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Start having some faith


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Hello all, I've lurked here for a while, posted occasionally and had some decent activity in the shout box. I've noticed one overwhelming trend on this forum, one of extreme pessimism, glass is half empty type of outlook. Now, while I won't sit here and try to defend some horribly pointless reasoning that there shouldn't be a lot of pessimists here, I will say that I feel its time we start to turn it around. I understand, as all of you do, the Bills have been bad for a very long time, waaaaaaay too long. However I feel there needs to come a point where overwhelming pessimism begins to turn into optimism. This isn't going to be a one day thing because like I've said, we've been bad for a very long time. I personally feel, as I know others do, that this administration and front office is going to take this team places. They seem to have a view of what they want this team to look like and they are slowly and methodically moving towards that. We knew, at least I knew, when Gailey and Nix came into the Bills that this process was going to take a few years till we started to finally see some solid results. At the end of last year you could begin to see what this team could look like a few years down the road and its very exciting. I have a positive outlook for this season (as I always do) and think this is the time we're gonna see some turn around because I just truly don't believe we will be bad forever, I can't. So here's to this season, may we see substantial progress in the year to come, and have some faith in the guys!! GO BILLS!!!

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Hello all, I've lurked here for a while, posted occasionally and had some decent activity in the shout box. I've noticed one overwhelming trend on this forum, one of extreme pessimism, glass is half empty type of outlook. Now, while I won't sit here and try to defend some horribly pointless reasoning that there shouldn't be a lot of pessimists here, I will say that I feel its time we start to turn it around. I understand, as all of you do, the Bills have been bad for a very long time, waaaaaaay too long. However I feel there needs to come a point where overwhelming pessimism begins to turn into optimism. This isn't going to be a one day thing because like I've said, we've been bad for a very long time. I personally feel, as I know others do, that this administration and front office is going to take this team places. They seem to have a view of what they want this team to look like and they are slowly and methodically moving towards that. We knew, at least I knew, when Gailey and Nix came into the Bills that this process was going to take a few years till we started to finally see some solid results. At the end of last year you could begin to see what this team could look like a few years down the road and its very exciting. I have a positive outlook for this season (as I always do) and think this is the time we're gonna see some turn around because I just truly don't believe we will be bad forever, I can't. So here's to this season, may we see substantial progress in the year to come, and have some faith in the guys!! GO BILLS!!!

I'll drink to that!

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opfball91, hit the Enter key now and then, make a paragraph or two....


As to your content, some of us have invested a great deal of the time, effort, support and money in our efforts to back our Bills; disproportionately MORE than it appears the Bills have invested in us. So, pardon us if we adopt a wait-and-see attitude.


Speaking for myself, I don't mind a good screwing, but I hate to be easy!

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why? there's zero reason to be optimistic yet until we start winning some games. another 2-3 more drafts, and 5-6 more players of dareus' quality and then we're talking.


Yeah!! So lets continue to be miserable, and chat about how bad we suck, how stupid the front office folks are, how bad our o-line is going to be, what stupid personnel decisions we have made in past years, etc... That's a super philosophy :thumbsup:

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I think it's important to distinguish between pessimism and negativity. not all negativity seems from pessimism. Some of it is reluctant rationality. I prefer to be hopeful and have high expectations when it comes to the Bills, but I can't unless the Bills give me some solid reasons to expect success. There haven't been many lately, which is why I've been mostly pretty negative for a while. The "pessimism" will turn to "optimism" when the team starts winning. That's it. A decade of history has shown that the Bills stink, and only actual success can change that.

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opfball91, hit the Enter key now and then, make a paragraph or two....


As to your content, some of us have invested a great deal of the time, effort, support and money in our efforts to back our Bills; disproportionately MORE than it appears the Bills have invested in us. So, pardon us if we adopt a wait-and-see attitude.


Speaking for myself, I don't mind a good screwing, but I hate to be easy!



Funny how you can't even contain your bitching to the Bills. Life must be hell through your eyes.


why? there's zero reason to be optimistic yet until we start winning some games. another 2-3 more drafts, and 5-6 more players of dareus' quality and then we're talking.


Same ol' thoughtless drivel. Continue on about how we sucked for 11 years... blah, blah, blah. Enjoy being a broken record.

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Hello all, I've lurked here for a while, posted occasionally and had some decent activity in the shout box. I've noticed one overwhelming trend on this forum, one of extreme pessimism, glass is half empty type of outlook. Now, while I won't sit here and try to defend some horribly pointless reasoning that there shouldn't be a lot of pessimists here, I will say that I feel its time we start to turn it around. I understand, as all of you do, the Bills have been bad for a very long time, waaaaaaay too long. However I feel there needs to come a point where overwhelming pessimism begins to turn into optimism. This isn't going to be a one day thing because like I've said, we've been bad for a very long time. I personally feel, as I know others do, that this administration and front office is going to take this team places. They seem to have a view of what they want this team to look like and they are slowly and methodically moving towards that. We knew, at least I knew, when Gailey and Nix came into the Bills that this process was going to take a few years till we started to finally see some solid results. At the end of last year you could begin to see what this team could look like a few years down the road and its very exciting. I have a positive outlook for this season (as I always do) and think this is the time we're gonna see some turn around because I just truly don't believe we will be bad forever, I can't. So here's to this season, may we see substantial progress in the year to come, and have some faith in the guys!! GO BILLS!!!


