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Posted (edited)

I dont mean to trivialize mental health issues, or offend those with real ones, but couldnt this just be called "****ty Person Syndrome"?


stem from things such as unstable personal relationships, a negative self-image and a fear of failure


Who doesnt have all of those things to some extent, or at least at one point in their life?!?


Sounds like he just needs to grow-up. But what do I know?

Edited by DrDareustein
Posted (edited)

I agree DR. In the olden days when I kid couldnt read or do math, he was dumb. now that kid has a "learning disability" or "reading comprehension disorder" or ADD or ADHD....



Just another excuse.

Edited by Thoner7

I dont mean to trivialize mental health issues, or offend those with real ones, but couldnt this just be called "****ty Person Syndrome"?




Who doesnt have all of those things to some extent, or at least at one point in their life?!?


Sounds like he just needs to grow-up. But what do I know?


I've often wondered why they call it borderline. The chicks I've known with it were WAY over the borderline!.........And, your name would fit much better.


But, I do know that saying he/she just has to grow up is oversimplifying it. They are really effed up! And, they eff up everybody around them.


Back in the day, things used to be known as "character traits".


That was, until the medical industry realized how to turn traits into symptoms.


When I was romantically involved with one of these chicks, my friend, who is about 15 years older than me, kept saying that she's exactly like his ex wife. I said did she have BPD? And, he said back then we just said they were crazy!


I dont mean to trivialize mental health issues, or offend those with real ones, but couldnt this just be called "****ty Person Syndrome"?




Who doesnt have all of those things to some extent, or at least at one point in their life?!?


Sounds like he just needs to grow-up. But what do I know?


Could be that....


Or it could be genetic issues.


I happen to think his sudden realization has to do with his wifes legal issues in the stabbing. "it's not her fault, it's mine.... But I'm getting help." no one in jail.


To mock the actual disorder is pretty foolish though. Clearly you don't understand what it is, whether or not he has it or wants to fix it.

Posted (edited)

It's a real condition. It's also not curable. It usually stems from some kind of childhood trauma (like sexual or physical abuse). I don't think of it as an excuse though, because it's really damning. If someone is just immature they can grow up, learn some lessons, humility etc,. People with BPD don't learn from past mistakes, they will do anything to escape their depression, and will NEVER accept blame(he might admit he did "something" wrong, but if you point to a specific action, it will always be a reaction to someone else's wrongdoing). I think there is a difference between arrogance, immaturity, etc, and BPD.


They are truly awful to be around

Edited by Matthews' Bag
Posted (edited)

Could be that....


Or it could be genetic issues.


I happen to think his sudden realization has to do with his wifes legal issues in the stabbing. "it's not her fault, it's mine.... But I'm getting help." no one in jail.


To mock the actual disorder is pretty foolish though. Clearly you don't understand what it is, whether or not he has it or wants to fix it.


As I qualified in my first post, Im not mocking the real disorder AT ALL, just the fact that Marshall seems to be using it as a convenient excuse (as you point out). And that a lot of other people do this as well. The medical industry is happy to diagnose you, so you become part of their business.


Instead of "When the going gets tough, the tough get going", nowadays its more like "When the going gets tough, get a prescription".


And I feel that all the people who take that easy way out when they dont actually have the real disorder should be considered more offensive than my questioning of it.

Edited by DrDareustein
Posted (edited)

It's a real condition. It's also not curable. It usually stems from some kind of childhood trauma (like sexual or physical abuse). I don't think of it as an excuse though, because it's really damning. If someone is just immature they can grow up, learn some lessons, humility etc,. People with BPD don't learn from past mistakes, they will do anything to escape their depression, and will NEVER accept blame. I think there is a difference between arrogance, immaturity, etc, and BPD.


They are truly awful to be around


There's also a belief that the brain is actually structured differently in people suffering from bpd from what I remember. People read "borderline" and "personality" and picture someone a little moody or immature and nothing could be further from the truth. It's very serious and very hard to treat.


