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Marv Levy Is Responsible For The Downfall This Decade!

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I can agree that Marv is to blame many things on with the Bills, but not 10 years worth. Marv had nothing to do with Williams or Tom, but I do blame him for the DJ time and now. The reasoning why is because when they brought in Dick, we switched to a 4-3. Since then we have been playing catch up. The drafts were just horrible and just now starting to get better. I think that most if not 99% of the people on this board can easily say it's not all Marv and just being named Marv gets a pass on this board. It was he who helped bring this team up from nothing and brought them to glory. I would really think twice about bashing Marv because of what he he did to the Bills. If he failed, he did so with his head up high so I can easily forgive him for not producing an outstanding team. The one I blame the most of is Ralph Wilson. All fingers need to start at the top, but he has kept the Bills in Buffalo so how much bashing can you do to someone who kept a team in Buffalo when he could have moved long ago? Very tough thread of bashing people because if they weren't around at all, the Bills wouldn't be around so I guess this is a typical thread of bash people for nothing.


Didn't that happen under Williams?


And I'd give more credit to Bill Polian for bringing this team up from nothing.

Edited by Scraps
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I'm going out on a limb and stating the #1 reason the Bills had any success in the early 90s was due to one man: Bill Polian. I'd never question Levy's experience or sincerity, but I think the Bills went to four Super Bowls in spite of Levy, not because of him. Between Polian's deals and Ted Marchibroda's offensive schemes, the Bills were great. I think Levy did just enough to keep the team focused for success. A great coach (Don Shula, Bill Parcells, i.e.,) would have done even better things with that group of players.


What's my point? I don't put Marv Levy on a pedestal like some fans. I think Levy, without the aid of Bill Polian, set this team back a few years with his second stint decision making. Buddy Nix might not be the next Polian, but he's certainly better than what we've had lately.

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How can someone who only worked as GM for 2006-2007 be held responsible for a decade of failure, for what happened before he was hired as GM as well as the four years after he left? Understand that the Buffalo Bills have sucked for more then a decade, they sucked before Marv took over as GM, they sucked during the time he was GM and they sucked after...and they still suck.


What is the real constant that has been the main reason as to why this franchise has failed year after year for so long? One only has to look at the very top of the organization. The owner was the president of the team before Tom Donahoe and after Donahoe left and still is sitting in the most powerful seat on all the teams decision



The thing that really gets me is that as little as two years ago this owner stood up in front of the world and declared the team is lacking in talent, and he chuckled about it! Well,wth, like someone else is responsible for hiring and retaining an inept scouting staff and coaches for a decade.



If there is one thing that has burned into my mind is this owners ability to fill his stadium year after year (filling his pockets at the same time) with such devoted fans so desperate for a winner that they basically ignore the man behind the curtain pulling all the strings. In the movie the wizard of Oz the man behind the curtain actually tries to help at the end.


Seriously Mrs Wilson... stop trying to blame Marv

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