Well you should post more often then. We sure can use some more positive posters around here, thats for sure. Most of the pessimistic ones, I feel, need to be "shown the baby" because they're tired of getting their hopes up and then having them squashed. And like you said, it's totally understandable. But the wind of change is a blowing at onebillsdrive and they will miss out on all the fun if they don't get on board now!



I'll drink to that!


Me too. But then again, I'll drink to anything! :beer:

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lol god you guys are ridiculous. i'm sorry, i'll jump on the bandwagon of blind optimism. i'll ignore that we have the worst o-line in football and that our #2 WR probably wouldn't start on the other 31 teams. how about the fact that we have ZERO 1st round picks on our roster that have lived up to their draft spot (wood is questionable - he's been decent). it's staggering to think about the lack of talent on the roster. i'd argue we don't have a single player who is top 15 at their position other than kyle williams and MAYBE shawne merriman, and that'll only be true if the stars align and he stays healthy and returns to form.


but no - these aren't valid points, because only on twobillsdrive do we need to "be more optimistic" for absolutely no !@#$ing reason. sure, we have a nice #3 overall pick but ****, anything can happen. it's insulting (and borderline insane) to be told to expect better things every year when nothing changes. isn't that the definition of insanity? i'll continue to root passionately for the team and try to be as objective as i can, but as of right now, it's crazy to actually expect more than 5 wins.

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I think it's important to distinguish between pessimism and negativity. not all negativity seems from pessimism. Some of it is reluctant rationality. I prefer to be hopeful and have high expectations when it comes to the Bills, but I can't unless the Bills give me some solid reasons to expect success. There haven't been many lately, which is why I've been mostly pretty negative for a while. The "pessimism" will turn to "optimism" when the team starts winning. That's it. A decade of history has shown that the Bills stink, and only actual success can change that.


well said, that's exactly how i feel.


Funny how you can't even contain your bitching to the Bills. Life must be hell through your eyes.


really? you think you can just figure out someone's life outlook/perspective/mindset because of their opinion of the bills? that's really, really pathetic.


i'm actually a very optimistic guy by nature in just about every aspect of life. regarding the bills, i think you'd have to be !@#$ing simple to expect a 9 win season like some people on here.

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Honestly, I just would not be able to be a Bills fan if I just thought we were going to lose all the time and just suck eternally. What's the point? Where's the fun?

I couldn't agree more. I am a Bills fan because I like them, if I hated them like some people sound like they do, I'd pick a new team. I am confident this year will be fun and full of promise. Go Bills!

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lol god you guys are ridiculous. i'm sorry, i'll jump on the bandwagon of blind optimism. i'll ignore that we have the worst o-line in football and that our #2 WR probably wouldn't start on the other 31 teams. how about the fact that we have ZERO 1st round picks on our roster that have lived up to their draft spot (wood is questionable - he's been decent). it's staggering to think about the lack of talent on the roster. i'd argue we don't have a single player who is top 15 at their position other than kyle williams and MAYBE shawne merriman, and that'll only be true if the stars align and he stays healthy and returns to form.


but no - these aren't valid points, because only on twobillsdrive do we need to "be more optimistic" for absolutely no !@#$ing reason. sure, we have a nice #3 overall pick but ****, anything can happen. it's insulting (and borderline insane) to be told to expect better things every year when nothing changes. isn't that the definition of insanity? i'll continue to root passionately for the team and try to be as objective as i can, but as of right now, it's crazy to actually expect more than 5 wins.

You just sound like a really angry person to be honest. And I also love when people think they know more than the coaches do about the players, brings a smile to my face. Go Bills!

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You just sound like a really angry person to be honest. And I also love when people think they know more than the coaches do about the players, brings a smile to my face. Go Bills!


well, you're wrong. i'm not at all. i just watch the games, look at the roster, and make opinions. for the past 4-5 years, i've been on point.


and sorry pal, the "coaches know more than fans" point is not only drawn out, but just all around weak. i knew orakpo and ngata would be better than maybin and whitner respectively. so did 90% of bills fans. kind of questions your faith in the whole operation at OBD doesn't it

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So much to respond to...i will keep it brief.

Pessimism is bred in good ole WNY. I moved away to escape it.

And before i get attacked, i realize there are many examples of optimistic peeps in WNY. Not every one is a negative nancy.

Look at deep2evens, perfect example of over reaching to be negative. I don't care who you are, you can say you knew all these busts we have had were gonna be busts, but you'd be wrong, you didn't know. you guessed.

The only thing i don't get is the lumping in of past suckiness into buddy's tenure. Like the wars and the debt were inherited by obama, but they are his now, therefore his fault. new beginnings means optimism, and to me, we seem to have direction for the first time in years.

Ask me at the end of the season.

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and sorry pal, the "coaches know more than fans" point is not only drawn out, but just all around weak. i knew orakpo and ngata would be better than maybin and whitner respectively. so did 90% of bills fans. kind of questions your faith in the whole operation at OBD doesn't it



a drunk chimp with a dart could probably have made better personnel decisions than the bills have in the past decade.

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