumbdown: :thumbdown:


At least the red helmies represent our Super Bowl years and have a little glory behind them. Seen the roadies and now the "homeies". Negatory for me.

Sure did look good when Stevie was blasting through the end zone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I Like em'


The Giants and 49ers still play at Candlestick, no?


Niners are still at the Stick. Giants play in the new Pac Bell park or whatever it's called now.


they are deff better than the red helmets and they look really nice with the new jerseys. but it would still be great to go back to the standing buffalo helmet kinda do it how the sabres did it, take the old school and make it modern


I always thought the charging buffalo stands out much better on the white helmets. Love the standing buffalo best of all and I am over 35 (41) also...

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