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Texas A&M


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Seems like the mindset of the Aggies has begun to change. They have realized the current Big 12-2 deal is not doing them any favors.


Winds of Change Blowing Again?


If we are to believe his "sources":


He also told me that the SEC felt they could get a new deal by expansion of two teams to get the networks to the table and that a priority was Texas A&M. In fact, my source claims that the SEC has/had Clemson ready to go and they were simply waiting to see if Texas A&M could get their ducks in a row and leave the Big 12. When I asked whether the SEC would still take A&M, he said paraphrasing "are you kidding me, the SEC is drooling over the Aggies. They bring the state of Texas to the table."


Clemson? Clemson?!!! Ugh. Just what the SEC needs, another limp wristed "Tiger".

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Seems like the mindset of the Aggies has begun to change. They have realized the current Big 12-2 deal is not doing them any favors.


Winds of Change Blowing Again?


If we are to believe his "sources":




Clemson? Clemson?!!! Ugh. Just what the SEC needs, another limp wristed "Tiger".

One step closer


While I don't think Clemson is the biggest bang for the buck, I think they offer a reasonable comparison to A&M. I'd prefer VT at this point, and they'd probably jump ship again if offered.

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Announcement coming today.




The New York Times' Pete Thamel reports Texas A&M president "R. Bowen Loftin sent a letter to the Big 12 board chairman, the Missouri chancellor Brady Deaton, notifying the league that the Aggies would formally withdraw." Thamel reports the announcement is expected to be made on Tuesday.


Watch the dominoes fall.

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Tough to blame aTm for leaving, especially in the wake of all that has happened. At least they are smart enough to realize they need to get out of the ridiculous arrangement in the new TEXAS + those other 9 teams conference.


I still don't understand what the SEC gains by taking Clemson. They've got a presence in SC, and Clemson is no prize. They're coached by Dabo frickin Sweeney. No team coached by him will ever win anything aside from a minor bowl. Clemson is a nice team who will upset the big boys once in a while, but will normally win about 8 games per year and choke down the stretch.


As for VT, word is that they aren't going anywhere without Virginia. Those 2 programs come as a package deal.

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