Beach Posted August 8, 2011 Posted August 8, 2011 eh, mob week is over. dem guys is swimmin wit da fishes.
K-9 Posted August 8, 2011 Posted August 8, 2011 (edited) so, the Towpath Motel gets an interesting call this afternoon, from someone looking for the Bills.  Jamie: "Yo, youse guys have a trader there?" Clerk: "Whaa? Jamie: "A trader, wuz wit da Jets last year and now heeez left to go to da Billz." Clerk: "Ma'am, I certainly don't know who you might be referring to." Jamie: "Don't call me ma'am. Ima guy ..." Clerk: "My apologies, Ima." Jamie: "&%#!! Geez, what's it wit you upstaters. Do eyes a have to drive up dere to give you sum knuckle sangwiches." Clerk: "Well, you don't have to be rude. But I don't know how I can help you." Jamie: "I unnerstand that the Bills stay there, and eyes lookin' for a trader." Clerk: "The Bills don't stay here, so I don't think I can help you." Jamie: "I figured you might try ta pull that schtick. Git me da trader." Clerk: "Aahhhh." Jamie: "Da dopes on the intrawebs told me da Bills were staying there, so don't try to pull no wool over my eyes. Get me da trader ya %$&^ mope."  The line goes dead. What will Jamie do now?  jw  Bravo, jw! I give it 5 out of 5 "minga, ain't its."  Yous ain't knowin' know who you messin' wit.  Who is Jimmy Spags?  Jimmy put da batrooms in da new Medlands, dats who.  Who is Jimmy Spags?  Jimmy sat two seats nexta Tony Bennett at da Sinatra concert, dats who.  Who is Jimmy Spags?  Fahgettaboudit yous minga Louies! Edited August 8, 2011 by K-9
yungmack Posted August 8, 2011 Posted August 8, 2011 Long time no talk Bills fans. Â I was wondering if you could fill me in with a few details. I am wondering where the Bills stay during training camp. Is it a hotel? I have been assigned a task to deal with a trader. Someone has left the Jets which I don't know why they would unless they were stupid. Let's just say that leaving the Jets like that is not something you should do. So let me know where the players stay so I can gets this over with. Â Thank you in advance for your cooperating. Â Â P.S. J-E-T-S Jets JEts JETS. Â Is one of the Bills selling you stocks?
Jimmy Spagnola Posted August 8, 2011 Author Posted August 8, 2011 (edited) Jimmie(with a heart over the i, like a little girl), Â Every time you come on here you crack me up as I'm sure others. Are you really that dumb or is that part of your act? Â I'm guessing Brad Smith will have more success with Buffalo with a creative offensive coach than he had with the NJ Yets. Â By the way if you're looking to mess with our new wr/rb/qb why don't you come give me a visit first. Â You haven't posted recently. Did your mom not pay the internet bill for a while? Â Take care Jimmie. How cute. You know stealing funny ideas from Wormboy doesn't exactly may you look to bright you know. Â And regarding your funny threats from a keyboard you don't want no visit from me trust me on that. Why don't just watch what happens to the trader when I get to that dump you upstaters call a swank hotel. Then I think the keyboard will suddenly get a little more discretional. Â Â P.S. J-E-T-S Jets JEts JETS. Edited August 8, 2011 by Jimmy Spagnola
bills7834 Posted August 8, 2011 Posted August 8, 2011 How cute. You know stealing funny ideas from Wormboy doesn't exactly may you look to bright you know. Â And regarding your funny threats from a keyboard you don't want no visit from me trust me on that. Why don't just watch what happens to the trader when I get to that dump you upstaters call a swank hotel. Then I think the keyboard will suddenly get a little more discretional. Â Â P.S. J-E-T-S Jets JEts JETS. Jimmie, Â I'm pretty sure I'm not scared of a Bon Jovi listening, sweat suit wearing man-child living in his mom's basement. Â By the way please don't make fun of that hotel. That's one of the finest hotels we have in Western NY. That's why the Bills are staying there. Â Good look to youse guys this year. Â Take care, Jimmie
