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... for the first time since this whole fiasco has been going on.


I'll start my post by saying I tend to lean towards the owners in this contestable debate. Most of my reasoning for siding with the owners is based on my view of business in general. I fully understand the arguement that it's the players that make the NFL go, but I stand firm on that there wouldn't be an NFL without owners. Again I believe this to be true in most business models. If there were just players there would be no NFL, except that owners invest the money to provide the opportunity for the players.


In saying that, the reason for my frustration came from hearing several player representatives say "we don't have a timeline". For example Takeo Spike said "There’s no timeline for us and I think the most important thing is we get the right deal, make sure we go through it in its entirety, spread the word, and then we make a vote after that.”


To me this is the biggest slap in the fans face to date. Yeah, they don't have a timeline, but the fans do. These statements show me they are completely out of touch with the fans and who is actually responsible for the owners ability to pay them. Furthermore they are selfishly taking advantage of the fans. They know that they don't have any responsibility to win back the fans, it's all on the owners. They will get paid, but it's up to the owners and the NFL to ensure the support of the fans is secured. I understand feeling this way, but to me it's something you don't say with such boldness.


... for the first time since this whole fiasco has been going on.


I'll start my post by saying I tend to lean towards the owners in this contestable debate. Most of my reasoning for siding with the owners is based on my view of business in general. I fully understand the arguement that it's the players that make the NFL go, but I stand firm on that there wouldn't be an NFL without owners. Again I believe this to be true in most business models. If there were just players there would be no NFL, except that owners invest the money to provide the opportunity for the players.


In saying that, the reason for my frustration came from hearing several player representatives say "we don't have a timeline". For example Takeo Spike said "There's no timeline for us and I think the most important thing is we get the right deal, make sure we go through it in its entirety, spread the word, and then we make a vote after that."


To me this is the biggest slap in the fans face to date. Yeah, they don't have a timeline, but the fans do. These statements show me they are completely out of touch with the fans and who is actually responsible for the owners ability to pay them. Furthermore they are selfishly taking advantage of the fans. They know that they don't have any responsibility to win back the fans, it's all on the owners. They will get paid, but it's up to the owners and the NFL to ensure the support of the fans is secured. I understand feeling this way, but to me it's something you don't say with such boldness.

The full disclosure is appreciated and lots of people are feeling the same frustrations.


I would say that both sides have had very little regard for the fans although you're right in that it's the league which advertises and markets the league… albeit with the images of the players who are the product. Make no mistake, neither side is too concerned about the fans… they take us for granted. But certainly it doesn't help that they are often so publicly indifferent towards us… we don't need to be reminded how little they regard us.


The other thing I think when reading your post is that this has been a long journey. The owners locked out the players right around March 10th so we've been watching this situation for over 4 months. But to blame the players solely, IMO is wrong. I think both sides have more or less equal blame. It takes two to make an impasse and this is a long and complicated process.


The players have the heat on them right now because "they have last ups" so suddenly the fact that the two sides have been negotiating for over 4 months is now obscured by the fact that the owners have approved the CBA and the players haven't. In that regard, the negativity directed towards the players is a bit unfair.


Finally speaking to Takeo Spikes comments, this CBA is going to be a 10-year deal. Both sides are gonna have to live with it for a LONG time. It makes zero sense to rush through an approval instead of taking an extra two or three days to make sure everything is as it should be. As they say, "the Devil is in the details" and the players would be stupid to rush an approval for the sake of saving a few days at the end of a 4+ month process.



Posted (edited)

My favorite tweet of this week. Shows that at least one of the players gets it:


@NickBarnett NickBarnett

Nobody looks like the good guy in this... The real victims are our fans!!! Sorry guys :-(

Edited by Talley56

The full disclosure is appreciated and lots of people are feeling the same frustrations.


I would say that both sides have had very little regard for the fans although you're right in that it's the league which advertises and markets the league… albeit with the images of the players who are the product. Make no mistake, neither side is too concerned about the fans… they take us for granted. But certainly it doesn't help that they are often so publicly indifferent towards us… we don't need to be reminded how little they regard us.


The other thing I think when reading your post is that this has been a long journey. The owners locked out the players right around March 10th so we've been watching this situation for over 4 months. But to blame the players solely, IMO is wrong. I think both sides have more or less equal blame. It takes two to make an impasse and this is a long and complicated process.


