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Obama's giving Boehner a verbal ass-kicking

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Ummm...ya, nice Republican spin there Mr. Pot. It's not the Democrats holding the economy hostage and they are doing the right thing pointing that out. That's just part of a good healthy debate you knucklehead


And the important thing is that it's a robocall opportunity for your people.


Although one could just as easily say the Democrats are holding the process hostage, in holding up the House. In the real world, of course, any sane person realizes they're all spoiled little children. In yours, of course...you're not capable of that level of abstraction.


And what Tax Cuts are you talking about?


Ah, !@#$ it. You don't understand.

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Ummm...ya, nice Republican spin there Mr. Pot.

Tom may be a lot of things but he is not a stoned out hippy loser as you accuse. You know how I can tell he is not Mr. Pot? Because he writes in complete sentences. Name one toned out loser who does that.

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Tom may be a lot of things but he is not a stoned out hippy loser as you accuse. You know how I can tell he is not Mr. Pot? Because he writes in complete sentences. Name one toned out loser who does that.

Tom is wonderful! Ok, are all you you butt lickers happy??? Or are all of you the same person or something? That's a pretty wierd thought, that Tom, GG, AD/Simon, ieatshit and the rest are all one or something close to it. :wallbash:


It would explain a great deal...still I don't think so, but....

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Could you imagine how great it would be if the same Democrats who put this much effort into pointing fingers and assigning blame would spend a little bit of that effort trying to introduce their own plan? Or...wait...here's a good one...how about introducing a budget? I mean, 800+ days isn't too late, is it?


Billionaire jet owners. Jesus. How embarrassingly pathetic.

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What I find funny is attempted rational discussions with IeatCrayonz :lol:


Aww, isn't that cute. He took my post ripping into him and tried to use it for himself.


I'm so proud of Dave. Maybe one day he just might be capable of independent thought.

I doubt it

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Tea Party turns against everything and anything that seems right for the country. Whether it be health care, economy, retirement, education, etc.


You're right... it would be much better for this country to keep spending money like drunken sailors spending ourselves to oblivion and bankruptcy.


our entitlement system IS BROKEN. it's only a matter of time before the bottom falls out. It's not popular news to tell people their silver spoon won't last forever and it's tough to win that PR battle but it's a message that has to get out.

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You're right... it would be much better for this country to keep spending money like drunken sailors spending ourselves to oblivion and bankruptcy.


our entitlement system IS BROKEN. it's only a matter of time before the bottom falls out. It's not popular news to tell people their silver spoon won't last forever and it's tough to win that PR battle but it's a message that has to get out.


Yeah I know. Insolent bastards challenging George III our Dear Leader like they think the money The Benbernanke :worthy: prints actually belongs to them

Edited by /dev/null
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You're right... it would be much better for this country to keep spending money like drunken sailors spending ourselves to oblivion and bankruptcy.


our entitlement system IS BROKEN. it's only a matter of time before the bottom falls out. It's not popular news to tell people their silver spoon won't last forever and it's tough to win that PR battle but it's a message that has to get out.



I wonder what the young people here think of Obama and Co. going crazy and charging up the debt card like drunken sailors and passing off the responsibility of paying it off to the next generation.

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I wonder what the young people here think of Obama and Co. going crazy and charging up the debt card like drunken sailors and passing off the responsibility of paying it off to the next generation.

You assume they're even paying attention. All they need is a commercial during Jersey Shore reminding them to go vote for Obama

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You assume they're even paying attention. All they need is a commercial during Jersey Shore reminding them to go vote for Obama



Don't be so sure. Their lovable King Obama began taxing tanning salons and I'm sure the owners of these salons let their customers (i.e. Jersey Shore watchers) know why their prices went up...LOL

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I wonder what the young people here think of Obama and Co. going crazy and charging up the debt card like drunken sailors and passing off the responsibility of paying it off to the next generation.


I was told by a younger cousin who went to Simmons that when Scott Brown was campaigning last year for "the Teddy Kennedy seat," there were rallies at Boston area colleges that had attendance no one would have dared think of before, especially in Massachusetts.


It may not be widespread across the demographic, but the fiscal ruination the Democrats are perfectly content to leave them is sinking in bit by bit.

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Although one could just as easily say the Democrats are holding the process hostage, in holding up the House.

