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Was Jerry Gray being held back?

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Just a thought. We have virtually the same defensive players as last year. And while the defense was good last year, they are beasts this year. Not sure if it is more time together, etc, but I think it is because Jerry Gray can finally game plan and call plays without looking over his shoulder.

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I think this is a distinct possibility, however, it is only that: a possibility. Gray may have just matured as a coach and learned enough at this point to step his game up a little. Perhaps he's just gained the confidence in our D to call things that before this year would have gone uncalled.


For example, I noticed yesterday on an early sack that we stunted every lineman and blitzed 2 guys. This is the type of exotic blitzing that you always see teams like New England(gasp!) do, but never seemed liek we were doing it. If anyone doesnt know what i mean, do you recall last year watching other teams D-lineman just scrambling all over the place whiole blitzers ran in unimpeded. Well, thats what it looks like we're doing now.......and I love it!

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I think it has to do with a lot of things. The players are really gelling in the system. McGee and Vincent are more balhawks than their predecessors. Kelsay has helped the DL a lot. Fat Sam is having a monster year even on pass rush. But most importantly, the special teams is scoring and/or giving great field position, and the offense is scoring or moving the ball, and when you play with great field position and play with the lead, or the ability to score, it allows you to do SO many more things defensively. Last year, I truly believe that the defense was scared to really go after it because if they gave up more than one big play they couldnt trust the offense to score ten points.

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I remember Grey saying that he wanted to be more aggressive with his players but was  held back by GW.



I also remember hearing that. I also think Gray wanted to play Kelsay last year over Denney but GW overrid him. Whatever, this defense is fun to watch.

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I think this is a distinct possibility, however, it is only that:  a possibility.  Gray may have just matured as a coach and learned enough at this point to step his game up a little.  Perhaps he's just gained the confidence in our D to call things that before this year would have gone uncalled.


For example, I noticed yesterday on an early sack that we stunted every lineman and blitzed 2 guys.  This is the type of exotic blitzing that you always see teams like New England(gasp!) do, but never seemed liek we were doing it.  If anyone doesnt know what i mean, do you recall last year watching other teams D-lineman just scrambling all over the place whiole blitzers ran in unimpeded.  Well, thats what it looks like we're doing now.......and I love it!



Honestly, I think that JG would have done more of this the past few years but it was basically GW's defense and JG was probably looking over his shoulder. Especially last year when the Bills brought in DL to help out with the D, which meant that JG wasn't the sole designer of the D. It's his D now and we are seeing the rewards from that. It also helps to have playmakers on both corners and safeties now instead of just one at corner and one at safety. I love seeing the stunts upfront which obviously creates confusion. This D is loaded and I wouldn't be surprised to see them really peek against the Steelers in two weeks.

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I think it has to do with a lot of things. The players are really gelling in the system. McGee and Vincent are more balhawks than their predecessors. Kelsay has helped the DL a lot. Fat Sam is having a monster year even on pass rush. But most importantly, the special teams is scoring and/or giving great field position, and the offense is scoring or moving the ball, and when you play with great field position and play with the lead, or the ability to score, it allows you to do SO many more things defensively. Last year, I truly believe that the defense was scared to really go after it because if they gave up more than one big play they couldnt trust the offense to score ten points.



I'd argue that he was held back predominantly by the inferior talent he was given at FS- Vincent truly is a difference maker and I love the way Jerry is getting him involved.

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Except we started getting the big turnovers, and in bunches, 2-3 games before TV's return.



I'm putting more stock in our performance against an AFC contender with a good offense than I can in conquering underachieving NFC pretenders. Beating the Bengals- at their strength- says a lot about those elements of our D that have evolved throughout the season. It appears to me that our susceptibility to deep balls is much diminished with Mr. Vincent playing in our D backfield.

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The Bills have caused 32 turnovers (19 INTs and 13 FRs) and gotten 40 sacks.


Washington has caused 24 turnovers (17 INTs and 9 FRs) and gotten 31 sacks.


Those numbers seem to indicate that Grey's defense is more aggressive than Williams.


Of course both Washington's and Buffalo's stats this year are much better than the Bills' D stats last year, so there's probably more to it than coaching philosophy.

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Thank God TD let no-play Antoine go,

McGee has proven to be a big upgrade. :D


McGee is a playmaking upgrade definately, but there were times when winfield could just shut guys down and TM isnt doing that just yet, but he may be getting there.


Antoine = stone hands


Also: Clements made CJ his B word yesterday, I loved it. Did anyone else hear Nate say to CJ after a pass went out of bounds his way "you can't catch anything"....I loved it.

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i know i have to eat alot of "crow" i always thought jerry gray was a crappy game planner.when the defense got a little better last year i thought it was because we had added sam adams and takeo spikes,and also dick lebeau.i never gave any of the credit to jerry taking his lumps and learning his position.all off season i was pissed that we didn't get a left defensive end and with what i saw and all the posts and media harping on how we would never generate a pass rush i jumped right on the jerry must go bandwagon.whwt i really like this year that shows me jerry is maturing is that in alot of games except that one in jacksonville the team seems to get burned early on pass plays.lately it looks like we settle in and make good adjustments at half time.that is a definate sign of a good coordinator.go bills

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