The players have the heat on them right now because "they have last ups" so suddenly the fact that the two sides have been negotiating for over 4 months is now obscured by the fact that the owners have approved the CBA and the players haven't. In that regard, the negativity directed towards the players is a bit unfair.


Finally speaking to Takeo Spikes comments, this CBA is going to be a 10-year deal. Both sides are gonna have to live with it for a LONG time. It makes zero sense to rush through an approval instead of taking an extra two or three days to make sure everything is as it should be. As they say, "the Devil is in the details" and the players would be stupid to rush an approval for the sake of saving a few days at the end of a 4+ month process.



I'm not sure if you were insinuating that I am blaming the "players solely", but I certainly don't feel that way about the situation as a whole. I merely stated that I "lean" towards siding with the owners. My post was in regards to my frustration with the most recent comments, not to recap my feelings on the 4 Month saga. Obviously its D-Day, because the owners are ready to lose serious revenue and the fans are at hightened anx because of where we are in regards to time. So to hear the players say they have no time line except their own is particularly frustrating. It gives the feeling they understand the position the owners and the fans are in because of the late hour and are going to take advantage of that. For me it's been the first time I've been upset.


I'm not sure if you were insinuating that I am blaming the "players solely", but I certainly don't feel that way about the situation as a whole. I merely stated that I "lean" towards siding with the owners. My post was in regards to my frustration with the most recent comments, not to recap my feelings on the 4 Month saga. Obviously its D-Day, because the owners are ready to lose serious revenue and the fans are at hightened anx because of where we are in regards to time. So to hear the players say they have no time line except their own is particularly frustrating. It gives the feeling they understand the position the owners and the fans are in because of the late hour and are going to take advantage of that. For me it's been the first time I've been upset.

Can't say as I share all of your feelings. The players are very close and I think the message that they are not going to be rushed and pressured is sensible. They have to show strength and resolve under pressure from the owners. Two or three more days to most everyone is immaterial.


At this point we've lost the HOF Game and that's it.


If the first week of the preseason goes down the crapper I might change my tune but right now I'm happy that the end is close and that free agency is right around the corner.




... for the first time since this whole fiasco has been going on.


I'll start my post by saying I tend to lean towards the owners in this contestable debate. Most of my reasoning for siding with the owners is based on my view of business in general. I fully understand the arguement that it's the players that make the NFL go, but I stand firm on that there wouldn't be an NFL without owners. Again I believe this to be true in most business models. If there were just players there would be no NFL, except that owners invest the money to provide the opportunity for the players.


In saying that, the reason for my frustration came from hearing several player representatives say "we don't have a timeline". For example Takeo Spike said "There's no timeline for us and I think the most important thing is we get the right deal, make sure we go through it in its entirety, spread the word, and then we make a vote after that."


To me this is the biggest slap in the fans face to date. Yeah, they don't have a timeline, but the fans do. These statements show me they are completely out of touch with the fans and who is actually responsible for the owners ability to pay them. Furthermore they are selfishly taking advantage of the fans. They know that they don't have any responsibility to win back the fans, it's all on the owners. They will get paid, but it's up to the owners and the NFL to ensure the support of the fans is secured. I understand feeling this way, but to me it's something you don't say with such boldness.


Interesting observation. I think Takeo might have phrased that differently and been a little more conscious about the start of the season and the impact thereof. This is a long term contract negotiation and I would want to make sure that all the i's and t's are dotted and crossed before signing as well. Probably not the best choice of words.


... for the first time since this whole fiasco has been going on.


I'll start my post by saying I tend to lean towards the owners in this contestable debate. Most of my reasoning for siding with the owners is based on my view of business in general. I fully understand the arguement that it's the players that make the NFL go, but I stand firm on that there wouldn't be an NFL without owners. Again I believe this to be true in most business models. If there were just players there would be no NFL, except that owners invest the money to provide the opportunity for the players.


In saying that, the reason for my frustration came from hearing several player representatives say "we don't have a timeline". For example Takeo Spike said "There’s no timeline for us and I think the most important thing is we get the right deal, make sure we go through it in its entirety, spread the word, and then we make a vote after that.”


