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Paul Krugman Was Right

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Imagine, if you will, someone who read only the Wall Street Journal editorial page between 2000 and 2011, and someone in the same period who read only the collected columns of Paul Krugman. Which reader would have been better informed about the realities of the current economic crisis? The answer, I think, should give us pause. Can it be that our enemies were right?




As we head back into recession we have to ask, was the stimulous big enough? Did the government do enough? No, obviously not

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All JP Losman & Trent Edwards need are more reps under center.

Yes, let's go back to Rob Johnson!



Face it guys, you Conservo losers were totally wrong. Since the big money conservatives, Big Business media and lobbyiests control the debate there is no way we are going to see the stimulous necessary to get us out of this. It's 1937 all over again. It took World War Two to get the government to spend enough to stimulate the economy out of the depression, but we won't see anything like that today. Hyper-Inflation? wow! :wallbash:

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As we head back into recession we have to ask, was the stimulous big enough? Did the government do enough? No, obviously not

If doing enough means getting the out of the way and let the free market and free enterprise do its thing. If so this may be the first thing we could agree on.

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If doing enough means getting the out of the way and let the free market and free enterprise do its thing. If so this may be the first thing we could agree on.


Rule #2 is "Never get into an argument about economics with someone who spells 'stimulus' with an 'o'." :wallbash:

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Kudlow just had this clown on "rated #1by the Wall Street Journal as an economist" who just charged that the stimulous was killing the economy, then he slipped in a plea to preserve military spending to save the economy, and that of course social programs were the problem.


Ya, it's Krugman who is the phony, whatever

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Kudlow just had this clown on "rated #1by the Wall Street Journal as an economist" who just charged that the stimulous


Now you're just doing it to !@#$ with me.



was killing the economy, then he slipped in a plea to preserve military spending to save the economy, and that of course social programs were the problem.


Ya, it's Krugman who is the phony, whatever


As much as I do truly hate this fact: think of all the goods and services the military purchases, and yes, meaningful cuts will very likely hurt the economy. Hell, you're in friggin' Norfolk...your salary is likely paid in one way or another by the Pentagon.


And before you go all stupid with your response: you're going to find very few people here who are going to advocate for the Pentagon's wasteful acquisition and management practices.

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The bright spots in the monthly jobs report included the creation of 154,000 private-sector jobs in July, with employment growth in healthcare, retail and manufacturing, but the government sector continued to shed jobs.





Stimulous too small....who said that?

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Stimulous too small....who said that?


"The unemployment rate ticked down to 9.1 percent in July from 9.2 percent in the previous month, the government said, partly because some unemployed workers stopped looking for work. That means they are no longer counted as unemployed. "


Gotta love statistics.

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"The unemployment rate ticked down to 9.1 percent in July from 9.2 percent in the previous month, the government said, partly because some unemployed workers stopped looking for work. That means they are no longer counted as unemployed. "


Gotta love statistics.


So the problem is...everyone needs to stop looking for work!

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