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It's SO hot.....

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My thermometer out in the shade is reading 108.1 right now north of Boston. The humidity is very high, but oddly there's some wind - feels like someone putting a blow dryer on you......


Had to work from home and my central AC just can't keep up so it's over 80 degrees in the house. Growing up in Buffalo I can take the cold with the best of 'em, but this heat kills me - I could never live anywhere where today wouldn't be that far off of normal (i.e. - most places in the South). I don't understand how my father can live in south Georgia......

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High of 70 in beautiful Anchorage today. Sunny no humidity or wind. OH thats right this is a frozen wasteland :rolleyes: No one but a nut would live here.


I get recruiters wanting to talk to me about hospital positions in Alaska all the time...If there were more babes up your way, I'd be all over it! :w00t:


I have a cousin who worked for the gov't in both Hawaii and Alaska...he preferred Alaska

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I get recruiters wanting to talk to me about hospital positions in Alaska all the time...If there were more babes up your way, I'd be all over it! :w00t:


I have a cousin who worked for the gov't in both Hawaii and Alaska...he preferred Alaska

I'm not too far. :flirt: But maybe I'm not considered a "babe." :unsure:

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And just to be serious for a moment, this heat is especially hard on animals. Dogs, for example, don't sweat as a means of cooling --- they cool by intaking cool air and/or water.


NEVER leave a dog in a car alone, even in much cooler temperatures than this. There was a segment with Sam Champion, ABC's "Good Morning, America" weather correspondent where on a ~80 degree day, the interior of a car got up to over 100 degrees in a matter of minutes, just from passive sunlight.


I don't care if you justify it to yourself that you're "only going to be in the store for a few minutes" or you crack the windows (which doesn't help much). This, obviously, also goes for children. Every year, we hear about canine or infant fatalities from being left in cars. Either leave them home with appropriate care, or take them inside with you. Again... 100+ degrees in a matter of minutes on an 80 degree day.

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I get recruiters wanting to talk to me about hospital positions in Alaska all the time...If there were more babes up your way, I'd be all over it! :w00t:


I have a cousin who worked for the gov't in both Hawaii and Alaska...he preferred Alaska

You might want to check census figures more currant then your 1890 copy...

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Well that wasn't a very nice thing to say.



Don't listen to him, Lana...I'm sure you're a very alluring and engaging woman.


LOL, I was thinking about that pig when I responded to her, too :lol:


You might want to check census figures more currant then your 1890 copy...


Really? any idea what the percentages are nowadays?


Do you guys have internet?

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No I am typing this on the telegraph. Hope the in-juns don't knock the pole down. percentages on women? 1 hot per 9 cows. I don't care about the dudes and never counted them.

Don't worry, all of the in-juns are at the Casinos! ;)


If you think Oregon is cold now imagine how bad it would be without you making anywhere you are 5 degrees hotter :flirt:

:blush: It's actually just about right.

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