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Posted (edited)

There really is nothing to defend here, it is the political climate we live in. These types of ads have been appearing in newspapers and magazines across the country for a few decades now. Larry Flynt loves using this technique to expose hypocrites, and he has had some success...I am not condoning it, it just isn't really all that noteworthy. Huff Post, Salon, are just reporting about the ad, as a round about way of letting people know that there have been lots of salacious rumors about Rick Perry circulating for years...they can bring attention to it, without reporting it as fact.


This is the oldest political trick in the book... But hey, did you notice this isn't from some "libtard"...it is an ad taken by a Ron Paul backer (or should I call him "Doctor Paul"?)...there is enough real stuff out there about Perry, without having to dig it up...you just have to pay attention. The "job creators" Texas economy is based on expanding government (I thought that was a major no-no), and using stimulus money to balance the budget...the same stimulus money he made such a spectacle of telling the president to shove up his ass, "'cuz in Texas, we don't take welfare"...


Watch tough guys house of cards come falling down in the next two years, when Texas economy tanks...this guy is a terrible governor,and a terrific hypocrite. Meanwhile, the education system continues to circle the drain...the unions biggest state is raising a new generation of illiterates. GW deserves more credit for the relative economic

health of Texas than Perry does...Perry just hasn't gotten destroying it yet...when there is no more stimulus money to balance his budget, Perrys' smoke and mirrors budget will come to light, and Texas will be in the same shape as everyone else.

Edited by Buftex
  On 8/19/2011 at 6:01 AM, Buftex said:

There really is nothing to defend here, it is the political climate we live in. These types of ads have been appearing in newspapers and magazines across the country for a few decades now. Larry Flynt loves using this technique to expose hypocrites, and he has had some success...I am not condoning it, it just isn't really all that noteworthy. Huff Post, Salon, are just reporting about the ad, as a round about way of letting people know that there have been lots of salacious rumors about Rick Perry circulating for years...they can bring attention to it, without reporting it as fact.


This is the oldest political trick in the book... But hey, did you notice this isn't from some "libtard"...it is an ad taken by a Ron Paul backer (or should I call him "Doctor Paul"?)...there is enough real stuff out there about Perry, without having to dig it up...you just have to pay attention. The "job creators" Texas economy is based on expanding government (I thought that was a major no-no), and using stimulus money to balance the budget...the same stimulus money he made such a spectacle of telling the president to shove up his ass, "'cuz in Texas, we don't take welfare"...


Watch tough guys house of cards come falling down in the next two years, when Texas economy tanks...this guy is a terrible governor,and a terrific hypocrite. Meanwhile, the education system continues to circle the drain...the unions biggest state is raising a new generation of illiterates. GW deserves more credit for the relative economic

health of Texas than Perry does...Perry just hasn't gotten destroying it yet...when there is no more stimulus money to balance his budget, Perrys' smoke and mirrors budget will come to light, and Texas will be in the same shape as everyone else.


Just like the myth of the Texas education system miracle (both in wildly discrepant testing scores, and dropout rates where schools actually reported 0 dropouts when there were really several hundred) that was proved to be a fraud, I have a really hard time believing in the Texas economic miracle.


BTW, I know several "libtards" that are big fans of Ron Paul. Anti-war/anti-DoD and isolationist. I definitely wouldn't subscribe to the notion that all of the Paul contingent are conservatives and/or Republicans. I guess they either haven't seen his stances on abortion or guns yet, or they're willing to make those tradeoffs to further their goal of demilitarizing America and legalizing pot/drugs... their personal import of which is not necessarily in that order. (Their reasoning is different, but their short-term goals are effectively the same). They're also totally not for defending the borders better, but they probably figure on getting that with the next guy after DoD gets whacked. Long and short of it is, don't try to ascribe too much logic here just b/c the guy taking the ad is a self-described RP follower; for some in that group there's very little logic to be found.


And no, I've never had sex with Rick Perry.


It is funny that the author of the article considers the Austin Chronicle to be a real newspaper.


It is the weekly "alternative lifestyle" tabloid that every city has (Artvoice in Buffalo). It is free and you won't find it anywhere except in vending machines downtown. And the back 1/3 of the paper contains classified ads for the usual clientele (escort services, gay dating ads, strip clubs, etc.).


