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We Need To Raise The Debt Ceiling

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I guess we are going to borrow our way out of debt.


"You can get cash, which is just as good as money" comes to mind. There's nothing like a dumb politician to make someone feel like the AFLAC duck stumbling out of the barbershop.

The Republicans are every bit as guilty as the current administration for unnecessary spending, but good 'ol Senator Harkin needs to check his math when he suggests the money "mostly was racked up by a Republican House, a Republican Senate and a Republican President in the last 8 years."


And note to Harkin, if it weren't for this "cult fringe" you refer to, we wouldn't even be having this conversation about cutting spending. All of you career tools would have upped the debt ceiling just for the fun of it. So on behalf of one of the members of this "cult fringe," it'll be nice to see you actually work for your cookies.

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The Republicans are every bit as guilty as the current administration for unnecessary spending, but good 'ol Senator Harkin needs to check his math when he suggests the money "mostly was racked up by a Republican House, a Republican Senate and a Republican President in the last 8 years."


And note to Harkin, if it weren't for this "cult fringe" you refer to, we wouldn't even be having this conversation about cutting spending. All of you career tools would have upped the debt ceiling just for the fun of it. So on behalf of one of the members of this "cult fringe," it'll be nice to see you actually work for your cookies.



The sad part is there are millions of people out there that will believe this BS.


Some on this board, too. conner and pBills comes to mind.

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The sad part is there are millions of people out there that will believe this BS.


Some on this board, too. conner and pBills comes to mind.


And Dave_in_Norfolk...


Who'll just pretend to believe it, really, because he won't quite understand it...

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"It's between some Republicans and their sort of cult fringe as I refer to them out there," Harkin said."


How absolutely upside down have things got when this guy spews this crap and expects friggen sane people to buy it. Cult fringe? If your fiscally responsible you are now an extremist kook.

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