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Don't make me listen to him!

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Solomon Wilcotts here, lets talk some Buffalo BEEEEEEEEELS football!


Yeah, he's pretty bad. Regularly butchers basic stuff like player names, sometimes the teams they play for, and even their numbers. You can bet this following exchange happens, "one of the most understated players in the league Kevin Williams of the Bills teaming up with Auburn draft pick Marcellus Dareus..."

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Joe Theisman, Dan Dierdorf, and Beastly Reese.


I have nightmares about those three doing a game together. With Eric Dickerson as the sideline reporter.


I was gonna say...Nobody mentioned Theisman? He may be the most clueless announcer in any pro sport. He butchers calls, doesn't understand the rules, and makes huge deals over meaningless events in a game....The worse thing is, he thinks he's dead on accurate...


I'd rather listen to Madden mumble and make noises...


Great topic by the way

Edited by Turbosrrgood
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Can't stand Joe Buck and his pink lipstick. The sexual tension between him and Aikman really hurts their coverage of the game. They should just get it over with and makeout already. Clear the air and then focus on their jobs.

haha wow im so glad you just said this..... seriously i might put this in my signature

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I was gonna say...Nobody mentioned Theisman? He may be the most clueless announcer in any pro sport. He butchers calls, doesn't understand the rules, and makes huge deals over meaningless events in a game....The worse thing is, he thinks he's dead on accurate...


I remember one Sunday night game...ESPN's thing was to give Theismann and Maguire time for a monologue about the game before kickoff. So Theisman's talking, saying something breathtakingly stupid, the camera zooms out to pan to Maguire...and Macguire's openly laughing at Theismann, on air.


I also remember one game where Theismann suggested that a team use a timeout to "ice the punter", and Maguire went off on him on how you ice kickers, not punters, and that was the stupidest thing he'd ever heard.


I never much liked Paul Maguire as an announcer...but I did always like the way he abused Theismann.

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