Acantha Posted November 5, 2011 Posted November 5, 2011 I just wish Cochran wasn't such a pansy. Would have been one of the better moments in Survivor history if that little geek just sat back and smiled after the vote. Instead he immediately cows to the tribe he just stabbed in the back and says he can explain? Have some backbone! Those guys got what they deserved anyway. You can't put your trust in a guy that you've spent the whole time treating like a mutt. And on this point, I agree with UConn. If Ozzie had been paying attention instead of finding new ways to stroke his own ego, he would have seen that Christine wasn't going back to her old tribe.
CosmicBills Posted November 7, 2011 Posted November 7, 2011 I totally disagree. Cochran's move was far too early. He went from being 6th in his alliance to being 7th in his new alliance. Let's not forget, since he's not a physical threat, he could have coasted and waited for a better moment to make a move because no one would want to get rid of him. Now he's a marked man. And putting your faith in the unstable crazies in the Blue tribe is a mistake. The better play would have been to tell Coach what was going to go down (which he did) then stick with Red for this vote. Draw rocks. Then he could go back to Coach and Hanz and all of them and be like: "You can trust me, I helped you flush out the idol" etc. Then he could have controlled the game on HIS terms. Bad mistake. (But great episode)
Acantha Posted November 7, 2011 Posted November 7, 2011 I don't think it was the only move, but I don't think it was a bad move. If it goes to rocks and one of the blue tribe gets voted out, he may have never had that opportunity again. The best he could have done next week was find out who the his team was voting for and let Coach know so they could use the idol, then their down the idol and Cochran is in basically the same situation he was in 2 weeks earlier...only now his team is suspicious of him. Cochran really has almost NO chance of making it to the end (even before this past week). His tribe hates him and would get rid of him as soon as they could. He's not the kind of player you bring to the end with you because he's so loveable that others would vote for him. He wanted to shake things up and get some revenge and he did that. He made his mark on Survivor, which was probably a really big deal to him. I think that's the best he could expect. Just would have been better if he didn't look like he was going to cry after.
UConn James Posted November 16, 2011 Posted November 16, 2011 Tonight's episode is titled "Price on Your Head." I guess when the Red team was/is getting picked off in succession, I agree with the production decision to have two vote-offs per show. And a situation like this is where Redemption Island offers a nice little twist to the gameplay. Getting rid of/consolidating the reward challenge with immunity was a good move for the show and I hope they keep it. Less fluff, more strategy.
ajzepp Posted November 16, 2011 Posted November 16, 2011 Tonight's episode is titled "Price on Your Head." I guess when the Red team was/is getting picked off in succession, I agree with the production decision to have two vote-offs per show. And a situation like this is where Redemption Island offers a nice little twist to the gameplay. Getting rid of/consolidating the reward challenge with immunity was a good move for the show and I hope they keep it. Less fluff, more strategy. Good point about the consolidation. I wasn't sure how I felt about that at first, but even though I enjoy the challenges I enjoy the behind the scenes activity and posturing even more. And, of course, redemption island. Looking forward to a good episode!
Rico Posted November 17, 2011 Posted November 17, 2011 Coach: Dragon Slayer no more, now he is Zeus! :lol: He sooooooo has to win!
ajzepp Posted November 17, 2011 Posted November 17, 2011 Coach: Dragon Slayer no more, now he is Zeus! :lol: He sooooooo has to win! I think he's got a legit shot. Coach is playing a smarter game this time, cause he's not just caught up in his own world and completely oblivious as to how those around him feel. This time he's created a nice, relaxed atmosphere where everyone can feel welcomed and accepted, until just long enough when Coach can raise his game and, in the words of Senator Palpatine, "wipe them out...allllll of them". I loved what he said about making sure that the 7th person in the pecking order feels just as comfortable and valued as the first person. That was brilliant!
