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UFO Found on Ocean Floor?


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The problem with series like Ancient Aliens is that they present like it is all set in stone and that there is no discussion to be had about it being true or not which is most likely a reaction to the other side disregarding theories like these completly (it's a marketing struggle).

untrue...they almost always preface the more outragious speculations with the statement "as ancient alien theorists propose...."

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Any updates on this?

The underwater UFO in the Baltic Sea was the subject of numerous media reports in the first few days of August, 2011 (see the date of the OP above). Shortly thereafter, the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency ("DARPA") tested a hypersonic "aircraft" in August that reportedly reached Mach 20 before "flying out of its skin" and crashing into the Pacific Ocean:




This raises some questions:


1. When our terrestial enemies are fighting us with AK-47s and RPGs from caves in the mountains, why do we need a Mach 20 weapon?


2. According to DARPA, the "aircraft" experienced shock waves "more than 100 times what the vehicle was designed to withstand." Did the hypersonic "aircraft" really simply "suddenly lose control," or did an underwater UFO in the Pacific engage shock wave countermeasures that peeled it like a banana?


You decide.

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Those underwater UFOs may have been hazardous to our aerial weapons for some time. If you were the pilot of a WWII fighter plane being attacked by a sea-based UFO with shock wave technology, where would you run (so to speak)? How about the middle of the Egyptian desert:




The pilot mysteriously disappeared - - now there's a surprise.


Why did he disappear?


You decide.

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Those underwater UFOs may have been hazardous to our aerial weapons for some time. If you were the pilot of a WWII fighter plane being attacked by a sea-based UFO with shock wave technology, where would you run (so to speak)? How about the middle of the Egyptian desert:




The pilot mysteriously disappeared - - now there's a surprise.


Why did he disappear?


You decide.



This is one of the stupidest posts I've ever read, and I would beat the living hell out of you for it if I thought you were serious.


Even joking, it made me cry.

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This is one of the stupidest posts I've ever read, and I would beat the living hell out of you for it if I thought you were serious.


Even joking, it made me cry.

You might be less irritable and have more control over your emotions if you meditated in a pyramid once in a while. Or if you don't have time for that, put a few small pyramids under the bed where you sleep. The enhanced biocosmic energy promotes a more tranquil emotional state:




Bill Schul and Ed Pettit researched the effects of meditation inside a pyramid . . . The common feelings were of calmness, peace, harmony and relaxation, as well as mild euphoria . . . Some experimenters experienced a focus of energy on their heart. One reported: "The first impression was peaceful silence ... and I was very aware of my heart. There was a power of some kind going to the heart, or coming from the heart. The entire body seemed to take on a vibration - a tingle..."


If we could identify which of the eleven dimensions your body tingled in, maybe we could prove string theory and unify general relativity and quantum mechanics. We could even honor your history of sniping from the balcony by describing the required compactification as "reverse balkanization theory."


Then again, maybe not. Not everybody is willing to tingle, even for science.

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Those underwater UFOs may have been hazardous to our aerial weapons for some time. If you were the pilot of a WWII fighter plane being attacked by a sea-based UFO with shock wave technology, where would you run (so to speak)? How about the middle of the Egyptian desert:




The pilot mysteriously disappeared - - now there's a surprise.


Why did he disappear?


You decide.

Wonder why it went down. No question from the looks of the prop the engine was running on landing.

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Bad navigating, pilot lost situational awareness, heart attack , hypoxia, possible battle damage or impaired flight controls, who knows...

It looked like a controlled landing. Wings level belly down. It may have been a flight into terrain under bad visibility [sandstorm?] But the terrain seems to flat for that. Apparently he surviced and left the scene of the crash, so pilot incapacitation seems out. I thought it was odd the skin on the elevators and rudder was gone. Not like it was just roughly removed as if it was pryed off by metel scavengers, but just missing with no frame damage.

Edit-After looking at the pictures again,I noticed what appears to be a bullet hole in the left elevator trim. Possibly the elevator and rudder surfaces where so badly damaged they blew off,and he landed the plane with elevator trim only.

Edited by Jim in Anchorage
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It looked like a controlled landing. Wings level belly down. It may have been a flight into terrain under bad visibility [sandstorm?] But the terrain seems to flat for that. Apparently he surviced and left the scene of the crash, so pilot incapacitation seems out. I thought it was odd the skin on the elevators and rudder was gone. Not like it was just roughly removed as if it was pryed off by metel scavengers, but just missing with no frame damage.


I believe the flight controls were covered by fabric or canvas so it probably deteriorated over time.


But I'm curious as to what happened to this guys wingman and the rest of his squadron. There should be more clues in documentation somewhere

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I believe the flight controls were covered by fabric or canvas so it probably deteriorated over time.


But I'm curious as to what happened to this guys wingman and the rest of his squadron. There should be more clues in documentation somewhere

:oops::bag: I forgot they had rag and tube on the early WWll planes. Still that bullet hole on the trim tho so there was some damage. As far as his wingman or squadron, the article said it was a run from one base to another for repairs, so he may have been alone. What kind of repairs? That adds a twist. Altimeter, Atitude indicator, airspeed out in IMC is not good.

Edited by Jim in Anchorage
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