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Ahh...nothing like a little elitist attitude to get more votes for your candidate.

"elitist attitude" against Bachmann is what is going to win her the nomination. Her transparency is a plus among her core supporters. Everything about her is pretty much out there already so there will be no surprises when the primaries kick off. Her views are pretty well known and sync well with prevailing conservative attitudes. As a Bachmann supporter I believe the only thing that can stop her is if she veers from her core "beliefs" and becomes a Romney or even worse a Huntsman. I don't think that's going to happen.

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"elitist attitude" against Bachmann is what is going to win her the nomination. Her transparency is a plus among her core supporters. Everything about her is pretty much out there already so there will be no surprises when the primaries kick off. Her views are pretty well known and sync well with prevailing conservative attitudes. As a Bachmann supporter I believe the only thing that can stop her is if she veers from her core "beliefs" and becomes a Romney or even worse a Huntsman. I don't think that's going to happen.


She may get the nomination, but it's very early in the process.


To me she seems a lot like Pat Robertson from 1987, who as we all know went on to become the 41st president of the US.

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"elitist attitude" against Bachmann is what is going to win her the nomination. Her transparency is a plus among her core supporters. Everything about her is pretty much out there already so there will be no surprises when the primaries kick off. Her views are pretty well known and sync well with prevailing conservative attitudes. As a Bachmann supporter I believe the only thing that can stop her is if she veers from her core "beliefs" and becomes a Romney or even worse a Huntsman. I don't think that's going to happen.


Oh please. Just because she's on the correct side of many views doesn't mean that she's the person who will get the nomination. Bachman's never been a governor and has no shot at getting the nomination. Reason being is that the main argument against Obama this next presidential campaign year is that he was and still is an amateur. A Bachman nomination completely nullifies ALL of that ammunition. Bachman has no shot at winning the nomination. None. Zilch. Nada. We need a proven decision maker, not a yapper this time.

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Oh please. Just because she's on the correct side of many views doesn't mean that she's the person who will get the nomination. Bachman's never been a governor and has no shot at getting the nomination. Reason being is that the main argument against Obama this next presidential campaign year is that he was and still is an amateur. A Bachman nomination completely nullifies ALL of that ammunition. Bachman has no shot at winning the nomination. None. Zilch. Nada. We need a proven decision maker, not a yapper this time.

who else is going espouse her views and be that entertaining dointg it?

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It's going to really suck badly having to support that failure this coming year and a half. I don't feel sorry for you, I just thought I'd point it out.


He doesn't have to support her for a whole year and a half. See what he wrote on 7-4-11


Yes I am now once again a Republican....for the sole reason that I can vote for Michelle Bachmann in the NYS Republican primary next year. I will do everything in my power to make sure she is the Republican nominee.





Then after that.....

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He doesn't have to support her for a whole year and a half. See what he wrote on 7-4-11


Yes I am now once again a Republican....for the sole reason that I can vote for Michelle Bachmann in the NYS Republican primary next year. I will do everything in my power to make sure she is the Republican nominee.





Then after that.....



When I mentioned "that failure" I was talking about Obama.

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When I mentioned "that failure" I was talking about Obama.


Actually I thought you were being sarcastic and speaking of Bachmann. I don't relate "that failure" to Obama. You would have to say something like "that colossal failure" to get me to relate it to Obama.

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Actually I thought you were being sarcastic and speaking of Bachmann. I don't relate "that failure" to Obama. You would have to say something like "that colossal failure" to get me to relate it to Obama.



I thought for a second about using the adjective "colossal", however I pulled back feeling it's been used so often describing the failure of Obama that it's starting to lose it's effect....LOL

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I thought their was no way George W Bush was going to be re-elected in 2004. Never doubt the power of incumbancy especially with the weak and strange GOP field of candidates.


This is most likely the most coherent and non-asshattery posting made by Hedd in the 6 or so years he has amused us.

They grow up so fast :beer:

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No ****. At least, not without waiting a hundred years. :rolleyes:


Ok Tom, as the self-proclaimed history buff, please explain how this won't be the case.


(Also, I am just demoralizing them for the fun of it, and because they can't say anything substantive back, right now anyway...pretty much what I do here, for fun. So quit ruining it with your damn intellectual honesty).

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Ok Tom, as the self-proclaimed history buff, please explain how this won't be the case.


Because our Chinese overlords will be teaching this period of time as when the US, under the leadership of the Great President Obama, finally threw off the shackles of oppressive capitalism and joined the world community as an equal under peaceful Chinese hegemony.



(Really...refute a future event??? Are you high?)

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Because our Chinese overlords will be teaching this period of time as when the US, under the leadership of the Great President Obama, finally threw off the shackles of oppressive capitalism and joined the world community as an equal under peaceful Chinese hegemony.



(Really...refute a future event??? Are you high?)


(No, I'm just forecasting future results based on past performance.)


Perhaps the best way to put it: what is more likely right now?

1. Obama going down as a great domestic policy/infrastructure President, like Eisenhower? or how about a great progressive President like TR?

2. Obama will be nearly forgotten in 20 years, never mind 100, like Carter?

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(No, I'm just forecasting future results based on past performance.)


Perhaps the best way to put it: what is more likely right now?

1. Obama going down as a great domestic policy/infrastructure President, like Eisenhower? or how about a great progressive President like TR?

2. Obama will be nearly forgotten in 20 years, never mind 100, like Carter?


:lol: Carter's not forgotten. Of course, he's remembered for all the wrong reasons.


So's Herbert Hoover, nearly 100 years later.

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:lol: Carter's not forgotten. Of course, he's remembered for all the wrong reasons.


So's Herbert Hoover, nearly 100 years later.

I bet Obama is remembered a 100 years from now simply for being the first Black president-pick five random High school seniors an offer them a dollar for every president they can name and I doubt you'd be out more than 25 dollars- offer them 5 dollars to name one thing the presidents they picked did as president and I doubt you'd be out more than another 25 dollars.

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