To me this is the biggest slap in the fans face to date. Yeah, they don't have a timeline, but the fans do. These statements show me they are completely out of touch with the fans and who is actually responsible for the owners ability to pay them. Furthermore they are selfishly taking advantage of the fans. They know that they don't have any responsibility to win back the fans, it's all on the owners. They will get paid, but it's up to the owners and the NFL to ensure the support of the fans is secured. I understand feeling this way, but to me it's something you don't say with such boldness.


Agree with you completely, except I'm not that upset because this is how the NFLPA leadership has behaved all along. Often, it's more about posturing for them, and this is part of the reason I lean towards the owners. I certainly support the players' right to take some time and look things over, we all know how stupid the owners were not to do this last time.


But they could have communicated this less abrasively. I think they will approve the contract, but will probably put up some kind of stink about some minor issue(s) just to try and flex their muscles. Hopefully it'll be signed within a week, but with unions who knows? They may have decided to delay this thing long enough to cancel the first full preseason games and teach those owners a lesson.


... for the first time since this whole fiasco has been going on.


I'll start my post by saying I tend to lean towards the owners in this contestable debate. Most of my reasoning for siding with the owners is based on my view of business in general. I fully understand the arguement that it's the players that make the NFL go, but I stand firm on that there wouldn't be an NFL without owners. Again I believe this to be true in most business models. If there were just players there would be no NFL, except that owners invest the money to provide the opportunity for the players.


In saying that, the reason for my frustration came from hearing several player representatives say "we don't have a timeline". For example Takeo Spike said "There’s no timeline for us and I think the most important thing is we get the right deal, make sure we go through it in its entirety, spread the word, and then we make a vote after that.”


To me this is the biggest slap in the fans face to date. Yeah, they don't have a timeline, but the fans do. These statements show me they are completely out of touch with the fans and who is actually responsible for the owners ability to pay them. Furthermore they are selfishly taking advantage of the fans. They know that they don't have any responsibility to win back the fans, it's all on the owners. They will get paid, but it's up to the owners and the NFL to ensure the support of the fans is secured. I understand feeling this way, but to me it's something you don't say with such boldness.


Actually as summer goes on I am starting to care less and less. Golf, the beach, spending time with my family and following the Sabres moves has filled spare time. . I may do some more fishing than I have in the past. I like firearms target shooting and may even add an archery league. I am adjusting very well to life without football and to tell you the truth I will be golfing on weekends early in the fall, fishing and hunting later. The game simply is not what it used to be to me anymore. I really like college and high school football and attention to those sports will fill the void for me.

The NFL is going to have to win my dollars back. Right now the NFL is locked out as far as I am concerned.


I like firearms target shooting and may even add an archery league.


Just a friendly reminder: Just relax, control your breathing, concentrate on the front sight, steady pressure on the trigger--squeeze and make it a surprise. Bulls-eye in the ten ring. :thumbsup:


This is not hard to understand. It is all about the money and rightly so. The amounts of money that are arguing over is staggering for a sport with a 16 game season (far more money than there should be in my opinion, but that's another discussion). Why would they or should they care about hurting the feelings of the fans? It does not matter how offensive the fans find this situation, once this issue is resolved they will be back buying tickets and merchandise and watching on TV and the NFL owners and players go back to counting their piles of cash.


You just need to remember that to the fans it is a passion, to the owners and players it is a (very lucrative) business.

Just ask yourself original poster, once the season starts will the slap in the face of this current "negotiation" cause you to change your viewing or spending habits? If you are like most fans the answer is a resounding "no". There is no need to "ensure the support of the fans". They have that already and they know it, and will take it all the way to the bank.

Posted (edited)

Why does everyone refer to the fans as the "victims" of the lockout labor strife? We have been thoroughly entertained watching the greedy owners and pampered players duke it out over $9B of our money that we blow on watching men play a boy's game. This has been much more entertaining than the last ten years of the Buffalo Bills inept attempts at playing prop football and passing themselves off as a pro franchise. Victims in that we haven't had to watch clips of useless 7 on 7 practices which is the only time our team outshines another team, although it is at the expense of our team. We haven't had to endure endless prattle about what a good first step, how he has long arms, how he sets himself up well, how much potential a rookie, first year or second year lineman has and all he needs is experience. Which when he gets that experience in a real game he is thoroughly schooled by an opposing teams veteran player and shows he is still three years away from being an average player. BTW most of the idiots on this board believe the hype they hear about these players during the off season and buy into the notion the Bills are going to be a good team each year. It is all BS, this team still sucks and are still at least 5 players away from fielding just an average player at each position. (assuming Wood moves to center -- TE, RT, RG, LT, 0LB). We truly have a no name team.


