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Another year, another bad offensive line

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The Bills, last season had slightly below average o-line performance, according to all stats I can get my hands on. Which means, statistically, that our o-line performed better than the complete team, right? We were 3rd worst in the league. Would it be kinda neat to upgrade? Yeah. Is it even neater to upgrade our d first, cause they really sucked? At least I think so. And boy would it be neat if one of those cheap free agents turned out to be a real solid lineman after a little bit of time in the system. If not? Then we'll go and upgrade our o-line next year the way we upgraded our d-line this year.

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This thread is both ridiculous and dull. Maybe some fans are in the habit of assuming that the OLine is bad again because it has been a weak link for years, but not RECENTLY. The OLINE wasn't bad last year despite many injuries. LEVITRE and WOOD are both studs. Yes, Levitre too. I really, REALLY liked what I saw from Urbik late last year. On the left side, when he has been healthy, Bell has been as good as ANY LT in our division - that's right. When he wasn't nursing his knee back to health and only playing half the downs because of it, Bell has been solid - and impressive at times. The problem recently has been RT, where Green proved he had nothing left. They took a shot on a guy and it didn't pan out. We had a solid RT and he retired unexpectedly, leaving this new admin in an unfortunate situation. Chan says he likes Pears. Chan knows more about these things than you do, than any of us do. So let's see what he can do. And Hairston. And anybody else they think is worthy. If they think a guy is worthy, so should you. Judge after the games have started and you have data to reference. I expect Hangartner might take the RG role, and he's solid. I expect good things from our OLine this year, and I expect that we'll finally have a silencing of the OLine complaints.


ANd please, let's not look at outsiders' stat blog. Stats can support any thesis you want. You'll find many surprises if you look hard enough. Want some stats? During the SB years of the pats, they had a middle of the road D statistically. But we all know how good they were. I look at that stat site right now and see a dozen incongruities. Was Miami really that good at running the ball? Is that what they were known for? Did Miami's run game scare anybody?


To say "another bad oline" is just a useless comment, plain and simple. They haven't even played a down yet this year. I bet I know what you want: NAMES! Right? Guys you've seen on MNF playing for big contracts.


BELL: Solid. LEVITRE: Solid+ WOOD: PRO-Bowl bound RG Hangartner? Solid. RT? Uncertain. Doesn't look like our biggest problem to me.


Our problem last year was defense. If we had a middle of the road D, we'd have won 9 games despite being in the first year of new schemes on both sides of the ball AND with personnel still largely suited to the previous schemes. Chan impressed me a lot last year. He has improved an offense every time he has had the chance in the NFL. He knows what to look for in OLinemen, as does Nix. They made changes from the old regime, many changes. NOW GIVE THEM A FREAKING CHANCE and maybe quit boring everyone with the same old commentary which might have met with approval two or three years ago and beyond but recently? Please...

Edited by nodnarb
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This is the area I am most worried about this team going into the season. If it's bad it trickles down to the QB and RB's (CJ spiller more) and there are definite question marks there. I hate to be worrysome but is it possible we regress this year?


The line doesn't suck....didn't suck last year as soon as Edwards left so did the crappy line play

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This is the area I am most worried about this team going into the season. If it's bad it trickles down to the QB and RB's (CJ spiller more) and there are definite question marks there. I hate to be worrysome but is it possible we regress this year?



Would someone taste the milk in the fridge? I think it might be spoiled. Wait dont lets just stew and worry about it. Come on man!

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Bell got alot better as the year went on. I thought Urbik was a great player for us before he was hurt. Wood and Levitre are great G/C combo.


Pears was a starter for 2 years in Denver and Gailey is able to use talent well. I think we will be fine.

Fairly liberal use of the word "great". ;)

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I guess there wasn`t any tackles out there in free agency better than ours. Yeah right.Hey Buddy the human pear showed dominance last year.So we drafted a rookie . Will he take over that spot and be average or better than average right NOW. Or will we let Fitz get smashed and no run gains to that side ? If someone is better now ,let the back-ups sit until they show they want that spot. EARN IT.There had to be a right tackle out there better.Oh yeah Clabo. 5 mil a year. Peanuts for a pro bowl tackle . Cheap pitiful Bills.

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We do need a swing, based on what I saw last year and I would go as far to say that RT has to still be a question. But the guys maybe on the roster already. I did like the way Nix dealt with it by raiding PSs of other teams and picking up fairly high drafted players (very opportunistic, IMO). I think he has gone on record saying that they were still going to get another tackle, I believe they will. I hope they find another young guy who is big, can run block and is right for the team. I know that they went hard after Clabo for a reason and when it didn't pan out... well, there weren't any others that were worth it. IMO the philosophy they have regarding OL is unless it is a proven guy worth the $ don't over pay (lessons learned?). There are cuts still coming, FA really wasn't great for RT, old guys and oft injured. There is also the option of a trade but not for draft picks. This will still be a question for a while but I know they are planning and I am okay with it.

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This thread is both ridiculous and dull. Maybe some fans are in the habit of assuming that the OLine is bad again because it has been a weak link for years, but not RECENTLY. The OLINE wasn't bad last year despite many injuries. LEVITRE and WOOD are both studs. Yes, Levitre too. I really, REALLY liked what I saw from Urbik late last year. On the left side, when he has been healthy, Bell has been as good as ANY LT in our division - that's right. When he wasn't nursing his knee back to health and only playing half the downs because of it, Bell has been solid - and impressive at times. The problem recently has been RT, where Green proved he had nothing left. They took a shot on a guy and it didn't pan out. We had a solid RT and he retired unexpectedly, leaving this new admin in an unfortunate situation. Chan says he likes Pears. Chan knows more about these things than you do, than any of us do. So let's see what he can do. And Hairston. And anybody else they think is worthy. If they think a guy is worthy, so should you. Judge after the games have started and you have data to reference. I expect Hangartner might take the RG role, and he's solid. I expect good things from our OLine this year, and I expect that we'll finally have a silencing of the OLine complaints.


