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Joe Biden collects rent from the Secret Service

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Really? The most convenient place for the agents to sleep is a property he once rented out. They are paying the same rate as the last tenant. What's the big deal?


They were protecting him before they moved there.

Is there really a noticeable difference in the protection afforded that justifies this?

Are the costs to the agency for his protection higher or lower at this location than they were at the previous location?

Again, I might suggest that it might not be ethical behavior for a gov't official to now be a contractor to a gov't agency that is performing a mandatory service for that gov't official.

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Really? The most convenient place for the agents to sleep is a property he once rented out. They are paying the same rate as the last tenant. What's the big deal?


I said "odd", not "wrong". Seems to me there'd be a conflict of interest somewhere. I'd like to know what's typical before I passed judgment.

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I said "odd", not "wrong". Seems to me there'd be a conflict of interest somewhere. I'd like to know what's typical before I passed judgment.


Without caring to look into this one bit, I saw people noting in the comments that the secret service rents space from the Clintons. (Could just be right wing nuts.)


Again, when weighing the conflict (paying rent that was already being paid by a tenant) vs. safety advantage (assuming on this that it's better to be in proximity to the VP than further away), it doesn't seem like a big deal.


The rent was the same as he charged to the last tenant so it's not like he is making some sort of killing.


I see the potential conflict, but it looks like a mole hill compared to a million other things...like siphoning off money to your former company, taking a director position to the company you awarded contracts to the day after your term ends, etc.

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A quick google search seems to indicate it is a fairly standard practice. Yawn. Notably, the Clintons evidently turned down the money at least at some point.


Big deal? No.


Maybe one day well get a politician that lives by the same standards they try to regulate for others.


And monkeys might fly out of my butt.

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