Delete This Account Posted August 8, 2011 Posted August 8, 2011 (edited) How cute. You know stealing funny ideas from Wormboy doesn't exactly may you look to bright you know. Â And regarding your funny threats from a keyboard you don't want no visit from me trust me on that. Why don't just watch what happens to the trader when I get to that dump you upstaters call a swank hotel. Then I think the keyboard will suddenly get a little more discretional. Â Â P.S. J-E-T-S Jets JEts JETS. ah, so Jamie is heading upstate. Â the next part of the story. Â Jamie: "Ma, I need da cah." Mom: "Fer what?" Jamie: "I found out where da trader's staying, sum dump up in Rochester." Mom: "Rochester? Watchyou wanna go up dere for. I need you here to mow the grass. And you clean up your room yet? Geez, yer uncle's comin ovah." Jamie: "Ah, moooom." Mom: "Don't pull that whiney act with me. You can't have da cah, cause I gotta go to bingo." Jamie: "Jeezz, marone. Bingo. Here I am, finally got to track down da trader, and youse gotta go to bingo. I gotta life, too, you know." Mom: "What life. Sitting and yelling at that computah screen all day. Why don't you get yourself a girl." Jamie: "Girls. Dey all freakin' Giants fans or sumptin. I ain't going out with no Giants fan. And then there's that rash I was telling you about." Mom: "That still ain't healed? You been scratching at it again?" Jamie: "Uh ... no." Mom: "Well, let your uncle take a look at it when he comes ovah." Jamie: "Mooom!" Mom: "Don't mom, me. Go get yo sistah. I got dinner ready." Â And so Jamie is stuck at home, unable to find transportation while on the verge of his big opportunity, and a bone to pick with several Bills fans. He heads back up to his room, checks his computer, and applies some balm. The rash is getting worse. It's not been a good day. Â jw Edited August 8, 2011 by john wawrow
coastalpika Posted August 8, 2011 Posted August 8, 2011 What does a "Trader" have to do with football?
boyst Posted August 8, 2011 Posted August 8, 2011 Thaks Wormboy. You learn slow but at least you learn. Some of the other wiseguys in here might want to watch their backs. Â P.S. J-E-T-S Jets JEts JETS. do you do the same things to guys backs that guys do in prison?
thebug Posted August 8, 2011 Posted August 8, 2011 How cute. You know stealing funny ideas from Wormboy doesn't exactly may you look to bright you know. Â And regarding your funny threats from a keyboard you don't want no visit from me trust me on that. Why don't just watch what happens to the trader when I get to that dump you upstaters call a swank hotel. Then I think the keyboard will suddenly get a little more discretional. Â Â P.S. J-E-T-S Jets JEts JETS. Â Â what's up spaggs? You still pissed at me for not giving you the password? I ended up with a bunch of money from the safe, so if you need a little extra cash to help pay for at night at that ritzy hotel, just let me know!
ndirish1978 Posted August 9, 2011 Posted August 9, 2011 Don't go to that hotel Spags, it's full of ghosts, it's a trap!
San Jose Bills Fan Posted August 19, 2011 Posted August 19, 2011 Jimmy,  Heartiest congratulations on the newest New York Jet… Aaron Maybin!  Sounds like your assignment got mixed-up somewhere along the ways… Brad Smith had a nice practice last night and now the poor man's Vernon Gholston is a member of the Nyets!  Congratulations!
Defend Greece Posted August 19, 2011 Posted August 19, 2011 do you do the same things to guys backs that guys do in prison? Yup we called him little Jimmy in the slammer
BiggieScooby Posted August 19, 2011 Posted August 19, 2011 (edited) Hey Spags why don't you and your boys buy us some Canadian beer and buy us a few lap dances at the Sundowner....Then maybe we might tell you. Edited August 19, 2011 by BiggieScooby
bowery4 Posted September 5, 2011 Posted September 5, 2011;_ylt=AlXISXMkmsWIR8ZuCYGzF4ZDubYF?slug=ap-jets-moves some HOFer for the Jests
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