As I qualified in my first post, Im not mocking the real disorder AT ALL, just the fact that Marshall seems to be using it as a convenient excuse (as you point out). And that a lot of other people do this as well. The medical industry is happy to diagnose you, so you become part of their business.


Instead of "When the going gets tough, the tough get going", nowadays its more like "When the going gets tough, get a prescription".


And I feel that all the people who take that easy way out when they dont actually have the real disorder should be considered more offensive than my questioning of it.



In all fairness your first post essentially was "with all due respect, here's a bunch of really disrespectful commentary" even if it wasn't how it was meant.


I suppose my reply wasn't 100% directed at you either though and more the trends of yours and thoners together.

Edited by NoSaint
Posted (edited)

In all fairness your first post essentially was "with all due respect, here's a bunch of really disrespectful commentary" even if it wasn't how it was meant.


I suppose my reply wasn't 100% directed at you either though and more the trends of the first few posts in the thread.


Sure thing, and I understand I am in no position to be judging Marshall or saying he is making it up.


I just question the industry and those diagnosing it, as I know more than a few pill-heads that started by simply mentioning to their doctor that they had been feeling down, or anxious, and then a couple months later theyre completely dependent on pills.


This happened to me once. I mentioned to the doctor I had been down in the dumps for a while, and without any further questions he handed me two free-trial boxes of Lexapro. Thought it was weird, then noticed on my way out that all of the pens, clipboards and advertising in the waiting room had the name Lexapro on it. Threw them away on my way to the car.


My guff isnt with the actual disorder, or those that actually have it. I just feel/know that there are a bunch of "fakers" or misdiagnoses.


Marshall's announcement just came at a weird and convenient time.

Edited by DrDareustein

I agree DR. In the olden days when I kid couldnt read or do math, he was dumb. now that kid has a "learning disability" or "reading comprehension disorder" or ADD or ADHD....



Just another excuse.


Borderline Personality Disorder is real and treatable...and is no less real because a lot of people have it.


Back in your day the flu was caused by bad smells and leaches were an appropriate treatment for fevers. Fortunately science has intervened and stone age superstitions and ass-backwardsness are a thing of the past.


Try joining us




Not surprisingly, a psychiatric diagnosis after a traumatic experience in life. I must admit, psychiatry can be a lot of hand-waving sometimes, but when there's a history of traumatic events (e.g., losing a teammate soon after you saw him alive), you can't ignore a possible detrimental effect on a person's psyche.


That's definitely unfortuante for Marshall, it's an extremely difficult diagnosis to live with. I'm not sure what the locker rooms were like on the teams he was on, but people with BPD tend to "split" -- people are either good/great/fantastic to them or bad/terrible, there's no middle ground. The BPD might explain his modestly acrimonious departure from Denver. I hope the best for him.


I dont mean to trivialize mental health issues, or offend those with real ones, but couldnt this just be called "****ty Person Syndrome"?




Who doesnt have all of those things to some extent, or at least at one point in their life?!?


Sounds like he just needs to grow-up. But what do I know?

Typical response from somebody that doesn't have the disorder or doesn't (knowingly) knows somebody with the disorder.

Typical response from somebody that doesn't have the disorder or doesn't (knowingly) knows somebody with the disorder.


Or like he's said - someone who has seen a lot of people diagnosed that shouldn't be. I think especially after his reply he cleared it up a lot.


Congrats on post 20,000!

If I would have known that, I wouldn't have wasted it on something as trivial as "I could have told you that." I would have said something like "I'm done with this team!"


Typical response from somebody that doesn't have the disorder or doesn't (knowingly) knows somebody with the disorder.


Please read on. I understand that in my hasty reply, I did not make it clear what I was questioning. I have no beef with the disorder, those that have it, and barely one with Marshall as I am in no position to judge. I do have a beef with the medical industry, and a list of very general, common "symptoms".


Or like he's said - someone who has seen a lot of people diagnosed that shouldn't be. I think especially after his reply he cleared it up a lot.



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