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Waning days of a political movement

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There is absolutely nothing in this survey that anyone with half a brain hadn't already figured out about the baggers two years ago, most notably all white and all social conservative/republican....but currently more despised than atheists and muslims!! Politically "toxic"! Comparable to sixties Nam protestors in the negative opinions held of them from mainstream America! No wonder nobody has heard from LaBills here in awhile. Probably busy burning his halloween costumes.

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There is absolutely nothing in this survey that anyone with half a brain hadn't already figured out about the baggers two years ago, most notably all white and all social conservative/republican....but currently more despised than atheists and muslims!! Politically "toxic"! Comparable to sixties Nam protestors in the negative opinions held of them from mainstream America! No wonder nobody has heard from LaBills here in awhile. Probably busy burning his halloween costumes.


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Oh, wait, I know this dance. This is where Hedd calls you a Tea Partier only pretending to be independent, and then you respond saying nice try but you hate everyone, and then Hedd responds with some barely relevant blather that everyone ignores, then EII jumps in with something completely incomprehensible...



Hold on, I'm gonna need more popcorn for this...

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Oh, wait, I know this dance. This is where Hedd calls you a Tea Partier only pretending to be independent, and then you respond saying nice try but you hate everyone, and then Hedd responds with some barely relevant blather that everyone ignores, then EII jumps in with something completely incomprehensible...



Hold on, I'm gonna need more popcorn for this...

what will happen is he will throw up a couple posts claiming to be a great independent while I'm just one of the liberal sheeple. He will throw in a post with the words "pot" and "kettle" or variations of such for emphasis while from there degrading into some final blather about whatnot and whosits. I don't know...it's a very tired road

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Wishful thinking Bishop. Next time avoid posting link to the NY Times if you are to ever have any credibility.

Your creed got crushed in the mid terms. You know its over. Keep reaching, grasping desperately to your failed imbecile of a president and his sorry ass political movement.

Edited by Dante
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What's your opinion of Pew polls Tom? And please don't say they stink.





My view of polls in general is that they're a crutch for people who can't think for themselves.


But at gunpoint, I'd take Pew over NYT/CBS any day. I would be entirely unsurprised if CBS threw out some conservative-leaning answers in their polls on the grounds that "well, they're clearly crackpots biased against us, and not giving accurate answers." I've seen that "statistical method" in "valid" scientific studies, never mind media polls.


what will happen is he will throw up a couple posts claiming to be a great independent while I'm just one of the liberal sheeple. He will throw in a post with the words "pot" and "kettle" or variations of such for emphasis while from there degrading into some final blather about whatnot and whosits. I don't know...it's a very tired road


"Pot" and "kettle"...I knew I forgot something.


But hey...thanks for leading off in true style.

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You know, when I say:


"The trouble with you and far too many Democrats today is: you base your arguments on some of what is true, but more of what you wish was true, rather than what actually is true."


And then you post links like this....


You are doing a fine job of proving me right. :lol: I wonder if Sage against the Machine appreciates the superiority of my "perspective" here. :lol:


Thanks for making it easy for me this week. I'm going to be kinda busy, so it's good that you are allowing me to get right to the "You're all idiots" inevitable conclusion in one post.

Edited by OCinBuffalo
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what will happen is he will throw up a couple posts claiming to be a great independent while I'm just one of the liberal sheeple.

"Great" independent? Go ahead and explain exactly what that means.


And spare trying to say you're anything other than a liberal sheep. You've never posted a single thing that could even be mistaken for contrarian to the position. You're the epitome of liberal sheep and this thread is yet another shining example.


Keep wishing, jerky. Your 3 horned liberal unicorn is bound to be around the next corner. He'll fart the solution to the enormous problems the two parties have created and are now too big to fix.

He will throw in a post with the words "pot" and "kettle" or variations of such for emphasis while from there degrading into some final blather about whatnot and whosits. I don't know...it's a very tired road

You should try being on the other side of your !@#$ing relentlessly idiotic act, hypocrite.

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Oh, wait, I know this dance. This is where Hedd calls you a Tea Partier only pretending to be independent, and then you respond saying nice try but you hate everyone, and then Hedd responds with some barely relevant blather that everyone ignores, then EII jumps in with something completely incomprehensible...



Hold on, I'm gonna need more popcorn for this...

We're halfway there now; all we need is EII to make his triumphant return and for Darin to...


BRING BACK THE MANATEE!!!!! :worthy: :worthy: :worthy:

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Oh, wait, I know this dance. This is where Hedd calls you a Tea Partier only pretending to be independent, and then you respond saying nice try but you hate everyone, and then Hedd responds with some barely relevant blather that everyone ignores, then EII jumps in with something completely incomprehensible...



Hold on, I'm gonna need more popcorn for this...



When do we get to the part where Hedd declares everyone else a partisan shill and that he's above the fray. That's my favorite.

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So you all are of the opinion that the bagger philosophy of socio-conservative fundamentalist retardation is fully embraced by a majority of Americans. That's right keep telling yourselves that.


There's a big difference between embraced by the majority & being on the wane.


Your act never gets stale in Love Canal, does it?

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So you all are of the opinion that the bagger philosophy of socio-conservative fundamentalist retardation is fully embraced by a majority of Americans. That's right keep telling yourselves that.


And there's the blather...


Something about Asian carp in 3...2...1...

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There's a big difference between embraced by the majority & being on the wane.


Your act never gets stale in Love Canal, does it?

Black Rock thank you very much.



And factually on the wane and not embraced are both true. We just witnessed it in NY and Wisconsin. And while the real power and money behind the astroturf movement continually attempt to change the rules of the game with activist judges and influence peddling they are fighting a losing battle. Changing demographics and all. I consider the teabagger movement the last dying fart from the corpse of conservatism.

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Black Rock thank you very much.



And factually on the wane and not embraced are both true. We just witnessed it in NY and Wisconsin. And while the real power and money behind the astroturf movement continually attempt to change the rules of the game with activist judges and influence peddling they are fighting a losing battle. Changing demographics and all. I consider the teabagger movement the last dying fart from the corpse of conservatism.


George McGovern, is that you?

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