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UFO Found on Ocean Floor?


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If they've given the thing a nickname, wouldn't it then be an identified object?

And what's with the thread title anyway? How would anyone know if the object can fly if it is on an ocean floor? It's been bothering me for 59 pages.


Well I doubt it was dragged there by a team of oxen. And it obviously can't float. So how else will it get there?

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Disagree, this is an important thread dealing with what could be the biggest issue of our day....


...or it's complete bs. Either way it's entertaining!

Disagree. This thread is about as important as the Pokemon Go thread dealing with an issue that pales in comparison to the relevant issues of the day, such as the Game of Thrones thread or what CBF read on his fact of the day toilet paper.


I do agree that it's total BS, but not nearly as entertaining as Insult the Previous Poster

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Disagree. This thread is about as important as the Pokemon Go thread dealing with an issue that pales in comparison to the relevant issues of the day, such as the Game of Thrones thread or what CBF read on his fact of the day toilet paper.


I do agree that it's total BS, but not nearly as entertaining as Insult the Previous Poster


I dare you to say this isn't entertaining:


The Red Baron shot down a UFO in WW1... of course, it may have been this guy:



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Earth like planet discovered just 4 light years away:






This stuff (the discovery of ancient structures on Earth) is always fascinating to me, even more so than the primary topic of the thread. It's been discussed before, but I do think there is powerful evidence that our history on this planet as a species is much older than we've been led to believe. There's plenty of evidence out there of human societies predating the "cradle of civilization" era(s) and certainly some evidence that this society was quite advanced.


With the ice in the arctic receding and nations like the US, Russia, and China scrambling to stake claim to the newly accessible territories, it makes me wonder what sort of relics lie buried under the ice and under the water.

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I respect what Bassett has been doing for over two decades now, his collection of testimony and congressional hearings on the subject have given us some of the most compelling and credible accounts about this phenomenon to date. But barring an October Surprise of epic proportions I just don't see this happening in the next four months.


My guess would be Presidents by and large aren't briefed on this subject as there is no need to know. The last few presidents who would probably had access to this kind of information would have been Bush Sr (former head of CIA) and before him Nixon. Truman and Eisenhower were deeply involved (Truman even made several public comments on the issue) but that's about it.


The official paper trail makes it clear that the whole field has been slowly privatized and passed off to private contractors who don't have to suffer oversight of any kind and aren't subject to FOIA requests.


Obama will not disclose the presence of aliens. If anything Trump will announce to the world that yellow thing on his head is actually a symbiotic alien life form.


Agree. The only way 44 would ever broach the topic would be if he's either forced to do so -- which could happen if say Russia or China decided to come forward on their own about the issue, or if either decided to do a document leak on what the US has been withholding from taxpayers on the subject. Right now China has a rover on the moon and is talking about building a manned radio telescope on the far side of it by 2025, they've just finished construction in South America on the largest Alien Hunting radio telescope on the planet (designed for that express purpose), so there is clearly interest in the subject by other global powers.


The fallout from a move like that would have reverberations which would stretch well beyond our national politics and culture, there'd be no way for Russia or China or any state actor to insulate their own people from the information which makes the "leak" scenario tough to imagine.

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My guess would be Presidents by and large aren't briefed on this subject as there is no need to know.



This. Plus there is literally nothing to know. They might actually be briefed. Here is the briefing transcript:


"Mr. President we have never discovered a scintilla of evidence indicating the presence of intelligent life anywhere else in the universe."




That is the end of the briefing for most presidents but Carter, LBJ, and Bill Clinton all asked what a scintilla is. Reagan only knew because he learned it in a movie from a monkey. They dumbed it down starting with GWB and use the word smidgeon which made its way into Obama's vocab.





Sitcom math dude.

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This. Plus there is literally nothing to know. They might actually be briefed. Here is the briefing transcript:


"Mr. President we have never discovered a scintilla of evidence indicating the presence of intelligent life anywhere else in the universe."




That is the end of the briefing for most presidents but Carter, LBJ, and Bill Clinton all asked what a scintilla is. Reagan only knew because he learned it in a movie from a monkey. They dumbed it down starting with GWB and use the word smidgeon which made its way into Obama's vocab.





Sitcom math dude.

Truman disagrees:)


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