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To Much or Not Enough ??

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I was just wondering , with the CBA crap almost finished i heard that there was 8 teams that were over the cap & will have to wind up cutting players to be able to get under the cap number set by the NFL for each team .


I know that on this site i always here fans constantly :censored: that Ralph is cheap & the Bills need to spend more money on FA's WE NEED TO SPEND MORE MONEY which has become a typical answer in our country .


The Bills are in a different situation . They need to spend more to get up to the caps least amount , i know you a ll are going to say "that's because Ralph is to freakin cheap" but i for one am glad that we don't have to cut players to make the cap requirements & will also have enough monies to sign those people we need to .


What do you all think as Bills fans ? Are you glad we have the money to sign those we need to , or are you like the majority & would you rather be so in debt that our team have to cut players that they can't afford !!

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I for one believe that Ralphs "cheapness" may be due to his legacy plans to secretly keep this team in Buffalo after he is gone. The more in debt this team is just equals more problems for would be owners like Jim Kelly and Co trying to keep an NFL team in this market. Ralh wasn't always cheap. During the Super Bowl years he was known for spendi g the cash to win. He's dumped big bucks on Players like Bledsoe, Johnson, TO, Moulds, Evans, Dockery, that other crappy OLmen, Schobel, Kelsey. I personally think he spends a decent amount of change on players, the biggest problem is that he spends it on the wrong guys.

So with that all said, it's a good thing were under the cap floor by so much. Just maybe we overpay for some really good talent. Maybe Asoughma, Clabo, Boss, Miller, etc...

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I don't think it need be seen as either/or. Look at Tampa Bay, for instance. They have a very young team that was in position to make the playoffs last year, and merely by keeping the same players will be favored to be at least as good or better this year due to their good drafting. Oh, and they are the team most under the cap, by quite a bit, having like 40 plus million to spend, I believe, to hit the floor.


It's not about spending too much, or too little. It's about knowing what you're about, finding the right players who fit that mold, drafting them, developing them, and keeping them, while maintaining a system that allows players to be replaced when injured or via free agency. I think the Patriots are a good example.


But, the Bills are heading in a similar direction as Tampa. I think the only thing that makes them a more appealing team to pick for likelihood of success this year is that they have a good, well known young QB who is a threat, and who had pretty good numbers last year - like 25 to 6 touchdown to interception ratio. That's the one piece we can't just go out and buy. But, otherwise, you can compare every team, every different scenerio, and I'm still glad we're where we are, that we have the chance to build something here - because I just can't root for another team.

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One thing that team payroll is probably linked to is the average age of the team's stars.


Looking at Slibs example of Tampa Bay, I think most of their main players except Ronde Barber and Kellen Winslow are on their first contracts.


Looking at the Bills situation, you can see where payroll could jump dramatically when it comes to re-signing some of their younger players (Wood, Levitre, Byrd, Stevie Johnson, possibly McKelvin if he can have a good season).


The Bills relatively low payroll could be seen as a product of having few star, veteran players and being a fairly young team.

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