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This is simple....




Tea Party Nation = USA


Obama Nation = USSR



I believe we have already seen this experiment.


You don't even have to look that far,


Obama Nation = Detroit




The Bureau of Labor Statistics estimated that for the year that ended in September, Michigan's official unemployment rate was 12.6 percent. Using the broadest definition of unemployment, the state unemployment rate was 20.9 percent, or 66 percent higher than the official rate. Since Detroit's official rate for October was 27 percent, that broader rate pushes the city's rate to as high as 44.8 percent."


Tea Party Nation = North Dakota




North Dakota, the state with the nation's lowest unemployment rate, capped a decade of economic prosperity with dramatic population growth in its biggest cities.


The superstar of North Dakota is its economy. The state's unemployment rate hasn't touched 5% since 1987. The state's per capita income rose over the decade from 38th in the nation to 17th, the biggest advance of any state.


"We've had an absolutely stellar few years," says University of North Dakota economist David Flynn. "In all honesty, when you look ahead, we should continue to do well for quite a while."

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Really? you're attacking Tom from the right? Jesus! I guess that makes Tom a centrist which makes it officially the END OF DAYS - let the weeping and gnashing of teeth begin.


The loony liberals call me a neo-con, the loony conservatives call me a socialist.


That's as good a definition of "centrist" as I know of.


So which part of the glorious United Republic of Tea Party would you geniuses live- Jesus Land, Rand Nation, or Corporate Country.

if i had to pick, it would be corporate country...they'd be best equipped to put down the revolts that were sure to occur. but even with obama in charge i'm thinking were pretty close to corporate country now.


In my imaginary world, you are either Team Obama or Team Tea Party. You can't be in the middle.


The two sides decide to peacefully separate from each other forming two distinct nations.


The Obama Nation becomes a democracy with emphasis on social welfare. The Tea Party Nation becomes a constitutional republic with emphasis on free markets.


Which country would succeed in one year? 10 years? 100 years? Is there any question?

What? California or Mississippi? Ya, who would choose Mississippi? Get real


This is simple....




Tea Party Nation = USA


Obama Nation = USSR



I believe we have already seen this experiment.


To believe this would mean you would have to teach history the way it really happened instead of the liberal interpretation of it!!!


In my imaginary world, you are either Team Obama or Team Tea Party. You can't be in the middle.


The two sides decide to peacefully separate from each other forming two distinct nations.


The Obama Nation becomes a democracy with emphasis on social welfare. The Tea Party Nation becomes a constitutional republic with emphasis on free markets.


Which country would succeed in one year? 10 years? 100 years? Is there any question?



The funny thing about this is that people think the Obama / Democrat country will not be able to have a thriving economy. Both could do very well with an economy. Which means it comes down to the social aspect. Tea Party Country will have no social programs everyone is on their own. Whereas the Obama country will help it's fellow man/citizen when in need.


You don't even have to look that far,


Obama Nation = Detroit






Tea Party Nation = North Dakota





I have to laugh at this. The Tea Party... they will save the Country OR ELSE!!


The funny thing about this is that people think the Obama / Democrat country will not be able to have a thriving economy. Both could do very well with an economy. Which means it comes down to the social aspect. Tea Party Country will have no social programs everyone is on their own. Whereas the Obama country will help it's fellow man/citizen when in need.


Except that all the fat-cat jet-flying finance boogeymen will be in the extreme elsewhere, so who's Obamanation going to tax?


Except that all the fat-cat jet-flying finance boogeymen will be in the extreme elsewhere, so who's Obamanation going to tax?



Tax reform is necessary and everyone should be taxed appropriately. I'm sure the Tea Party side would have lovely time keeping their government running since there will be no taxes.


Tax reform is necessary and everyone should be taxed appropriately. I'm sure the Tea Party side would have lovely time keeping their government running since there will be no taxes.


Oh, so suddenly paying "your fair share" won't apply only to the so-called 'rich'?? Yeah, that'll go over well in Obamaland! :lol:


Oh, so suddenly paying "your fair share" won't apply only to the so-called 'rich'?? Yeah, that'll go over well in Obamaland! :lol:


They would have to redefine "Rich" to be anyone earning anything.


Could TEA Party land have closed boarders with very tough immigration laws?





Obamaland = Cuba


They would have to redefine "Rich" to be anyone earning anything.


Could TEA Party land have closed boarders with very tough immigration laws?





Obamaland = Cuba



Bottom line is the tax reform across the board HAS to happen. However, in the current situation removing the Bush Tax cuts SHOULD be done. Closing tax loop holes SHOULD be done. To say that they shouldn't... one would be a moron. Revenue is key. Also, if people are going to make changes in their lifestyle in order to get the country back in shape it should be all the way across the board. And yes, that does mean raising the tax rates on those who earn a million or more per year as well. Not lowering their rates like some suggest.


