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Rich boy who admitted he really didn't even really know the Depression was going on when he was growing up. Good President, though.


When he was growing up? What? :wacko:


I always like the Onion headline: FDR Introduces "Big Deal" Plan: "Big deal. I'm rich."


Lincoln is worth idolizing :worthy:




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Rich boy who admitted he really didn't even really know the Depression was going on when he was growing up. Good President, though.


Lincoln is worth idolizing :worthy:



Ya, like you love Steve Forbes


Just so you know, I call myself a JFK conservative. That has to be so tough for you far out loony leftist ***** to comprehend. The icon of your party was to the right of George Bush. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!

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Big boost for the Bachmann candidacy. Ron Paul comes in a close second.


Biggest loser IMO was Huntsman. 69 votes total


Not that any of it matters. I never quite understood what the big deal with the Iowa Strawpoll was



Bob Dole, Phil Graham, Mitt Romney and Pat Robertson are all calling to congratulate her! :rolleyes:

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Bob Dole, Phil Graham, Mitt Romney and Pat Robertson are all calling to congratulate her! :rolleyes:

Dole, Graham, and Robertson haven't figured out how to use that new fangled telephony device yet, so they sent her a telegram.


Romney is a used car salesman, so at least he's a little more up to date. Dude will whatever it takes to get you to drive off the lot in a late Model T

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Bachmann's nomination to lose. All the negative media attention she will continue to receive will not stop her. The Republican etablishment is probably wondering what is going on?



Get real. After the Obama disaster, you won't see another person from congress get their party's nomination for at least fifty years.


This is a real job, amateurs need not apply. We need a decision maker, not another talker.

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Get real. After the Obama disaster, you won't see another person from congress get their party's nomination for at least fifty years.


This is a real job, amateurs need not apply. We need a decision maker, not another talker.

Fifty years? You know fifty years in the future?



And Senator Obama is a disaster for having to clean up Governor Bush's wrecking of the Federal government? :blink:

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Bachmann/ Palin or Palin/Bachmann 2012!!!!!

best possible scenario for liberals!


anyone watching fox news sunday? it's like a republican pep rally...i mean, even more than usual


we just saw unprecedented wall street volatility and continued panic and they spend an hour on bachmann and perry never mentioning the markets?

Edited by birdog1960
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there is no way the conservative base is going to rally around Romney. They tried that with McCain and are still upset about that. As for Perry all you have to say is Texas and governor and there goes that campaign. Michelle will have this wrapped up by next february. Her strange unflappability on Meet the Press this morning proves nothing phases her. I think that is what the base wants.

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Fifty years? You know fifty years in the future?



And Senator Obama is a disaster for having to clean up Governor Bush's wrecking of the Federal government? :blink:



The big liberal lie (that lost it's mojo a full year ago) is that the mess was Bush's fault. The 30 year liberal agenda of pushing mortgages on people who couldn't afford them and lack of basic oversight on wallstreet was the main cause of the mess. Bush was just the guy in charge when the bottom fell out. Obama took a mess and created an epic disaster.


America lost theirs collective minds voting for such an rank amateur in Obama. Not only is he an amateur, he will surely go down as the laziest president we've ever had. He's either on the golf course, on vacation, at a ritzy celeb party or on the campaign trail. American's have finally clued into the fact that he simply doesn't like to work. With the exception of a few people, almost everyone who works in congress doesn't like to work, that's why they become congressmen. Those people are the laziest workers in America.


When I heard that Obama voted "present" 128 times in the state senate I laughed and said that this guy can't even do the lazy man's job of simply voting!...LOL

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The big liberal lie (that lost it's mojo a full year ago) is that the mess was Bush's fault. The 30 year liberal agenda of pushing mortgages on people who couldn't afford them and lack of basic oversight on wallstreet was the main cause of the mess. Bush was just the guy in charge when the bottom fell out. Obama took a mess and created an epic disaster.


America lost theirs collective minds voting for such an rank amateur in Obama. Not only is he an amateur, he will surely go down as the laziest president we've ever had. He's either on the golf course, on vacation, at a ritzy celeb party or on the campaign trail. American's have finally clued into the fact that he simply doesn't like to work. With the exception of a few people, almost everyone who works in congress doesn't like to work, that's why they become congressmen. Those people are the laziest workers in America.


When I heard that Obama voted "present" 128 times in the state senate I laughed and said that this guy can't even do the lazy man's job of simply voting!...LOL

You're going to go absolutely ballistic when he gets re-elected. You won't be able to comprehend how such a thing could happen. Welcome to my 2004.

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Big boost for the Bachmann candidacy. Ron Paul comes in a close second.


Biggest loser IMO was Huntsman. 69 votes total


Not that any of it matters. I never quite understood what the big deal with the Iowa Strawpoll was


Don't think of it as an election, think of it as a job fair. If your strategy for the nomination involves Iowa, you need to fight for the Iowa activists. The straw poll weeds out weaker candidates, freeing up their operatives to sign on with the candidates they think can win.

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