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Official Calling out Bachmann thread


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If you were a news producer, how would you cover a candidate who sounds great for the first two sentences, and then unravels into an incomprehnsible solliloquoy?


Call him presidential material and run him against George W. Bush?

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I think it's stupid to be focusing on Bachmann's "gaffes" when you've got a gaffe-machine in the White House.


Stating that you'll lower the cost of gas to under $2 isn't a gaffe.


Stating that the S&P downgrade proved she was right about not raising the debt limit isn't a gaffe.

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I think it's stupid to be focusing on Bachmann's "gaffes" when you've got a gaffe-machine in the White House.


Then start your own thread about a black man saying silly things.


Oh wait.

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You know what Elvis is an anagram of?




I'm just saying...


You know what his last word was?


That's right...






































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If you just push the US ecomony further into the shitter, US production will collapse, and Europe will totally bottom out. Also, the Chinese and Indians will use less oil because no one will be buying their stuff.


Gas prices will drop drastically.


See...she's a genius.


I don't know which option is worse in 2012...Bachman or Obama.

Rich Perry is worse. Texas while doing well economically is a shiite hole waiting for more Federal cleanup dollars and haven't we learned about elect TX jerks... Johnson, Bush II... Perry, just what this country needs. We need someone level headed but definitively strong... a la Reagan or Clinton minus the zipper/big breasted woman issue.


Romney is just a right wing version of Obama... mealy mouthed.


I am hoping someone else (a moderate Republican or Democrat will step in late that moderate fiscal responsible people can support... not likely, but one can wish.

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