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Drayton Florence

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Definitely a bad showing by Florence last night during a mostly good showing by the rest of the starting defense. Having said that I still like Florence, he looked very good to me last year even though we had no pass rush.


There was one play against Barber I think, where he looked very "Whitner-esk" in trying to shoulder tackle him and then bouncing off.


He will be fine though.

Edited by Turbosrrgood
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This is how not to tackle. About 1:37 into the video. Totally pathetic. I certainly hope he corrects this.



Maybe he is trying to match his pathetic play with the pathetic front office that he has made it known he is unhappy with. I haven't been a huge Florence fan, but think he was a good resigning, but I have a new found respect for him speaking up and saying on Twitter what alot of the other players have been thinking. They must have lied or misled him to believe they were going to try to build a winner here and not just cut salary every chance they get, or as he hinted to he wouldn't have resigned here to begin with-and I don't blame him. He gets my vote for Bill of the month.

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The lack of effort makes one wonder if Drayton will be one of those players who signs their 'BIG CONTRACT' and then just stops working.


All I ask is a little effort but his lack of showing any interest in making the tackle is a concern especially since the coaches do not have him as one of the starting two DB's and there's a guy named Aaron Williams who once he gets over some rookie issues is going to be a really good DB in the future.

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Maybe he is trying to match his pathetic play with the pathetic front office that he has made it known he is unhappy with. I haven't been a huge Florence fan, but think he was a good resigning, but I have a new found respect for him speaking up and saying on Twitter what alot of the other players have been thinking. They must have lied or misled him to believe they were going to try to build a winner here and not just cut salary every chance they get, or as he hinted to he wouldn't have resigned here to begin with-and I don't blame him. He gets my vote for Bill of the month.

All good points but that wasnt where I was going with this. I was just merely pointing out how awful it looked, nothing more, no politics in it. Bottom line, dude gets paid well. Tackle or go sell used cars.

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Do you all really want to see what may be our only reliable corner out there banging heads with a 220lb power back in a preseason scrimmage? Seriously?

Man, I'm glad Florence has better sense than some of you crazy bastiges......


Risking going to IR in preseason is not THAT bad of a thing. I mean, if he goes on IR, there is always next year, right?

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sounds like you're saying that he kind of let up because it was a pre-season game....


if true, that's a good way to get himself hurt.


I don't buy that old saw; that's just some Viagra-fueled coach trying to get guys to bust heads when it doesn't even count.

I'd love to see the long list of guys who got hurt in preseason scrimmages because they were protecting themselves.

Cracking heads with a bigger stronger ballcarrier with only a small handful of practices under your belt is a heck of a lot better way to get yourself hurt.

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Do you all really want to see what may be our only reliable corner out there banging heads with a 220lb power back in a preseason scrimmage? Seriously?

Man, I'm glad Florence has better sense than some of you crazy bastiges......


More like 240 lol

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All good points but that wasnt where I was going with this. I was just merely pointing out how awful it looked, nothing more, no politics in it. Bottom line, dude gets paid well. Tackle or go sell used cars.

I know what you were trying to do, but I apologize, I had to vent. This organization is a joke.

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I don't buy that old saw; that's just some Viagra-fueled coach trying to get guys to bust heads when it doesn't even count.

I'd love to see the long list of guys who got hurt in preseason scrimmages because they were protecting themselves.

Cracking heads with a bigger stronger ballcarrier with only a small handful of practices under your belt is a heck of a lot better way to get yourself hurt.

Dude, think about it, if you are going 'half speed' and the other guy is going 'full speed', getting hurt is a real posibility. Not to mention how he tried to tackle the back. He could have caught a knee to the head and got hurt badly.

During a game you play full speed. Any coach will tell you that. Even if the game is pre season. Sorry man but you are wrong on this one.

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Dude, think about it, if you are going 'half speed' and the other guy is going 'full speed', getting hurt is a real posibility. Not to mention how he tried to tackle the back. He could have caught a knee to the head and got hurt badly.

During a game you play full speed. Any coach will tell you that. Even if the game is pre season. Sorry man but you are wrong on this one.


Are you suggesting that you are more likely to get hurt running into a wall at 10mph than you are running into a wall at 20mph?

Smart veterans protect themselves in the preseason by not standing on the gas pedal. Getting knocked over cuz you're half-steppin it is an utterly insignificant injury risk when compared to the damage you can do to your shoulder, your knees, your lats or your ankles by trying to blow up people in a meaningless scrimmage when your body is not conditioned for extreme contact.

Of course coaches will tell you to go full speed; they're coaches and that's what they do. But players know better.

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