I'm not sure what everybody's getting so worked up about. These types of ads and articles have been appearing in these types of tabloids for years. The only difference is that now this stuff makes it onto the internet as well.


LOL, ad from this week's Artvoice in Buffalo:



  On 8/19/2011 at 8:48 AM, \GoBillsInDallas/ said:

It is funny that the author of the article considers the Austin Chronicle to be a real newspaper.


It is the weekly "alternative lifestyle" tabloid that every city has (Artvoice in Buffalo). It is free and you won't find it anywhere except in vending machines downtown. And the back 1/3 of the paper contains classified ads for the usual clientele (escort services, gay dating ads, strip clubs, etc.).


I'm not sure what everybody's getting so worked up about. These types of ads and articles have been appearing in these types of tabloids for years. The only difference is that now this stuff makes it onto the internet as well.


LOL, ad from this week's Artvoice in Buffalo:




Ummm, the Austin Chronicle is a weekly, and has a left leaning slant, but you are really under-estimating its' influence here in Austin. It is far closer to, say, the Village Voice, than the "Art Voice" It is distributed all over Austin...you can pick up a copy at nearly any HEB in town, and nearly every resteraunt. It is distrbuted into neighboring Round Rock, San Marcos, and even San Antonio.


If you consider liberal being an "alternative lifestyle" then, that is your view...but the Chronicle, I would dare say, has far more weight, in this town, than the Statesman, which it the homoginized daily newspaper here, full of cookie-cutter syndicated articles.


Like I said, (and you did too) this is hardly anything new, and I remember similar ads running back in the Kenneth Starr/Bill Clinton days... there seems to be this insinuation that this is some lefy thing...


  On 8/19/2011 at 7:39 AM, UConn James said:

Just like the myth of the Texas education system miracle (both in wildly discrepant testing scores, and dropout rates where schools actually reported 0 dropouts when there were really several hundred) that was proved to be a fraud, I have a really hard time believing in the Texas economic miracle.


BTW, I know several "libtards" that are big fans of Ron Paul. Anti-war/anti-DoD and isolationist. I definitely wouldn't subscribe to the notion that all of the Paul contingent are conservatives and/or Republicans. I guess they either haven't seen his stances on abortion or guns yet, or they're willing to make those tradeoffs to further their goal of demilitarizing America and legalizing pot/drugs... their personal import of which is not necessarily in that order. (Their reasoning is different, but their short-term goals are effectively the same). They're also totally not for defending the borders better, but they probably figure on getting that with the next guy after DoD gets whacked. Long and short of it is, don't try to ascribe too much logic here just b/c the guy taking the ad is a self-described RP follower; for some in that group there's very little logic to be found.


And no, I've never had sex with Rick Perry.


Yeah, I realize, not everyone who supports Ron Paul is a Republican...but he is running as a Republican, for whatever reason...I have mixed feelings about him. For me, he is so right on some things, and so off on others. I am not necessarily one who is willing to make all the trade-offs...I don't want to demilitarize America, but I also see some vailidity to the idea of legalizing pot...no thank you please, I don't smoke it no more (I'm tired of waking up on the floor)...but I also see it as a great source of potential revenue, while ending the rediculous amount of money spent on enforcement, and imprisonment.

  On 8/19/2011 at 6:01 AM, Buftex said:

Watch tough guys house of cards come falling down in the next two years, when Texas economy tanks...


Only way the Texas economy tanks is if Obama takes it over.


Whether liberal, conservative or somewhere in between.......our politicians try to do the best they can. In some areas they will do very well, in others they may tank. Sometimes it is because they made the wrong decision, other times there are external factors beyond their control.


I swear, if one of them cured cancer, someone would rip them for not curing other things.

Posted (edited)
  On 8/19/2011 at 7:33 PM, DaveinElma said:

Only way the Texas economy tanks is if Obama takes it over.


Alrigh DaveinElma...we will see when all of the layoffs of government workers start going into effect... :thumbsup:


This state is about to get hit hard...I don't blame Perry for wanting to get out before he has to deal with it...

Edited by Buftex
  On 8/19/2011 at 7:32 PM, 3rdnlng said:

Define the meaning of sex.


