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Something to take your mind off of the recent news

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OK, We're all mad at the stupidity of the Bills FO, so here's a little distraction. My friends and I over the years, and some going waaaay back to my youth, used to come up with slang names for all the other teams in the league we hated. some are good, some are dumb. Here's my list of the ones I can remember, and some left blank. Post up some of your best, or improve on some of mine...



New England PayToilets

New Jersey Jests

Miami Dolphags


Titsburgh Feelers


Cleveland BrownStains

Cincinatti BenGays



Jacksonville JunkYards

Indianapolis Dolts

Tennessee TightWads


Kansas City Chefs

Denver BrownCows

SanDiego CharredBurgers

Oakland RumpRaiders



New York Gnats

Philadelphia Beagles

Washington DeadSkins

Dallas BrokeBacks


St Louis Spams

San Francisco

Arizona CardTables

Seattle SeaChickens




The Green bay Packer(singular)



New Orleans Aints

Tampa Bay FugginQueers

Carolina PantStealers


Edited by McKinleys Curse
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