UConn James Posted November 17, 2011 Posted November 17, 2011 (edited) Only, it's gonna start to get messy once Cochran is gone next week. For someone who claims he's such a student of the game, he f---ed up BIGTIME. This was Woody Allen meets Survivor. There's a reason his type should and usually do get voted off early. If Edna lasts after the following week, I think I'll puke. That woman is a useless robot. What got her this far is that she said hello to Coach on Day 1, and then said the random wooden 'I like you. You're a good player.' Who actually has the individual idol in that trio of Albert, Sophie and Coach? I believe it's Coach... right? Because there's one thing of him saying that it's going to be them 'til the end, it's totally another for him to actually want to be up against them in the final vote. No way that happens. If I'm Coach, I want Edna and Brandon there with me at the end --- someone who won't be able to say they deserve anything and another who no doubt --- NO doubt --- will shoot himself in the foot and start foaming at the mouth if Mikeala is mentioned. Coach's denial that he's de facto in charge of the group... Will the rest have the stones to possibly take out the biggest threat and send 'im to Redemption to probably make it a duke-out of the Survivor alums? Edited November 17, 2011 by UConn James
WWVaBeach Posted November 17, 2011 Author Posted November 17, 2011 (edited) Anybody else see this tid bit? Sure explains her tears last night. Edited November 17, 2011 by WWVaBeach
Rico Posted November 24, 2011 Posted November 24, 2011 I usually HATE the recap/unseen footage shows, but the comedy team of Coach & Coichran are GOLD, hope they are both in the Final 2 somehow. Agree with Probst for the most part
ajzepp Posted November 24, 2011 Posted November 24, 2011 I usually HATE the recap/unseen footage shows, but the comedy team of Coach & Coichran are GOLD, hope they are both in the Final 2 somehow. Agree with Probst for the most part I agree with Probst, too. Russell was my favorite survivor ever, and his seasons would have been far less enjoyable without him. He sure gave us a lot to talk about on here, too! I didn't even really pay attention to Survivor last night. I hate these stupid recap shows, too, so I didn't even give it a chance. The few parts I paid attention to just showed how Ozzy is an overrated d-bag, so I lost interest. I did see Coach and Cochran interacting a few times, but I didn't hear what they were saying. I'll have to see if I deleted it or not. The only part I saw was the part where coach was assigning everyone a Greed god identity and he explained to Cochran why he was calling him Hercules lol.
Southern McButterpants. Posted December 1, 2011 Posted December 1, 2011 2 Quick Thoughts: - Is anyone else just completely sick and tired of Ozzie and his "this is perfect" for me, gi-normous ego. Go away, and stay away . . . - Why the heck isn't anyone stepping up with the idea of voting off Coach? Did they not see Boston Rob win last year? Idiots . . .
ajzepp Posted December 1, 2011 Posted December 1, 2011 2 Quick Thoughts: - Is anyone else just completely sick and tired of Ozzie and his "this is perfect" for me, gi-normous ego. Go away, and stay away . . . - Why the heck isn't anyone stepping up with the idea of voting off Coach? Did they not see Boston Rob win last year? Idiots . . . I'm pretty much of the belief that when people go on Survivor, all the bug bites, living off the land, exposure to the elements, etc, just robs you of all common sense and brain function. I like coach and hope he wins, but I totally agree. Why leave him there?? If I were playing this game, my strategy would be very simple: Keep the tribe as strong as possible during the first part of the season, winning as many challengs as possible. Then after the merge, target the strongest players first and work your way to the weakest. Also, as an aside, as weird as Mini-Hantz is at times, yesterday he said something that was brilliant, and it's something I live my life by: "Nothing worth anything in this life comes easy." I gained a lot of respect for him when he said this, because, IMO, it's one of life's truisms. The type of challenge they choose for the Ozzy v. Cochran showdown on Redemption Island will say a lot about who the producers hope will win. the more physical the challenge, the better Ozzy's chances of winning. My guess? Producers are hoping for the upset.
