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Chris Christie slams fearmongering over Sharia law

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New Jersey Republican Gov. Chris Christie defended his decision to nominate a Muslim judge to the state Superior Court against conservative critics who warned that the new judge will implement Sharia law. The notoriously blunt-spoken Christie calling their fears "crap" and "crazy."


Run for President, you have my vote. Love the pragmatism and fiscal conservativeness of any of the potential (well one can hope) candidates, of this guy. Oh, and he is blunt. :thumbsup:

Edited by Booster4324
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Run for President, you have my vote. Love the pragmatism and fiscal conservativeness of any of the potential (well one can hope) candidates, of this guy. Oh, and he is blunt. :thumbsup:


Lose 50 (or 100) pounds and run in 2016 Christie.

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Run for President, you have my vote. Love the pragmatism and fiscal conservativeness of any of the potential (well one can hope) candidates, of this guy. Oh, and he is blunt. :thumbsup:

What's the big deal? Most Americans stand up to bigotry all the time. Why is this even a story??




Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! He's a Republican standing up to bigotry! My bad, that really is a story! Must be from a northern state, ha ha

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