First things first. Like how some people have to look up milquetoast or zeitgeist every time it's in an article, "is" has always been a hard one for me to nail down.


But let's wait until tomorrow. It's my birthday today, and Hillary is out of the house. I'm thinking about getting some Chinese tonight. And maybe I'll put a candlestick somewhere....


Buftex and others....want to know when this "political climate" started? The very second Bill Clinton said "it depends on how you define the word 'is'".


The left, morally relative and unprincipled, said "how smart".

The right, morally sound but zealous and judgmental to the point of silliness, said "how indefensible".


The rest has been: "if Clinton can do that, then we can do X", and we are living the consequences.


Instead of saying "how smart", the left should have said "how silly, we are smarter than that", and left Clinton to be destroyed by the media.

Instead of saying "how indefensible", the right should have said "how pathetic, we are better than that", and left Clinton to be destroyed by the media.


The fact is that Clinton is smart. Instead of him taking all the blame for his bad behavior, he got us to blame each other.

  On 8/19/2011 at 8:55 PM, Buftex said:

Alrigh DaveinElma...we will see when all of the layoffs of government workers start going into effect... :thumbsup:


This state is about to get hit hard...I don't blame Perry for wanting to get out before he has to deal with it...


Private sector jobs always fill the void and you know that.

  On 8/19/2011 at 10:41 PM, OCinBuffalo said:

Buftex and others....want to know when this "political climate" started? The very second Bill Clinton said "it depends on how you define the word 'is'".


The left, morally relative and unprincipled, said "how smart".

The right, morally sound but zealous and judgmental to the point of silliness, said "how indefensible".


The rest has been: "if Clinton can do that, then we can do X", and we are living the consequences.


Instead of saying "how smart", the left should have said "how silly, we are smarter than that", and left Clinton to be destroyed by the media.

Instead of saying "how indefensible", the right should have said "how pathetic, we are better than that", and left Clinton to be destroyed by the media.


The fact is that Clinton is smart. Instead of him taking all the blame for his bad behavior, he got us to blame each other.

I also factor in that the whole impeachment was a sham, based on a non-existent crime. The partisanship existed long before that, but the faux impeachment procedings took it to a completely new level.

  On 8/19/2011 at 10:49 PM, Adam said:

I also factor in that the whole impeachment was a sham, based on a non-existent crime. The partisanship existed long before that, but the faux impeachment procedings took it to a completely new level.

I agree. Perhaps the stupidest thing the Republicans did last century was to do anything on that other than sit there and let the media and the internet crush Clinton. It's unforgivable stupidity. In every way they acted contrary to their ideals, and came out looking like hypocrites. They chose to get down in the mud and wrestle with the pig, and didn't realize that the pig likes it, and all they get is dirty.


You can't be high minded and principled if you go after somebody when they are down. They took the risk of backing severely wounded Democrats into corner, for very little reward. Clinton was already dead. The only way he could come back was based on them giving him their credibility and him using it. The smart play was to let him sit there in his own mud and wallow. The smart play was to keep it a strictly Democrat story.


But, the good news is they appeared to have learned their lesson: look how they handled Weiner.



  On 8/19/2011 at 10:49 PM, Adam said:

I also factor in that the whole impeachment was a sham, based on a non-existent crime. The partisanship existed long before that, but the faux impeachment procedings took it to a completely new level.


Clinton lied about his involvement. That was his problem. Getting BJ's in the White House from an intern was classless but not illegal or impeachable. His lying is what got him in trouble. All he had to do is make some sort of statement that he refuses to reveal what went on out of respect for the intern. That story would have went away in a hurry and most people would have thought a lot higher of him for sticking up for her.

  On 8/20/2011 at 1:50 AM, 3rdnlng said:

Clinton lied about his involvement. That was his problem. Getting BJ's in the White House from an intern was classless but not illegal or impeachable. His lying is what got him in trouble. All he had to do is make some sort of statement that he refuses to reveal what went on out of respect for the intern. That story would have went away in a hurry and most people would have thought a lot higher of him for sticking up for her.

Very well stated. I wasn't all that high on president Clinton while he was in office but I'd take him back in a second, right now.

  On 8/19/2011 at 10:49 PM, DaveinElma said:

Private sector jobs always fill the void and you know that.


No disrespect, but I just realized you are a little dense.

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