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Poor rich people

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Really? How so? Do you dispute my point that middle class and lower income pay more taxes than the rich? No one else is really. Simple matter is they cannot. Do you deny that Republicans use the no federal taxes as a talking point?


Warren Buffet paid 6 MILLION in taxes-no lower.middle class people do NOT pay more taxes than the rich.

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It's okay. Booster was a late-round pick.


He's got a high-motor, though.


Still can't prove me wrong.


More facts:


The 47% statistic is not all Americans pay no taxes, but single filers who will pay no federal income taxes. According to the Center On Budget and Policy Priorities the real reason why 47%-51% of Americans paid no federal income taxes in 2009 is,


The 51 percent figure is an anomaly that reflects the unique circumstances of 2009, when the recession greatly swelled the number of Americans with low incomes and when temporary tax cuts created by the 2009 Recovery Act — including the “Making Work Pay” tax credit and an exclusion from tax of the first $2,400 in unemployment benefits — were in effect. Together, these developments removed millions of Americans from the federal income tax rolls. Both of these temporary tax measures have since expired.


The combination of the recession and the Obama stimulus cut taxes to low and middle income Americans led to fewer Americans owing federal income tax in 2009.


The Tax Policy Center has tried to correct Fox News and the right wing media’s misuse of their research. In April 2010, Howard Glickman of the TPC wrote,


Let me explain—repeat actually—what this means: About half of taxpayers paid no federal income tax last year. It does not mean they paid no tax at all. Many shelled out Social Security and Medicare payroll taxes. In fact, only 14 percent of Americans didn’t pay either income or payroll taxes. Some paid property taxes and, it is fair to say, just about all of them paid sales taxes of one kind or another. So to say they pay no taxes is flat wrong.


However, this class warfare-like rhetoric plays to a perception that the income tax is a chump tax: Only hard-working folks like us pay it. The welfare queens don’t. The super-rich don’t. It is a powerful emotional argument. It is also flat wrong.


It’s A Myth That 47% Of Americans Pay No Taxes, In Truth 86% Pay Taxes


A favorite talking point used by conservatives to justify giving more tax breaks to the wealthy is that 50% of Americans pay no taxes. The truth is that 86% of Americans pay taxes.


Here is Donald Trump on Fox and Friends this morning via Media Matters claiming that 50% of Americans pay no taxes:


Sean Hannity has also pushed this talking point hard:


The truth is that the talking point that half of all Americans pay no taxes is a misrepresentation. Here is the full quote from the Tax Policy Center,


The fraction of tax units paying no income tax varies widely by filing status and type of unit. About 47 percent of single filers will owe no tax, compared with 38 percent of joint filers and 72 percent of heads of household. More than half of elderly tax units and tax units with children will pay no income tax this year.


The 47% statistic is not all Americans pay no taxes, but single filers who will pay no federal income taxes. According to the Center On Budget and Policy Priorities the real reason why 47%-51% of Americans paid no federal income taxes in 2009 is,


The 51 percent figure is an anomaly that reflects the unique circumstances of 2009, when the recession greatly swelled the number of Americans with low incomes and when temporary tax cuts created by the 2009 Recovery Act — including the “Making Work Pay” tax credit and an exclusion from tax of the first $2,400 in unemployment benefits — were in effect. Together, these developments removed millions of Americans from the federal income tax rolls. Both of these temporary tax measures have since expired.


The combination of the recession and the Obama stimulus cut taxes to low and middle income Americans led to fewer Americans owing federal income tax in 2009.


The Tax Policy Center has tried to correct Fox News and the right wing media’s misuse of their research. In April 2010, Howard Glickman of the TPC wrote,


Let me explain—repeat actually—what this means: About half of taxpayers paid no federal income tax last year. It does not mean they paid no tax at all. Many shelled out Social Security and Medicare payroll taxes. In fact, only 14 percent of Americans didn’t pay either income or payroll taxes. Some paid property taxes and, it is fair to say, just about all of them paid sales taxes of one kind or another. So to say they pay no taxes is flat wrong.


However, this class warfare-like rhetoric plays to a perception that the income tax is a chump tax: Only hard-working folks like us pay it. The welfare queens don’t. The super-rich don’t. It is a powerful emotional argument. It is also flat wrong.


The actual number of Americans who don’t pay any taxes isn’t half, but 14%.



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Still can't prove me wrong.


What are we trying to prove now?


Because really, I stopped paying attention when you started comparing dissimilar numbers and tried to make a point with it. I have 3rdnlng to shovel happy, happy horseshit; what the !@#$ do I need you for?

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What are we trying to prove now?


Because really, I stopped paying attention when you started comparing dissimilar numbers and tried to make a point with it. I have 3rdnlng to shovel happy, happy horseshit; what the !@#$ do I need you for?


That the number people throw around is completely intellectually false. But you know that by now and are just !@#$ing with me.

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That the number people throw around is completely intellectually false. But you know that by now and are just !@#$ing with me.


Which number? That 47% of people don't pay taxes? Probably true, if you include federal income taxes. Indisputably false, if you include consumer taxes.


Of course, when you consider all taxes (sales, property, whatever), most of the time the "rich" are still going to end up paying a significantly higher rate. Poor people tend to not pay property taxes, for example, because they don't own property...

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It seems like you are paranoid. I wonder what causes that.


At a guess, the weed. Just keep pushing that line as it shows what an idiot you are. At one point, you were funny, but your desire to make weed users out to be something they are not simply makes you a tool.

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At a guess, the weed. Just keep pushing that line as it shows what an idiot you are. At one point, you were funny, but your desire to make weed users out to be something they are not simply makes you a tool...


Or a pot smoker...

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At a guess, the weed. Just keep pushing that line as it shows what an idiot you are. At one point, you were funny, but your desire to make weed users out to be something they are not simply makes you a tool.

I will just have to remember to think about "WWFLPD?".

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That's not true. I'm retired, no job & I still pay taxes. So, the next time you call someone a moron because "by definition" you assume something, think before you type.


I am 42. so barring an inheritance I have a job. But way to stick up for the racist !@#$ on the board. You cover yourself in glory and have made a new friend that you apparently agree with. I hope the two of you are happy together.

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