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He's the biggest panderer in the State. Before he was U.S. Senator Schumer, he likely didn't give 2 s***tz about the Bills.


And he had to go "right to Commisioner Goodell" to find out there is a revenue sharing plan in the new CBA? And that the CBA is a 10 year contract? He doesn't own a computer? He doesn't read the newspaper?


Goofy article. And you see why he was in town? To tell businesses that he is sponsoring legislation that will make NYS taxpayers cover business's increased unemployment tax.


If henreallynwantsntonkeepmthe Bills in Buffalo he needs to figure out how to improve the economy in WNY and to stop the population drain. It's one thing to say Buffalo is a small market. It is another that it continues to get smaller.


big deal...I want to know how the Tea Party feels about the Bills. :rolleyes:



they feel the Bills are a socialist communist, that want to borrow from the rich teams because they are too lazy to make money themselves, and should be denied any and all benefits


tax cuts? in NY? Why make it more appealing for people and businesses to return to the area? that's just crazy talk.



I will say this. I live in Washington state, we have no income tax and our tax levels are modestly lower then NYS.. However when I went back home this summer I noticed plenty of improvements in the suburbs, lots of new paint, and everything was looking kept up... Taxes are high in NYS, but snow removal and winter's hurt on the infrastructure does dictate more revenue is needed to maintain the area... and like I said the area looked very kept up, lots of new projects since my last visit etc... and it was very noticeable compared to the Western Wa which is doing well itself, but it's budget short falls are taking a toll with lots of projects being canceled.


think about what is going to happen to states that are so willing to keep cutting taxes to attract businesses that are only looking for tax breaks and cheap labor.. there time will come when they will have ot make some tough choices... AND the fact is for the most part taxes have never been lower in this country from a federal stand point.. Add in tax loopholes, write offs, and subsidies and most big corps and uber wealthy pay a smaller % in taxes then us middle class folk... that is fact


He's the biggest panderer in the State. Before he was U.S. Senator Schumer, he likely didn't give 2 s***tz about the Bills.


And he had to go "right to Commisioner Goodell" to find out there is a revenue sharing plan in the new CBA? And that the CBA is a 10 year contract? He doesn't own a computer? He doesn't read the newspaper?


Goofy article. And you see why he was in town? To tell businesses that he is sponsoring legislation that will make NYS taxpayers cover business's increased unemployment tax.


Yeah. Screw the guy who wants the Bills to stay in Buffalo. Screw him... <_<


He's the biggest panderer in the State. Before he was U.S. Senator Schumer, he likely didn't give 2 s***tz about the Bills.


And he had to go "right to Commisioner Goodell" to find out there is a revenue sharing plan in the new CBA? And that the CBA is a 10 year contract? He doesn't own a computer? He doesn't read the newspaper?


Goofy article. And you see why he was in town? To tell businesses that he is sponsoring legislation that will make NYS taxpayers cover business's increased unemployment tax.

Is there a topic, any topic, in which you don't have a cynical or totally uninformed opinion on? Or do you only come on here to post when you get tired of yelling at the grass for growing too loudly?

Posted (edited)

We need all the help we can get. Is anyone else worried that Ralph did not attend the last owners meeting? I did not recall him visiting training camp, something he usually does. Also Mary Wilson was at the HOF to announce his gift of 2.5 million.


I am worried that the perfect storm for the Bills to leave WNY could be created. A 92 year old owner, a lease that expires after 2012 and LA wanting two teams begin play around 2013.


If Chuck wants to exert influence to keep the team here, go for it!

Edited by clancynut

The most dangerous area in DC? You'd think it'd something in Southeast, "Capitol Kill" or the notorious Anacostia... but in fact it's anywhere between Chuck Schumer and a camera.


No longer a NYS resident, I'm glad for any elected official looking out for Buffalo's pro football team.


It's the terrible, amature writing, editing and spell checking that gets under my skin from the article. Must we accept this literary garbage as the norm in the digital age?


they feel the Bills are a socialist communist, that want to borrow from the rich teams because they are too lazy to make money themselves, and should be denied any and all benefits





I will say this. I live in Washington state, we have no income tax and our tax levels are modestly lower then NYS.. However when I went back home this summer I noticed plenty of improvements in the suburbs, lots of new paint, and everything was looking kept up... Taxes are high in NYS, but snow removal and winter's hurt on the infrastructure does dictate more revenue is needed to maintain the area... and like I said the area looked very kept up, lots of new projects since my last visit etc... and it was very noticeable compared to the Western Wa which is doing well itself, but it's budget short falls are taking a toll with lots of projects being canceled.


think about what is going to happen to states that are so willing to keep cutting taxes to attract businesses that are only looking for tax breaks and cheap labor.. there time will come when they will have ot make some tough choices... AND the fact is for the most part taxes have never been lower in this country from a federal stand point.. Add in tax loopholes, write offs, and subsidies and most big corps and uber wealthy pay a smaller % in taxes then us middle class folk... that is fact

Yes, as if the time hasn't already come for states with high taxes to make tough choices. :wallbash:


The single biggest reason NYS is in this mess is: a commitment to the idea that we are permanently living in 1965-->that we can manufacture mediocre stuff, pay workers more than market value, and huge benefits, because nobody will ever compete with us because we are so good(false, actually because all their factories and countries are still messed up from WW2). Oh, and while we're at it, incorporating your nonsense, we can afford to tax the hell out these manufacturers. They make so much money they won't miss it, and use those taxes to literally piss it away on things like housing projects by f'ing lakefront property, because poor people deserve to live like rich people, and who cares what it does to the property value of a major civic asset? Who cares what it does to the image of our city? Besides, if we give them free housing, they will start working! So yes, lets do exactly what drives middle class jobs out of the state, keeps poor people down, and destroys our image nationally....for 30 years...and then, in 1995, start asking ourselves "Hey WTF happened to all the factories?" like the unmitigated morons we are.


We have people living this delusion serving on Empire zone boards all over the state. The faster we get rid of them, or get rid of the delusion that it's still 1965, the better.

Posted (edited)

Finally! Something we can all agree with the Senator about...


If you believe any thing that comes out of his mouth your a hurting unit . What has he done for NY but put it deeper in debt , yah i want to listen to that jack ass !!


He just wants to see the Bills stay because if they leave he will lose a ton in tax revenue & thats all he cares about don't let him fool you he's a dem he wants to redistribute the wealth to the hole that is NYC and could care less about western NY & it's folks !


The best thing that could happen is that he quit or retire either one !! What a piece of work !! :nana:

Edited by T master

We need all the help we can get. Is anyone else worried that Ralph did not attend the last owners meeting? I did not recall him visiting training camp, something he usually does. Also Mary Wilson was at the HOF to announce his gift of 2.5 million.


I am worried that the perfect storm for the Bills to leave WNY could be created. A 92 year old owner, a lease that expires after 2012 and LA wanting two teams begin play around 2013.


If Chuck wants to exert influence to keep the team here, go for it!


That really scares me. As bad as this sounds, I think we need Ralph to stick around at least two more years. Or else Pegula better dig deep into his pockets...

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