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What Are Other Teams & Owners Thinking ??

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With all the talk of certain teams moving & L.A. being one of the places that is in the mix for some teams to be looking at to move. Where are these teams going to get a city that can really come up with the monies needed to build a new Billion dollar stadium ??


The state of California is Broke , they don't have money to stay a float just for everyday operations. How can they even think that any local gov't is going to be able to put up bonds enough to support the building of this stadium ? :wallbash:


I just read too that Minnesota is in the same boat , the Vikes want a new home too but does any of these teams remember there was just the threat which was almost a reality of a gov't shut down :doh: ?? But i guess it's O.K. that our troops in foreign countries & at home don't get paid but funds are allocated for a new football stadium . (Not to mention that our politicians will still get paid no matter what happens ! :devil:) Along with the fact of not having enough money to pay good teachers for our kids .


Oh yah then there's Cinci's deal , read up on how that city got SCREWED on the stadium they are having or are having built .


I know there's a bunch of Bills fans that want a new stadium along with other NFL teams & owners like Jerry "Num nuts" Jones that don't want to do the revenue sharing thing because they want to go & build a 1.3 BILLION dollar stadium (and raise ticket prices, PSL , merch , parking & all other prices connected to the team) just to stroke his ego !!


I for one applaud The Bills & it's owner for not being as ignorant about blowing money like our gov't & other teams around the league. The League & the country might do better to take down some notes on paying s**t off instead of constantly living beyond our means !!


I know there are a few of you out there that after you get done reading this , bashing me for this post will forget about it & will go to the mail box at the beginning of the month to get your welfare or unemployment check & wonder why there are no jobs , why things are the way they are & :beer: still B**ch that the Bills need a new stadium & need to spend more on free agency (go figure) But look at the over all picture while in your wonderment & be glad we have a team that is paid for & an owner like Ralph that had that type of fore sight to do so & hope that our next owner is half the visionary so he can keep the Bills at Home where they belong !!

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You had me until the last sentence. I will b!tch plenty about our owner not spending enough on free agency and good coaching because he has the money to do so and chooses not to. I don't feel fortunate just to have a team I want a winner, period. All that other stuff about the government spending was right on.

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