Tea Party land would be one closed off country. No one allowed in. The minute you have a hard time you're kicked out. Nice place to live. Guessing the motto would be "take care of yourself, F everyone else"


Tea Party Land = Fantasy Island


Bottom line is the tax reform across the board HAS to happen. However, in the current situation removing the Bush Tax cuts SHOULD be done. Closing tax loop holes SHOULD be done. To say that they shouldn't... one would be a moron. Revenue is key. Also, if people are going to make changes in their lifestyle in order to get the country back in shape it should be all the way across the board. And yes, that does mean raising the tax rates on those who earn a million or more per year as well. Not lowering their rates like some suggest.


Tea Party land would be one closed off country. No one allowed in. The minute you have a hard time you're kicked out. Nice place to live. Guessing the motto would be "take care of yourself, F everyone else"


Tea Party Land = Fantasy Island


You are a tool if you think the wealthy politicians are going to make the tax code "fair" or raise taxes on the "rich" or get rid of exeptions.


Bottom line is the tax reform across the board HAS to happen. However, in the current situation removing the Bush Tax cuts SHOULD be done. Closing tax loop holes SHOULD be done. To say that they shouldn't... one would be a moron. Revenue is key. Also, if people are going to make changes in their lifestyle in order to get the country back in shape it should be all the way across the board. And yes, that does mean raising the tax rates on those who earn a million or more per year as well. Not lowering their rates like some suggest.


Tea Party land would be one closed off country. No one allowed in. The minute you have a hard time you're kicked out. Nice place to live. Guessing the motto would be "take care of yourself, F everyone else"


Tea Party Land = Fantasy Island


And we will help people through hard times, not let them sit on their porch and do nothing for a lifetime.




A tea party nation would not last long - It is only their hatred of progressives that holds it together- Christian Fundamentalists, Randian Libertarians, Corportists and a smattering of anti-immigration anti-diversity why can't it be the 1950s wishers does not unity make.

It is interesting that the original impetus of the Tea Party is forgotten, it's origins of a protest movement against bank and other corporate bailouts didn't last very long.


A tea party nation would not last long - It is only their hatred of progressives that holds it together- Christian Fundamentalists, Randian Libertarians, Corportists and a smattering of anti-immigration anti-diversity why can't it be the 1950s wishers does not unity make.

It is interesting that the original impetus of the Tea Party is forgotten, it's origins of a protest movement against bank and other corporate bailouts didn't last very long.



Do you know what TEA Party stands for? If you do, how can you say it originated as a protest movement against bank and other corporate bailouts?


See mission statement below.




A tea partyObama nation would not last long - It is only their hatred of progressives conservatives that holds it together- Christian Fundamentalists Enviro-nuts, Randian Libertarians, Social Engineers, Corportists wanna-be Communists and a smattering of anti-immigration homosexual-worship, anti-diversity white-guilt, why can't it be the 1950s like Sweden wishers does not unity make.

It is interesting that the original impetus of the Tea Party liberalism is forgotten, it's origins of a protest movement against bank and other corporate bailouts freedom from government control didn't last very long.




Do you know what TEA Party stands for? If you do, how can you say it originated as a protest movement against bank and other corporate bailouts?


See mission statement below.





CNBC's Rick Santelli is widely credited with launching the grassroots movement. While standing on the floor of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange on February 19, 2009, he unleashed what can only be called a rant against the Obama Administration's proposal to help homeowners facing foreclosure refinance their mortgages.


"Do we really want to subsidize the losers' mortgages?" he asked. "This is America! How many of you people want to pay for your neighbor's mortgage that has an extra bathroom and can't pay their bills?"


Santelli, however, can't claim credit as the sole mastermind of the movement. Prior to his appearance in Chicago, Keli Carender, a Seattle at-home mother also known as Liberty Belle, had been using her blog to get the word out about the populist "Porkulus Protest" she was organizing against President Barack Obama's proposed $750 billion stimulus package. About 100 people showed up for her event in mid-February. Similar events inspired by both Santelli and Carender, followed in quick succession in Denver; Mesa, Ariz.; Tampa, Fla.; and other cities. Tea Party organizers claim that the first nationwide Tea Party protest took place on February 27, 2009, with coordinated events occurring in more than 40 cities.




Bottom line is the tax reform across the board HAS to happen. However, in the current situation removing the Bush Tax cuts SHOULD be done. Closing tax loop holes SHOULD be done. To say that they shouldn't... one would be a moron. Revenue is key. Also, if people are going to make changes in their lifestyle in order to get the country back in shape it should be all the way across the board. And yes, that does mean raising the tax rates on those who earn a million or more per year as well. Not lowering their rates like some suggest.


Tea Party land would be one closed off country. No one allowed in. The minute you have a hard time you're kicked out. Nice place to live. Guessing the motto would be "take care of yourself, F everyone else"Tea Party Land = Fantasy Island



Conservatives are more charitable than liberals. See for yourself.



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