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[closed]Bills getting recognized

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Just read this article from Peter King's MMQB. He recently visited the bills training camp and has a lot of good things to say about the team. Looks like he thinks the offense is going to be explosive this year. He mentions all of the young talent the bills have and how we'll probably see a good amount of 5 wide sets this year. In any case he's got me pretty excited about what our offense might be able to do. As long as Fitz can continue to grow into the system we may be a threat to put up 20 or 30 points in any given game.

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Just read this article from Peter King's MMQB. He recently visited the bills training camp and has a lot of good things to say about the team. Looks like he thinks the offense is going to be explosive this year. He mentions all of the young talent the bills have and how we'll probably see a good amount of 5 wide sets this year. In any case he's got me pretty excited about what our offense might be able to do. As long as Fitz can continue to grow into the system we may be a threat to put up 20 or 30 points in any given game.


To help out our defense more this year, our offense has to consistenly put up 24 or more points, I think.

A couple of other things,offensively: (Assuming the O line is doing their job.)


Better Red Zone production - ie. touchdowns, not so many field goals.

HAVE MORE OF A KILLER INSTINCT!!! When we have the lead during the second half, keep pouring on the points, don't start playing it close to the vest!


That's my 2 cents, anyway.

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4. Donald Jones, WR, Buffalo, 12th round. The Bills are going to throw it a lot. Jones could be the second-most productive receiver to Stevie Johnson, with apologies to Lee Evans. Don't worry if you haven't heard of him. No one in your league has, either.



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Just read this article from Peter King's MMQB. He recently visited the bills training camp and has a lot of good things to say about the team. Looks like he thinks the offense is going to be explosive this year. He mentions all of the young talent the bills have and how we'll probably see a good amount of 5 wide sets this year. In any case he's got me pretty excited about what our offense might be able to do. As long as Fitz can continue to grow into the system we may be a threat to put up 20 or 30 points in any given game.



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Does he know soemthing about our O-line that we all don't?


I think he does. He knows it wasn't that bad last year and we sustained a bunch of injuries. Based on everyone appears to be healthy and a little bit more experienced it should improve even more this year. Did you know that?

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Yes, that outside or RT, they weren't all that bad last year, and now have another year under their belt for the interior guys. Bell could work all off-season on getting stonger which he couldn't do last year. They also picked up two on waivers Ubrik and Pears who could be the last two starters.Moving Woods to center tells me the Bill's feel they are better with him and Ubrik starting than Woods at Guard and Hang at center. And Hang was far from terrible, would consider him average. So that is now an upgrade to some extent. As long as they don't get hurt, I think they will be fine on their line.


Does he know soemthing about our O-line that we all don't?

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Interesting tidbit on Kyle Williams further down in the piece. The guy must be incredibly athletic




Short version...

Shot a 66 at the University [golf]Club in Baton Rouge two summers ago. Seven birdies and an eagle.


Last year took batting practice at Rogers Centre before a Blue Jays game. He hit a home run an estimated 400 feet.


Marshawn Lynch challenged Williams to a swimming race in the team's rehab pool. Williams beat him easily.


His golf handicap...."Zero,'' he said.

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