ANd please, let's not look at outsiders' stat blog. Stats can support any thesis you want. You'll find many surprises if you look hard enough. Want some stats? During the SB years of the pats, they had a middle of the road D statistically. But we all know how good they were. I look at that stat site right now and see a dozen incongruities. Was Miami really that good at running the ball? Is that what they were known for? Did Miami's run game scare anybody?


To say "another bad oline" is just a useless comment, plain and simple. They haven't even played a down yet this year. I bet I know what you want: NAMES! Right? Guys you've seen on MNF playing for big contracts.


BELL: Solid. LEVITRE: Solid+ WOOD: PRO-Bowl bound RG Hangartner? Solid. RT? Uncertain. Doesn't look like our biggest problem to me.


Our problem last year was defense. If we had a middle of the road D, we'd have won 9 games despite being in the first year of new schemes on both sides of the ball AND with personnel still largely suited to the previous schemes. Chan impressed me a lot last year. He has improved an offense every time he has had the chance in the NFL. He knows what to look for in OLinemen, as does Nix. They made changes from the old regime, many changes. NOW GIVE THEM A FREAKING CHANCE and maybe quit boring everyone with the same old commentary which might have met with approval two or three years ago and beyond but recently? Please...

:thumbsup: We aren't quite there yet but the line is solid ... our LT does not get penalized like a certain LT in Philadelphia does ... you are right stats can be manipulated any way we'd like but Bell kept getting better all season long and never embarassed the team. Levitre and Wood are studs. I like Urbik at RG but Hangartner would be as good as half the teams in the league's right guards are. At RT Gailey seems to like Pear and draft analysts like Hairston plus we tried to get Clabo so it's not like we want to downgrade our RT position.


If I remember correctly, Fred Jackson had a decent year running the ball once he began to start games (Yes, Gailey started Lynch and also started Green but neither is still on the team so to me it shows that Gailey won't hold onto a player for $$ or sentiments). Fitz was not dumped on every single pass play nor was there talk about the line putting his health at risk. We averaged almost 20 points a game once Fitz became the starting QB and I don't think is doable if the OL is unable to block. And last year our line included three young players at the start of their careers with two of them coming back from substantial injuries that limited their practice time both in season and in the preseason. The RT stop was a turnstile with the Bills not getting our potential 2011 started until the season was almost over.


Again, our problem last year and the reason we lost most of our games was the lack of a run defense. Teams ran over us ... they had total ball control keeping the ball out of our offense's hands and yet we still averaged almost 20 points a game. What did Buddy work hard on fixing this offseason? The run defense ... he has brought in studs! Did we get an ALL PRO line? Nope but if they all stay healthy I think we have a good group of starting OL who will help open up the run and pass game. Our offense is going to be wild this year ... and yes, defenders will be blocked and at times Fitz will be sacked.

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Again, OTs Bryant McKinnie, Nick Kaczur, Mario Henderson, Max Starks, Flozell Adams, Mark Tauscher and Langston Walker are still available (among others). So is 5X Pro Bowl guard Brian Waters, and there'll be others after the cutdown dates.


If our OL looks as bad against J-ville next week as they did tonite, maybe Buddy needs to start dialing.

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This blue kool aid is running a little too deep


Good for Buddy raiding practice squads for OL men. Good for Buddy for making a bid for one guy in Atlanta and having no BACK UP PLAN at RT.....see! he tried! Good for Buddy for building through the draft and not addressing OL til they drafterd the Donger in round 5 last yr. You haters cry too much....I mean two pre-season games where we look like utter sh-t on offense on the back of a decade++ of futility and you're ready to throw in the towel. Pessimists!


You need to give them a few more years to draft more high round CB's, ignore FA, and to turn the organization around.....I mean we have 1 above average center and 2 average guards (Levitre overrated on this board)....thats HOT! We could go all the way to 7-9 with a few more drafts and some breaks.

Let the system grow roots dammit....waterbug RB's take time .....maybe we could put weight on ours and make him a Safety! Not to worry we have roscoe - lets trade him for 7 number 1's and nothing less. Lee was a bum anyway....we got a 4!


Yeah! Eagles....Pats.....Steelers....PFFFFF Buddy has em all riiiiiiight where he wants em. He's got a plan......and dammit its working......just give him a few more years to really finish it up.


Some of you guys have to be kidding me with the way you react to fans calling a bad team - a bad team....a bad draft pick - a bust.....and your calling a lifeless pursuit of trash bag players - a true effort at rebuilding. You can address the defense and the offense in the same offseason - just so you Buddy apologists know. I have never seen a team come out and say.....this year - Defense....NEXT year....look out....were revamping the O baby. Nor will any of us ever....but theres some on this board that explain away the non moves as if that's something that happens! WE CANT FIELD A REMOTELY COMPETITIVE OFFENSIVE LINE - WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Fitz - my deepest sympathies for the absolute beating you're about to take this year.

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Levitre is not good.


Everyone always tries to tie him together with Wood. They are not a good G/C combo. Wood is a decent player, Levitre is not. Just because we got them in the same draft does not mean they are the same person.


Levitre might not even win a starting job on one of the worst lines in football.

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"...I mean we have 1 above average center"

I think we have two above average centers, one i hope develops to pro bowl lvl. Sure not this year. And it is nice to have the depth of Hangartner. Dont take that away from me.

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