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:lol: Carter's not forgotten. Of course, he's remembered for all the wrong reasons.


So's Herbert Hoover, nearly 100 years later.

You sure?


Walk down the street, or airport(you fly, right?) and ask the next 50 consecutive people who Jimmy Carter was. You may get more affirmatives in the airport, because it skews that way, but, do you think you'll get more than 30%? I don't. On the street? 15? 20?


So, you see, he's already been forgotten, for all useful purposes.


I do not include you dominating the trivial pursuit game your wife's couples party, and doing your endzone dance after each right answer, as a useful purpose.

Edited by OCinBuffalo
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I'm sure the denizens of PPP can grasp the global significance of America electing an African American for president the same way they can relate to George W Bush's profound statement of mission accomplished. I know my fellow poster OC can.

It's significant.


But right now, in terms of sheer usefulness, effect on others, shaping our culture, every way you want to look at it, Jackie Robinson being the first black baseball player is more significant.


It simply is, by a lot. How can we confirm this? Obama's Nobel Prize. Contrast that to Jackie Robinson's first MLB contract. Which was earned? Who continued to earn it? Who has continued to fail? How many African Americans are likely to remember that Obama was given a Nobel Prize? I guarantee 85% of them know Robinson is a HOFer.


Obama can still change things. He has time, and this election is by no means certain. It's too early to tell on a lot of things.


However, the concrete is out of the truck, has been poured and is sitting in the mold. Obama needs to hurry before it starts to set.

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It's significant.


But right now, in terms of sheer usefulness, effect on others, shaping our culture, every way you want to look at it, Jackie Robinson being the first black baseball player is more significant.


It simply is, by a lot. How can we confirm this? Obama's Nobel Prize. Contrast that to Jackie Robinson's first MLB contract. Which was earned? Who continued to earn it? Who has continued to fail? How many African Americans are likely to remember that Obama was given a Nobel Prize? I guarantee 85% of them know Robinson is a HOFer.


Obama can still change things. He has time, and this election is by no means certain. It's too early to tell on a lot of things.


However, the concrete is out of the truck, has been poured and is sitting in the mold. Obama needs to hurry before it starts to set.

interesting point. Robinson's achievement in that era may be more impressive in some repects but he wasn't put into a position of authority. That's the clincher.
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interesting point. Robinson's achievement in that era may be more impressive in some repects but he wasn't put into a position of authority. That's the clincher.

Authority? :lol: Nice word choice. :lol:


Since when has Obama ever been, this whole time, in a practical position of authority? When has he "taken command" the way a leader does? Authority, either the power definition or the expert definition, is not a word that can be associated with this administration. The aren't experts on anything, and they certainly don't know how to use their authority, and therefore grow it, properly. The only authority they have comes from the office, not the man, and that authority has decreased the longer Obama has been in the office.


Conversely, Jackie Robinson initially defied authority and persevered, such that he gained authority via his own merit. His work on civil rights has orders of magnitude more positive impact than anything Obama has done. Robinson's effect on sports, and the culture in general was massive. As such, when Jackie Robinson spoke, you were compelled to listen. You weren't compelled to listen because of some office or rank, but because Robinson had earned your respect through both word and deed. Respect is where real authority starts(that, and knowing the job). To get respect you must be respectable. How much of Obama's behavior this past year has been respectable vs. not?


Perhaps if Obama has been an Army officer, like Robinson, he would have learned these things.

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In less than two months since entering the 2012 race, Bachmann’s campaign staff has become embroiled in at least five unusually hostile encounters with the traveling media marked by pushing, shoving and, in one instance, the allegation of a threat of violence to a reporter.


Some of it has unfolded in full public view: Bachmann aides’ tussles with the press have twice turned into news stories.


In another incident that did not make the air, a camera captured Fox News correspondent Steve Brown telling a bodyguard in Iowa, “Do not put your hands on me. Don’t ever do it again.”


A foreign reporter also alleged to POLITICO this week that an aide threatened to break his arm — an allegation the Bachmann campaign denied.


And a couple more...


Well played.

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Ladies & gentlemen, Elvis has left the building.




Quick side note - Most people I know who grew up in Memphis have never been to Graceland. Of the ones who did, they usually say they took a friend from out of town there. Also, Dead Elvis Week and his birthday see huge amounts of tourists (well for Memphis) come into town from all over the globe.

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This just goes to show you how crazy good Sarah Palin was (and I think still is). You have this Michelle Bachman person who wins the straw poll in Iowa and not even one week later it seems like everybody is already sick and tired of her!...LOL


To me, so far looking at the players at the beginning of this GOP campaign, Palin's stature grows each and every day. It will get awfully interesting if she joins the race and suddenly looks like the sane one among this current group of knuckleheads. BTW, there was a very good reason why she was ripped to shreds by the dems. She's good.

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Quick side note - Most people I know who grew up in Memphis have never been to Graceland. Of the ones who did, they usually say they took a friend from out of town there. Also, Dead Elvis Week and his birthday see huge amounts of tourists (well for Memphis) come into town from all over the globe.


Ask a NYer if they've ever been to the top of empire state bld?

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Ask a WNYer how many times they have been to Niagara Falls besides taking visiting relatives or friends


See, I cannot imagine going to see that. The pictures are incredible. Frankly, the top of the ESB seems way more appealing than a tacky mansion of a troubled, but talented singer.

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