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Again, I CAN say I am for immediate REFORM. Reform does mean making some cuts / sacrifices if you are willing to compromise. I would hope that any change be made with a scalpel not an ax. The rational person , smart person would take a deep look at the problem and figure out the best course of action. Not just simply say "CUT SPENDING!! NO MATTER WHAT!!"


Living up the promises my party has making for the last 60 years. Ok, so the Democrats have had full control for the past 60 years? Or are you saying that the Republicans have never had a backbone to make changes they like when it comes to the entitlement programs? Going back to what I said earlier, reform IS necessary. No doubting that. The difference is in how it is done. You obviously can't understand that.


My attitude is the problem? Seriously how stupid are you? I have been saying compromise and make logical cuts during the reform process. You and your ilk simply say it's my way or the highway and cut everything. Like a two-year-old wanting to take their ball home because they didn't like the game. Being a leader, being an adult is learning and knowing how to compromise, something clearly lacking with you.


So would you be happy to see major cuts in defense spending? Maybe as much as a 1/3? Not sure how asking about Defense spending is game, republicans by in large do NOT want to cut defense spending.


Not sure how closing tax loop holes is a game? Part of the problem we have here IS revenue. No doubting that fact. So are you for closing tax loop holes and if anything keeping corporate tax rates where they are now... NOT lowering them as the Ryan plan would like?


In regards to the Bush Tax Cuts... we are NOT past that. I hope to god that you aren't that dumb to understand the affect they have had and continue to have on the economy. Maybe you are... not sure.


Most economists have stated lately that some spending (I know, a curse word to you) is needed in order to get jobs created. Spending should be done on our infrastructure. Many have also stated that they would love to see a infrastructure bank that offers construction loans at 2%. Believing that this would help create jobs throughout the country. I tend to believe it.


I do love your blind faith in your party and all of the successes they have had. HAHAHA!! Keep those blinders on buddy. Keep em' on.





How can you say that when the first three are on budget, finance and foreign relations committees?

Where the F are you going to get $49 trillion, moron? If you don't have an answer, then STFU. Do not talk to me about taxing the rich. Even if we taxed everyone who makes over $250k a year 100% we don't even come up with half of the what your dumbass party wants to spend. So, take your "Bush tax cuts" buffoonery and blow it out your ass.


Your party doesn't want to cut defense, because they know that's an election-losing albatross. So, you can take your "cut defense spending" and blow that out your ass as well, because your elected people won't do it anyway. Of course they will stand up at fundraisers and talk schit, of course your idiot talking heads on TV will spew it, but behind closed doors these same people will advise doing nothing on defense. I don't know if you knew that. Now you do.


Obama and your Congress, since 2006, spent us into a massive hole. It is time to take the shovel away...unless you keep digging and find $49 trillion down there.

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