UConn James Posted December 1, 2011 Posted December 1, 2011 2 Quick Thoughts: - Is anyone else just completely sick and tired of Ozzie and his "this is perfect" for me, gi-normous ego. Go away, and stay away . . . - Why the heck isn't anyone stepping up with the idea of voting off Coach? Did they not see Boston Rob win last year? Idiots . . . Actually, I'm kind of rooting for Ozzy as the last member of Savii that got screwed over by Woody Allen's chickenstevestojan move. Next week should be an interesting duel on Redemption.... I don't know how much enmity Ozzy has for Cochran, but it'll probably be pretty nice for him to dispatch the traitor. That trailer for next week has Ozzy all confident that he's going to kick ass; perhaps the producers doth protest too much? And how 'bout that. Proof positive that you can never swing to another tribal group post-merge and make it beyond the original members (unless you win immunity). That was possibly the dumbest move in the history of Survivor by someone who claimed to be its biggest fan/student of the game. That was quite a butter job they did on 'im too. Coach talked him up for the last few weeks, Albert gave him the massage (no doubt with an eye on a jury vote). This is why weak players get voted out quickly; like it or not, physical weakness implies mental weakness, and in Cochran's case that's spot-on. To think that they'll keep you on even for one more go-round, on the basis that you did them a solid a week prior? Survivor is played on "what can you do/offer me today/tomorrow/Day 33? Cochran is !@#$ing retarded. I don't know when this season started filming. I think it might have been prior to Rob winning, but I believe they had time to see his stranglehold on the game. I don't get how Coach is still there, either. Once you get to the merge, it would behoove all of the first-timers to get rid of the veterans when they have a chance A) because they've got a competitive advantage in immunities by virtue of experience and 2) even if you make it to the jury vote with a veteran, there is a great deal of sympathy- mindset going on. That wink from Coach to Rick was also made with jury consideration. But, Coach IIRC, has physical possession of the individual idol. That complicates it. How 'bout L'il Hantz's fourty-eleventh breakdown at tribal? Geezus, I really hope Russell punches this kid in the nuts every time he sees him. Wow. Just a terrible player. Telegraphing his next two votes. Probst was like 'WTF?' As they all said, Brandon cannot be worked with if a fluid situation comes up where an opportunity is presented. And when everyone said that, I think Brandon immediately knew he was screwed. It seemed like things changed right at that moment --- especially with Coach rubbing his forehead as if to say 'I can't friggin' believe this kid!' I think Brandon might well have moved himself up in the pecking order with that. As I see it: Brandon Edna Rick Sophie Albert Coach If he had STFU, he might've made it to 4th or even to the jury if he could win an immunity challenge. If I'm anybody there, HANDS-DOWN I would want Brandon sitting next to me before the jury. He is not liked and his God crap rings hollow (well, everyone's God-speak rings hollow b/w what is said and what is done, but Brandon rings it the most).
Rico Posted December 1, 2011 Posted December 1, 2011 I have not seen any spoilers, but I wouldn't be surprised to see Sophie win it, she is pretty cold blooded, Coach better be careful with her.
frostbitmic Posted December 1, 2011 Posted December 1, 2011 Coach is a friggin whackjob. Dragonslayer lmfao. This guy couldn't win a competition to save his life. Tho I've gotta admit, him being himself is comedy gold, I laugh at him whenever he starts talking. Next week they'll take out Brandon and his demons.
Rico Posted December 15, 2011 Posted December 15, 2011 What a great episode! Coach is just amazing, brilliant how he played Brandon with "It's God's Will", he still has his vote. Redemption Island twist continues to be BS, Ozzy's monkey ass should've been gone 2x now. Here's to a Coach win on Sunday, with Sophie's rack finishing 2nd.
ajzepp Posted December 15, 2011 Posted December 15, 2011 What a great episode! Coach is just amazing, brilliant how he played Brandon with "It's God's Will", he still has his vote. Redemption Island twist continues to be BS, Ozzy's monkey ass should've been gone 2x now. Here's to a Coach win on Sunday, with Sophie's rack finishing 2nd. That was definitely one of the best episodes of the season...I'm both excited and bummed that Sunday is the finale! I love the way they do the finale on Survivor...3 hrs of awesomeness! I hope the brandon v. ozzy duel lives up to expectations...that will be great!
CosmicBills Posted December 15, 2011 Posted December 15, 2011 Albert missed a golden opportunity at tribal. He should have pinned Coach down when given the chance to return the necklace once it became apparent Brandon was doomed. Instead of just saying "I'm confident Brandon's staying..." He should have looked Coach dead in the eye and said something to the effect: "I know Brandon is safe because I'm voting Sophie, Brandon can't vote for himself, and I don't think Coach would betray Brandon and vote him off. Coach, do I need to give Brandon his necklace back?" If he had put Coach on the spot, he would have crumbled, waffled and looked like an ass to Brandon and the jury. If he said he's voting Brandon, then Albert gives the necklace back, win jury votes and beat Ozzie in one challenge. 'Cause either way, he has to win one more challenge (if not 2) to be in the finals since he's clearly the marked man in camp thanks to Sophie's move. Instead, Coach was able to fall back on his whole bs God's Will bs which keeps him consistent in the eyes of the jury (though they still won't vote for him) and probably wins him Brandon's vote in the end. Albert really should have pushed all in. He has nothing to lose now that Sophie so acutely destroyed his social game at camp. But he didn't, he played scared. And now he's got no chance of winning. Neither does Rick who's worthless but guaranteed a seat in the final 3. So this game is clearly (and sadly) Coach or Ozzy's to lose. Sophie is a dark horse as she's clearly the brightest bulb left. I hope she wins, but I'm thinking this is set up to be a Coach vs Ozzy showdown and my money in that scenario would be Ozzy. Just my two cents.
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