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I remember when they opened their new store on Alberta Drive near the Sattlers in the old Boulevard Mall. It must have been about 1968.


Damn I must be old.

You must be...but at least you've got company. :beer:


I knew you'd get that Two Guys reference if you threw out Twin Fair and those other "moldy oldies". The memories came flooding back when I saw your post. I remember my brother and I riding our bikes up to Neisner's (later 'Big N' then 'Ames') as kids on Grand Island. My dad also worked for W.T. Grants. Wow, where did the years (and these places) go? Ah, the "good old days". :)


I remember when they opened their new store on Alberta Drive near the Sattlers in the old Boulevard Mall. It must have been about 1968.


Damn I must be old.



Ha ha...believe it or not, I got caught shoplifting at that Two Guys store when I was 13. Scary as **** at the time, but it was the best thing that could have happened to me, in the end...after a beat down from my father, my case of sticky fingers (it was bad from about age 10 to 13) was cured...


Oh shoot...Bills on in an hour, gotta swing by Kresgies for a new, high bias video tape!


What's a VCR? Is that the thing that's being put up against my BETA MAX? It will never catch on with people. I'll just wait until the next big thing comes out..... Laser disks


Ha ha...believe it or not, I got caught shoplifting at that Two Guys store when I was 13. Scary as **** at the time, but it was the best thing that could have happened to me, in the end...after a beat down from my father, my case of sticky fingers (it was bad from about age 10 to 13) was cured...


Oh shoot...Bills on in an hour, gotta swing by Kresgies for a new, high bias video tape!



btw- you want to talk old...I got caught trying to steal a cassette of the Rolling Stones "Some Girls", Styx "Grand Illusion" and Billy Joel "The Stranger"...they were all relatively new records at the time..."The Stranger" was essential make-out music at the time.

btw- you want to talk old...I got caught trying to steal a cassette of the Rolling Stones "Some Girls", Styx "Grand Illusion" and Billy Joel "The Stranger"...they were all relatively new records at the time..."The Stranger" was essential make-out music at the time.

Haha! Nice!! 'The Stranger' is a great album ("Album?? WTF is an ALBUM?!"). My favorite Billy Joel song is on it...'Scenes from an Italian Restaurant'.


It's "Old Guys Night" @ TBD...you, SJBF, & me. :beer:


Haha! Nice!! 'The Stranger' is a great album ("Album?? WTF is an ALBUM?!"). My favorite Billy Joel song is on it...'Scenes from an Italian Restaurant'.


It's "Old Guys Night" @ TBD...you, SJBF, & me. :beer:

Late 70s was my heyday for sure. My '72 Cutlass Supreme with the 350 rocket and the 8-track player is still one of my favorite cars. The partying I did in those days almost derailed me for good. But the fun memories are worth it. I had both Grand Illusion and The Stranger on LP… and of course the Some Girls with the original album cover which I stupidly did not keep. Punk and New Wave were just getting revved up in those days but that wasn't really my style.


Got 12 8-tracks from Columbia Record Club for 1 cent and that was the start of my music collection.


Well, didn't mean to bore everyone but the VCR thing got it started. Time for the prune juice (and whiskey).




These posts brought back many memories, especially of Two Guys. My mom used to take me shopping at the Two Guys in Schenectady. They had a little bowling alley in the store, so she would give me a few quarters to bowl while she went and shopped. Mom got to shop in peace and the kids were kept occupied. What a concept!


P.S. Thanks for the VCR alert. Set my DVR last night and will watch today.


yea they are going to re air it when the lightning bolt hits the clock tower and you gun it to 88 with your flux capacitor with 121 jigawatts


Yeah, yeah that's it! :flirt: Gotta call Burnham's to get 'r fixed.

Dude, we bought our first color television there… a nice Sylvania console.


I remember everyone had those mechanical antenna dials on top of their sets and during ice storms those antennas wouldn't rotate properly. Before that we relied on the rabbit's ears with the tin foil… Dad smacking the side of the TV when the reception went bad…




Ha ha...believe it or not, I got caught shoplifting at that Two Guys store when I was 13. Scary as **** at the time, but it was the best thing that could have happened to me, in the end...after a beat down from my father, my case of sticky fingers (it was bad from about age 10 to 13) was cured...


Oh shoot...Bills on in an hour, gotta swing by Kresgies for a new, high bias video tape!

I would think Cavages would have better prices on video tapes (or had they gone out of business by then?). BTW, I had a similar experience during my days wasted hanging around Eastern Hills Mall (owned by the DeBartolo Corporation at the time).


What's a VCR? Is that the thing that's being put up against my BETA MAX? It will never catch on with people. I'll just wait until the next big thing comes out..... Laser disks

I think it was in the now defunct Stereo Plus that the guy there was trying to get me to buy a "minidisc player." Another format that didn't make the cut.


These posts brought back many memories, especially of Two Guys. My mom used to take me shopping at the Two Guys in Schenectady. They had a little bowling alley in the store, so she would give me a few quarters to bowl while she went and shopped. Mom got to shop in peace and the kids were kept occupied. What a concept!

Well, parents can't leave kids alone anywhere anymore. Different world.


Also, I remember the bowling machine at Two Guys. They weren't like the "puck/disc" type you see in bars. They had an actual ball but I seem to recall that the pins were kind of like those bar machines.



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