Yes, because your Republicans are making such a serious proposal with the balanced budget amendment. <_<


Saint Tom, perhaps you can't see through all the clouds up in heaven the true nature of what is going on. I see that one of your House members from California suggested compromise and Rush Limbo found out about it and made him appologize for not being fanatical enough in The Cause, and he of course appologized. Tom, as super great as you are--and people, I do believe that--you have to see one side is seriously trying to compromise and the other is not. Forgive me for bothering your highness. A thousand appologies :worthy::worthy:

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Yes, because your Republicans are making such a serious proposal with the balanced budget amendment. <_<


Saint Tom, perhaps you can't see through all the clouds up in heaven the true nature of what is going on. I see that one of your House members from California suggested compromise and Rush Limbo found out about it and made him appologize for not being fanatical enough in The Cause, and he of course appologized. Tom, as super great as you are--and people, I do believe that--you have to see one side is seriously trying to compromise and the other is not. Forgive me for bothering your highness. A thousand appologies :worthy::worthy:


The Democrat idea of compromise is like a Real Housewife telling her husband that in order to pay off their maxed out credit card... if he works 20 hours of overtime per week, she'll stop buying a Mocha Grande Cappuccino at Starbucks before going to the mall every day.

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Yes, because your Republicans are making such a serious proposal with the balanced budget amendment. <_<


Saint Tom, perhaps you can't see through all the clouds up in heaven the true nature of what is going on. I see that one of your House members from California suggested compromise and Rush Limbo found out about it and made him appologize for not being fanatical enough in The Cause, and he of course appologized. Tom, as super great as you are--and people, I do believe that--you have to see one side is seriously trying to compromise and the other is not. Forgive me for bothering your highness. A thousand appologies :worthy::worthy:


Link? Proof? Any kind of indication?

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Asian markets are down, as is to be expected.


The Senate is putting forth a plan that will "save money" by ending the wars in Iraq and Afganistan, something that has already been budgeted for. Imagine if that's the final plan? All this for nothing.


The GOP House says it will put out a proposal tomorrow outlinning their cuts too...? That will be great to see. Hopefully they go after seniors. Republicans do not think they can pass a bill through the House that raises the debt unless it has HUGE cuts and no new revenue at all.


House proposal out tomorrow they vote on perhaps wednesday, the Senate says it will vote Friday and we will have to see how Wall Street reacts tomorrow at the opening bell.


Link? Proof? Any kind of indication?

Link to counter that assertion?

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Don't Get Caught Holding Dollars When The U.S. Default Arrives


Greece can’t solve a problem of too much debt by taking on even more. We will note, however, that by some measures, the United States is even more deeply in hock than Greece.


Greece’s debt-to-GDP ratio is 143%. America’s is officially 97%. But the $14.3 trillion national debt, stacked up against a $14.7 trillion economy, doesn’t tell the whole story.


We know how much the Federal Reserve doled out in emergency loans: $16.1 trillion between Dec. 1, 2007, and July 21, 2010. We know that because yesterday the Government Accountability Office completed its first-ever audit of the Fed, made possible largely through the persistence of Rep. Ron Paul (R.-Tex.) making that audit, however incomplete, the law.




And the thing is... Greece is tiny and needs a small miracle.


When this financial tsunami arrives in full force, we're going to need a HUGE miracle.


“To get our overall fiscal gap under control,” writes Boston University professor Laurence Kotlikoff in Bloomberg, “the U.S. must cut spending or raise tax revenue by $20 trillion over the next decade, far more than either the president wants or the House Republicans seek.”


Yep: The latest number we see bruited in Washington is $3 trillion. Whatever the final number -- and there will be a last-minute deal; there always is -- it will be substantially less than $20 trillion over 10 years. The can will be kicked as it keeps getting kicked in Greece.


Sorry to be quoting so much of it, but if you don't, it doesn't get read or discussed. But do click the link, b/c there's more.

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Don't Get Caught Holding Dollars When The U.S. Default Arrives






And the thing is... Greece is tiny and needs a small miracle.


When this financial tsunami arrives in full force, we're going to need a HUGE miracle.




Sorry to be quoting so much of it, but if you don't, it doesn't get read or discussed. But do click the link, b/c there's more.


That last quoted section about the 20 trillion is what makes me just shake my head.


Might as well put on a big show and cut another 30 billion again for as much good as any of this will do us.

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