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UFO Found on Ocean Floor?


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science. Lack of a radio signal does not mean that there isn't a radio signal.


can you for a fact say that you can discover 1 modulated burst signal at random time cycles easily in this frequency range 300Hz to 300GHz while searching the entire universe?

Sweet mother of god, what the hell is this?

do you really need to ask?

Edited by BillsFan-4-Ever
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my last post to you on this topic because you have made math assumption based on your beliefs and not fact


Did you ever answer this - Is their proof of or lack there of proof that GOD (a higher power) exists?


Let me use a simple tried and true analogy WRT radio-communication


If a tree falls in the woods does it make a sound if no one is there to hear it?



absence of evidence is not evidence of absence



But we are here to hear and when your sitcom theory states the evidence should be abundant....almost infinite....which means absence of evidence in this case is indeed evidence of absence. You are basically saying that there are bullhorns blaring from every building but as we walk down the street we can't hear anything.....I'm saying there are no bullhorns. Occum's Shaver is laughing at you.


can you for a fact say that you can discover 1 modulated burst signal at random time cycles easily in this frequency range 300Hz to 300GHz while searching the entire universe?




If there was just one signal....of course not. But you have stated there are trillions upon trillions upon trillions of signals. That is if you understand your own math.

Edited by 4merper4mer
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If there was just one signal....of course not. But you have stated there are trillions upon trillions upon trillions of signals. That is if you understand your own math.

You sir are an idiot, I said no such thing. Please stop the horsechit.

and you wonder why people don't read your posts. :bag: :bag:

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You sir are an idiot, I said no such thing. Please stop the horsechit.


and you wonder why people don't read your posts. :bag: :bag:

Dude, that's what the equation means. If there's only one signal, the equation doesn't work.


Edit: well it works, but it just proves you incorrect.

Edited by FireChan
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But we are here to hear and when your sitcom theory states the evidence should be abundant....almost infinite....which means absence of evidence in this case is indeed evidence of absence. You are basically saying that there are bullhorns blaring from every building but as we walk down the street we can't hear anything.....I'm saying there are no bullhorns. Occum's Shaver is laughing at you.



If there was just one signal....of course not. But you have stated there are trillions upon trillions upon trillions of signals. That is if you understand your own math.




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I just spent a considerable amount of time over the past year and change researching the moon. This theory came up more than once in that time, sometimes from surprising sources who I wouldn't expect to be interested in this subject. Of course, it's a crazy town populated by a lot of crazy folk, so it was easy to dismiss. There's a lot of questions about the moon which remain unanswered, including how it got there. But one thing which cannot be denied is that life as we know it on this planet wouldn't be possible without the moon being its exact size, mass, and in its exact orbit. A billion to one shot...


Which actually helps Crayons mathematical theory that life is indeed rare.

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Wtf not? It's just as likely as trillions upon trillions upon trillions of undetected radio signals.


I heard an interesting theory the other day. Maybe it's something googlebot can dig into and find us some answers. Essentially the theory goes that intelligent life on Earth is far older than academia would have us believe, that there was in fact an older and possibly even more advanced civilization living on Earth before we came along. According to this theory, their technology was entirely different than our own. The tech they developed was largely based on sound waves whereas our civilization's tech is largely mechanical in nature. After a massive cataclysm (specifically a massive impact in the icepack of North America) wiped the older civilization from existence, their technology was lost and rendered entirely unrecognizable to us today. All that was left behind -- besides remnants of this tale in nearly every ancient culture's ancient traditions -- were the ruins that academia has mistaken for years as either early Egyptian or early Meso-American rather than what they truly are: artifacts from the planet's previous inhabitants.


Whether you buy into that theory or not (I find it interesting speculation at the very least), it does highlight a giant misconception in your logic. It's folly to presume that every intelligent species or civilization will develop identical technologies. There's no reason to believe that every civilization out there would need, or even discover, radio waves let alone invent ways to amplify and broadcast them across the cosmos. The absence of radio signals or interstellar messages from our neighbors isn't proof that we're alone.

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I heard an interesting theory the other day. Maybe it's something googlebot can dig into and find us some answers. Essentially the theory goes that intelligent life on Earth is far older than academia would have us believe, that there was in fact an older and possibly even more advanced civilization living on Earth before we came along. According to this theory, their technology was entirely different than our own. The tech they developed was largely based on sound waves whereas our civilization's tech is largely mechanical in nature. After a massive cataclysm (specifically a massive impact in the icepack of North America) wiped the older civilization from existence, their technology was lost and rendered entirely unrecognizable to us today. All that was left behind -- besides remnants of this tale in nearly every ancient culture's ancient traditions -- were the ruins that academia has mistaken for years as either early Egyptian or early Meso-American rather than what they truly are: artifacts from the planet's previous inhabitants.


Whether you buy into that theory or not (I find it interesting speculation at the very least), it does highlight a giant misconception in your logic. It's folly to presume that every intelligent species or civilization will develop identical technologies. There's no reason to believe that every civilization out there would need, or even discover, radio waves let alone invent ways to amplify and broadcast them across the cosmos. The absence of radio signals or interstellar messages from our neighbors isn't proof that we're alone.


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