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Avengers Trailer Leaked!

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Here comes the (first) culmination of the IronMan movies, Thor, Hulk, and Captain America.




There are all sorts of rumors about which other characters will be getting their own movies, as well as being added to the casts of Avenger sequels. Marvel had a great plan with this, and so far have been executing it almost flawlessly. Cant wait!

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And the Dark Knight Rises trailer made its way onto the internet officially yesterday. It should be interesting to see these two movies battle it out next summer. Can't wait.

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And the Dark Knight Rises trailer made its way onto the internet officially yesterday. It should be interesting to see these two movies battle it out next summer. Can't wait.

Let's not forget that "The Amazing Spider-Man" comes out next summer as well.

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Let's not forget that "The Amazing Spider-Man" comes out next summer as well.


Im glad you brought this up... they better have something AMAZING planned for this movie considering they are recycling it so quickly. I just dont get how it's going to be that different from the 3 movies we just got...

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Im glad you brought this up... they better have something AMAZING planned for this movie considering they are recycling it so quickly. I just dont get how it's going to be that different from the 3 movies we just got...


I totally agree. If the reviews are generally positive, I may see it in the theater, but it will more likely be a rental. Avengers I can't wait to see...and Dark Knight Rises will probably be a first-day visit to the IMAX for me.

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Im glad you brought this up... they better have something AMAZING planned for this movie considering they are recycling it so quickly. I just dont get how it's going to be that different from the 3 movies we just got...

It does seem like a risky move, especially since they are rebooting the series so soon. However Sony has enough faith to give Spider-Man the 4th of July weekend release date.


Of the three movies mentioned in this topic, the one that may have the most pressure is "The Dark Knight Rises". I say that because Christopher Nolan and Co. have to top themselves over their last installment in the series. That will not be easy. Also this is the last Batman movie that Nolan and Christian Bale are contractually obligated to do.


Oh by the way, "Superman: Man of Steel" comes out next year also, albeit in winter, but those are 4 huge superhero movies waiting in the wings in 2012.

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It does seem like a risky move, especially since they are rebooting the series so soon. However Sony has enough faith to give Spider-Man the 4th of July weekend release date.


Of the three movies mentioned in this topic, the one that may have the most pressure is "The Dark Knight Rises". I say that because Christopher Nolan and Co. have to top themselves over their last installment in the series. That will not be easy. Also this is the last Batman movie that Nolan and Christian Bale are contractually obligated to do.


Oh by the way, "Superman: Man of Steel" comes out next year also, albeit in winter, but those are 4 huge superhero movies waiting in the wings in 2012.


One of the aspects of Dark Knight Rises that's in its favor, is that as great of a job as Heath Ledger did as the joker, Tom Hardy is a far superior actor. So if they write the Bane character well, I think the dynamic between Batman and Bane has the potential to match or surpass the BAtman v. Joker one. What I"m concerned about is how many ancillary characters they're planning to bring into the mix. Thankfully they're keeping Robin away from this (as far as I know...), but they have Catwoman and the daughter of Raz al guhl (however you spell it) planning to get involved in the story line, too. It seems like an ambitious story to tell, while also focusing on the Main Event, so to speak. I have my hopes up, cause C. Nolan rarely misfires, and I can't wait to see what Tom Hardy does with the character.


If anyone is not familiar with Tom Hardy, just go rent a film called "Bronson" and spend two hours in awe of this man's talent. He's probably the best actor you've never heard of

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It does seem like a risky move, especially since they are rebooting the series so soon. However Sony has enough faith to give Spider-Man the 4th of July weekend release date.


Of the three movies mentioned in this topic, the one that may have the most pressure is "The Dark Knight Rises". I say that because Christopher Nolan and Co. have to top themselves over their last installment in the series. That will not be easy. Also this is the last Batman movie that Nolan and Christian Bale are contractually obligated to do.


Oh by the way, "Superman: Man of Steel" comes out next year also, albeit in winter, but those are 4 huge superhero movies waiting in the wings in 2012.


Spot on, as usual! While I agree that most of the pressure is on The Dark Knight, I also think it already has a leg up on the competition. IMO, there are vast differences between what Marvel produces and what Nolan/DC has been doing with the Dark Knight. Both are great, just different, with Marvel's movies being much more "comic book-y".


Looking forward to all of them though! :thumbsup:



If anyone is not familiar with Tom Hardy, just go rent a film called "Bronson" and spend two hours in awe of this man's talent. He's probably the best actor you've never heard of


YES! Great movie, and I believe it's still on streaming. That's a true story too, which is the craziest part (and there is a LOT of crazy!). Might have to re-watch that this weekend...

