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Donte say's his heart is in Buffalo

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not saying there is something wrong with that, just saying he's not a feared hitter whatsoever. if he was halfway decent in coverage he'd be a pretty good player. as is he's not terrible, i think he's a starting caliber safety in the NFL, just among the bottom half.



Nobody on the Bills defense has been feared since TKO was here...it is a combination of mediocre talent, and playing defensive schemes that don't fit your talent...in the right defense, I have no doubt, Whitner would be considered a solid safety by most standards. Sometimes, in football, the pieces aren't as bad as the whole. Eric Weddle is nothing that special, but just signed for big money with San Diego. I think folks here are way too hard on Whitner. It is particularly evident when you heard all the crying over Pozluszny signing elsewhere. As far as what they brang to the defense in their time here, Poz is Whitner without a twitter account...decent player, not the best, not the worst, might look a lot better with an improved D-line.

Edited by Buftex
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No, but I attended the grand opening! Not many remember the neon Green Lightning artwork on Elmwood. It was a fun time in B-Lo. Especially when Jimmy Griffen tried to bulldoze the work and the courts stopped him. No lover of the dancing "Mr. Peanut" art was Jimmy.

I had a studio where much of it was fabricated on Essex Street and saw it before it was done but still don't get the big deal lol. I also started a not for profit there named Big Orbit Gallery, still there 20 years later.

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When you have over 1000 yards and 10 td's I don't really care if you do that look at me now showoff crap.


Now we all saw how inflated Donte's ego became on twitter, but just imagine if he actually had some big interceptions and pick sixes. He would of probably crowned himself the next coming of christ


The people who complain about Donte's Twitter account are the some people who say they can't stand WGR but nonetheless listen for 4hrs a day just so they can complain about how bad they are. It's amazing really, that when given the choice to avoid something they openly loathe, 75% of the people on the board go w/ what ticks them off.

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The people who complain about Donte's Twitter account are the some people who say they can't stand WGR but nonetheless listen for 4hrs a day just so they can complain about how bad they are. It's amazing really, that when given the choice to avoid something they openly loathe, 75% of the people on the board go w/ what ticks them off.

If not they would have nothing to B word about.

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The people who complain about Donte's Twitter account are the some people who say they can't stand WGR but nonetheless listen for 4hrs a day just so they can complain about how bad they are. It's amazing really, that when given the choice to avoid something they openly loathe, 75% of the people on the board go w/ what ticks them off.



Where did you get that figure from? I hate when people just make up stats, just to support their bogus argument. At least 80% of the time, these stats are just pulled out of their ass! :rolleyes:

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The people who complain about Donte's Twitter account are the some people who say they can't stand WGR but nonetheless listen for 4hrs a day just so they can complain about how bad they are. It's amazing really, that when given the choice to avoid something they openly loathe, 75% of the people on the board go w/ what ticks them off.

No doubt, if you don't "follow" someone on Twitter, you won't even know what they are saying. So all of these people that B word about his Twitter must have "voluntarily" clicked to follow him or they wouldn't be getting his Tweets.

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When you have over 1000 yards and 10 td's I don't really care if you do that look at me now showoff crap.


Now we all saw how inflated Donte's ego became on twitter, but just imagine if he actually had some big interceptions and pick sixes. He would of probably crowned himself the next coming of christ

So when you do assinine stuff and get a penalty that costs your team that is OK depending on who you are? If you get such a big ego after one good game that you lose concentration and drop a game winning, perfectly placed touchdown pass, and lead the entire league in percentage of passes dropped, that is OK depending on who you are? Or is it just depending on who "YOU" like and who "YOU" don't like? That is pretty stupid on your part and self-centered on Stevie "Stone Hands" part. And, NO we didn't "ALL" didn't see anything on Twitter, you have to choose to see that stuff and alot of us don't choose to, especially if we are going to turn right around and B word about what we read. Besides, if you got rid of all the NFL players with big egos, there might be enough left to field two teams-with no bench players.

Edited by billsfreak
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Where did you get that figure from? I hate when people just make up stats, just to support their bogus argument. At least 80% of the time, these stats are just pulled out of their ass! :rolleyes:


Well played Mr. Batiste!

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On that note, Aaron Williams better play well else the twitter mafia will be all over him. See the frequency of his twits errr.... tweets


Nah, he is actually entertaining. He and Brad Smith were needling each other back and forth over where they went to college. That kind of stuff is fun. I follow a bunch of the guys and it's actually cool to see that the team seems to genuinely like each other.

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Does it bother anyone else that our FO was as clueless about DW's value as DW was himself? They offered him $5MM/year when he basically has no market value. Ugh.

Bother-Yes. Surprise-Hell No. They went after Fitz last year the second free agency started like he was Joe Montana. They always bring in other teams backups (Fitz, Hangartner), take players from other team's practice squads, players other teams cut and when they get here they are good enough to start, not gonna win alot of games that way.

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The people who complain about Donte's Twitter account are the some people who say they can't stand WGR but nonetheless listen for 4hrs a day just so they can complain about how bad they are. It's amazing really, that when given the choice to avoid something they openly loathe, 75% of the people on the board go w/ what ticks them off.

Well slap my knees. In my veal pen at work if I want to hear any sports then WGR is on the little clock radio thing. I have ecomplained to them in the past and as long as they are it, there will be no change. I cant listen to Rome or Cowturd so it really is only during local programming that I will listen to them and then 78.9% of the time they are talking babies, movies, music etc. Really anything that a station other than sports radio shoul do.

I don't care about Lil Donte's tweets either. That is ridiculous. I care about Talley's tweets because if he gets a coaching gig I bet they force him to drop twitter cause the dude is funny and outrageous.

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I don't care if we was an undrafted free-agent or the first pick in the draft - watch him play IN PERSON, not on TV where you only see 30% of the field - to judge his play. I couldn't care less about his draft position. On half the plays he's LOST out there. How many times do we need to see this guy come in 2 seconds late on long touchdown passes? Slow to re-act, slow to turn and run, slow to the line...


The coaches saw things with the team as the year went on. i/e., Trent to the street, Wood to center, Jackson in for Lynch...


ESPN has been showing many clips of Randy Moss, Braylon Edwards and other free agent receivers as of late - and there's ONE common denominator with all of them... many are against the Bills and if they are, they show WHITNER COMING IN LATE every frickin' time.


Just say NO.

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Does it bother anyone else that our FO was as clueless about DW's value as DW was himself? They offered him $5MM/year when he basically has no market value. Ugh.


Hell, w/ the money that got thrown Weddle's way, I commend the Bill's FO for showing some restraint. Weddle isn't anything special IMO.


Funny thing is, Donte is probably expecting the Bill's to hold firm on that offer, and Buddy and Co. are probably low-balling him now due to lack of open-market offers.

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Bother-Yes. Surprise-Hell No. They went after Fitz last year the second free agency started like he was Joe Montana.


And man am I glad they did. With him we finally saw some entertainig football that included games we were in.

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