The only victims in the lockout will be the communities that make money off of training camp. The rest of us have more money in our pocket, been given a very visible insight into a business that is a game watched by the couch potato that they call the American Male who is too lazy to get off his ass on Sunday or most any other day for that matter and go for a bike ride, walk, run, ski, golf, swim, or any other exercise. This has been truly been a victimless event.

Edited by jumbalaya

I am not a fan of either side...but i must say that this last minute posturing by the players is unnessary and a bit insulting. what have the "nflpa" and the owners been talking about for the past several weeks? This final act of we will show you who is in charge is both pointless and makes me care even less about the plight of the poor player. At this point i go back to my original statement "cut them all and rehire" we might not see our favorite names for a season but we will have new ones. (immpossiable statement but wouldn't it be fun to watch the player sputter over it). We will have football but i am tired of listening to the players union cry the blue.


Actually, if fans want to be angry at anyone, they should be angry at themselves. The very response - anger, an emotion - to a situation that doesn't effect them at all, is a sign that they have invested too much in a past time, a hobby, a leisure, passive pleasure. I think it reflects on the state of American life in general that a sport, which has zero real influence on anything in the real world can become so big as to demand the amount of money it does to the players, in effect creating superstars and lending so much power and attention to them, when simultaneously the economy is falling to pieces, people who risk their lives in the military, fire departments, police, nurses, etc. - people who do real important things get by on very meager, inappropriate wages. I mean, football occupies this place in our lives and it has zero outcome on our daily lives - but do we afford the state of the economy, of the world we're living in even a miniscule amount of that attention?


I'm a fan of football, and it bothers me that these owners and players are not effected by the fan's opinion, that we as fans cannot lobby for a voice in it all. And, I know that if some part of me didn't rely on this game, I'd just forget it and find other things to do.


Actually, if fans want to be angry at anyone, they should be angry at themselves.

To add to what you wrote above, our society is a reflection of our societal values.


The owners and players are rich beyond our wildest dreams because we as a society made it so.


They are disdainful and insensitive to their paying customers because they know they can take us for granted.


Being mad at the players or the owners is like being mad at a spoiled child… a child that you yourself raised.


Personally I'm not angry right now. I choose to play fantasy football, attend games, buy NFLSunday Ticket, etc. If I decide that it's not worth it anymore, I'll find something else that better rewards my money, time, and energy.






To add to what you wrote above, our society is a reflection of our societal values.


The owners and players are rich beyond our wildest dreams because we as a society made it so.


They are disdainful and insensitive to their paying customers because they know they can take us for granted.


Being mad at the players or the owners is like being mad at a spoiled child… a child that you yourself raised.


Personally I'm not angry right now. I choose to play fantasy football, attend games, buy NFLSunday Ticket, etc. If I decide that it's not worth it anymore, I'll find something else that better rewards my money, time, and energy.



There will be a season.

Getting upset about a negotiation is just silly.



You're maturity should be admired. Especially when you display it by using words like "silly".

Posted (edited)

You're maturity should be admired. Especially when you display it by using words like "silly".

I am not maturity. You are.

I'm rubber you're glue and what ever you say bounces of me and sticks to you.

You might want to check this out:



It's real mature getting upset over a business negotiation between two business entities where the end result of the negotiation will have almost no effect on your life.

The most mature course of action would be to get some perspective, realize there will be a season, and take a chill pill.

Edited by Why So Serious?


It's real mature getting upset over a business negotiation between two business entities where the end result of the negotiation will have almost no effect on your life.

The most mature course of action would be to get some perspective, realize there will be a season, and take a chill pill.


Who are you to say when someone should or shouldn't be upset? You do realize there are degrees of being upset? And why does something have to have a large effect on my life to agitate me? I know your trying to depict my post as some out of control irate tirade, so for that reason alone you're making yourself look awfully silly. You're the person that needs to chill.

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