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One of the aspects of Dark Knight Rises that's in its favor, is that as great of a job as Heath Ledger did as the joker, Tom Hardy is a far superior actor. So if they write the Bane character well, I think the dynamic between Batman and Bane has the potential to match or surpass the BAtman v. Joker one. What I"m concerned about is how many ancillary characters they're planning to bring into the mix. Thankfully they're keeping Robin away from this (as far as I know...), but they have Catwoman and the daughter of Raz al guhl (however you spell it) planning to get involved in the story line, too. It seems like an ambitious story to tell, while also focusing on the Main Event, so to speak. I have my hopes up, cause C. Nolan rarely misfires, and I can't wait to see what Tom Hardy does with the character.


If anyone is not familiar with Tom Hardy, just go rent a film called "Bronson" and spend two hours in awe of this man's talent. He's probably the best actor you've never heard of


If you're going to be concerned about too many characters, the Avengers has to jump to the top of that list by default. There's going to be a long list of star power in that one. If they can balance out all those characters, more power to them.


Nolan's already put together some good balance in the first two movies. Ra's, Scarecrow, Falcone, Batman, Gordon, Alfred, Fox in Begins and then Joker, Dent, Maroni, brief Scarecrow appearance, other mob members, Batman, Gordon, Fox in The Dark Knight. That's a pretty long list there, pretty similar in length to what you listed for the new one. I also don't think they wind up going with the rumored Talia Al Ghul character like you mentioned.

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If you're going to be concerned about too many characters, the Avengers has to jump to the top of that list by default. There's going to be a long list of star power in that one. If they can balance out all those characters, more power to them.


Nolan's already put together some good balance in the first two movies. Ra's, Scarecrow, Falcone, Batman, Gordon, Alfred, Fox in Begins and then Joker, Dent, Maroni, brief Scarecrow appearance, other mob members, Batman, Gordon, Fox in The Dark Knight. That's a pretty long list there, pretty similar in length to what you listed for the new one. I also don't think they wind up going with the rumored Talia Al Ghul character like you mentioned.


Yep, it will definitely be interesting how they structure both flicks. Who is directing the Avengers movie? (I could easily look it up but I'm on break at work and just feeling too lazy...lol) They prob won't have the pedigree of a C.NOlan, but hopefully it's someone who can pull it off well and make a great film for us to enjoy

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Yep, it will definitely be interesting how they structure both flicks. Who is directing the Avengers movie? (I could easily look it up but I'm on break at work and just feeling too lazy...lol) They prob won't have the pedigree of a C.NOlan, but hopefully it's someone who can pull it off well and make a great film for us to enjoy

Joss Whedon

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Joss Whedon


Oh, seriously?? That's great news then...I loved Firefly/Serenity and I have complete confidence that he'll do a great job with the Avengers...I'm pretty psyched for it now :thumbsup:

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Yep, it will definitely be interesting how they structure both flicks. Who is directing the Avengers movie? (I could easily look it up but I'm on break at work and just feeling too lazy...lol) They prob won't have the pedigree of a C.NOlan, but hopefully it's someone who can pull it off well and make a great film for us to enjoy


I'm a bit biased, but I have much higher hopes for TDKR. Still, I hope both movies deliver. They definitely have casts/crew that can make good things happen.

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Oh, seriously?? That's great news then...I loved Firefly/Serenity and I have complete confidence that he'll do a great job with the Avengers...I'm pretty psyched for it now :thumbsup:

As am I. I loved Buffy & Angel, and Dollhouse was quite good too. The studios need to give Joss Whedon more work.


Also this will be the first Marvel movie made under the Disney name.

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As am I. I loved Buffy & Angel, and Dollhouse was quite good too. The studios need to give Joss Whedon more work.


Also this will be the first Marvel movie made under the Disney name.


Does he have any movie work under his belt other than Serenity?


So The Dark Knight Rises is that last of the rebooted Batman series?


They're even billing it that way in the teaser. It really makes you wonder how off the script they could go because of it. I'm not so sure anyone is guaranteed to make it out alive in that one. Based on the teaser alone, things don't look too promising for one core Batman character.

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Does he have any movie work under his belt other than Serenity?



They're even billing it that way in the teaser. It really makes you wonder how off the script they could go because of it. I'm not so sure anyone is guaranteed to make it out alive in that one. Based on the teaser alone, things don't look too promising for one core Batman character.

As far as I know about Whedon, he's mostly been in charge of TV shows, prior to that his biggest credit was as a co-writer for the first Toy Story movie.


With everything that Nolan is throwing in this Batman movie it makes you wonder what exactly will we get. No question that Bane is the main baddie, so just how much screen time will Catwoman have? Also what are the importance of Marion Cotillard's & Joseph Gordon-Levitt's characters? Lots of questions, but it's going to be fun finding out.

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