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Is Obama on TV again?


Sorry for not caring. I'm been too busy Netflixing Enterprise


We're about to default on our debt. Kind-of an important statement.



For someone who's trying to convince his audience he's being bipartisan...he's being partisan as HELL. :wallbash: "Democrats and Republicans agree...but Republicans are doody-heads, since they want to kill grandma so people have private jets."


He's right


Fiscally, he's right - Reid's plan, as best I've seen both of them, is the better plan.


Politically, he's an ass. "I'm not saying it's anyone's fault...but it's the Republican's fault." Do you want to lead the country, or do you want to campaign for 2012?


We're about to default on our debt. Kind-of an important statement.


Has Obama made any new statements other than what he and his mouthpieces have been saying the last couple weeks?

When Boner speaks do you expect him to say anything different?


Kind of an important statement? Nope, just another re-run. At least Enterprise re-runs on Netflix are more entertaining


"A six-month debt ceiling raise is dangerous to the economy and our credit rating...*"


*And my reelection chances.



Such disingenuous bull ****.


Has Obama made any new statements other than what he and his mouthpieces have been saying the last couple weeks?

When Boner speaks do you expect him to say anything different?


Kind of an important statement? Nope, just another re-run. At least Enterprise re-runs on Netflix are more entertaining


Eight days away from default, and he's giving a statement on it at the open of the Singapore and Hong Kong markets.


Yeah, I consider that important...given that I'm short the dollar right now. :pirate:


Eight days away from default, and he's giving a statement on it at the open of the Singapore and Hong Kong markets.

Again has he said anything new? There's a House Republican plan and a Democrat Senate plan and he's pimping the Democrat plan. Sounds like another re-run


Yeah, I consider that important...given that I'm short the dollar right now. :pirate:

Now I'm glad that I locked in my mortgage interest rate when I did


Again has he said anything new? There's a House Republican plan and a Democrat Senate plan and he's pimping the Democrat plan. Sounds like another re-run


No. "We need to work in a bipartisan fashion, which means doing what the Democrats want. No one's to blame, but the Republicans want to kill grandma, look at me wrapped in the American flag eating apple pie, blah blah blah..."


Bohner's at least being smarter. "Look, we tried like hell to be bipartisan, but it didn't work, so here's what we're doing: we're passing a bill in the House while the Senate and White House dick around." Still disingenuous bull ****...but smarter-sounding disingenuous bull ****.


Basically the only difference between the two is that Bohner didn't come across as playing election-year politics.


Cut, cap and balance will create jobs? Lies, lies, and damn lies


There is NO plan that will balance the budget and get the national debt under control that will create jobs. Not Boehner's, not Obama's, not Reid's.


There's going tone a default


Even if there isn't, there's probably going to be a downgrade.


Really, if you're at S&P or Moody's, and judging the credit rating of Treasury bonds backed by the "full faith and credit" of the country...how the hell do you possibly rate the debt AAA based on this behavior?


There is NO plan that will balance the budget and get the national debt under control that will create jobs. Not Boehner's, not Obama's, not Reid's.





I know, but Boner is spinning it that way


And Obama is still blaming Bush!!! :wallbash:

As he should be! Obama expanded deficits during a recession, like good economic practices call for, Bush just blew up a pretty decent budget situation. And Obama should really be spreading the blame much wider:





Yet the speaker, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, House Budget Chairman Paul Ryan and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell all voted for major drivers of the nation’s debt during the past decade: Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, the 2001 and 2003 Bush tax cuts and Medicare prescription drug benefits. They also voted for the Troubled Asset Relief Program, or TARP, that rescued financial institutions and the auto industry.


Together, a Bloomberg News analysis shows, these initiatives added $3.4 trillion to the nation’s accumulated debt and to its current annual budget deficit of $1.5 trillion.


Where was the outrage before Obama became President? :unsure:


As he should be! Obama expanded deficits during a recession, like good economic practices call for, Bush just blew up a pretty decent budget situation. And Obama should really be spreading the blame much wider:







Where was the outrage before Obama became President? :unsure:


Sorry, the Dems had control they signed off on all of "Bush's" spending.


If Senator Obama had every shown up he could have voted against it!!!


Obama's Address: 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, The District.


Oh, and our country is bankrupt. We're out of money and we can't borrow any more. We're broke, broke, broke.

The libtards won't be happy till they confiscate all the money from everyone.

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